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Freegle: Don't throw it away - give it away!

Freegle: Don't throw it away - give it away!

The house that 20,000 toothbrushes built | Art and design Duncan Baker-Brown has seen the future of housing – and it's rubbish. "It's a depressing fact," the architect says, "that for every five houses we build in the UK, the equivalent of one house in waste materials gets put into landfill." What makes that even worse is that much of it is still perfectly usable. To prove the point, Baker-Brown and his students at the University of Brighton have just spent a year building a house almost entirely out of garbage. Curling in the midday sun, a scaly surface of rubbery black shingles covers the walls of the two-storey building in the university grounds, like the ruffled plumage of some mysterious fowl. Stepping inside, you find a series of rooms that could pass as a normal home. The same students also made the structural frame of the house, crafting columns and beams from sheets of plywood discarded from site hoardings and concrete shuttering. "All the video rental shops seemed to be closing down while we were on site," he explains.

free economy community Onion Information | Onion Varieties | Onion Prices | Onion Growing notes - Gardening techniques and advice for Vegetable Growers | signup now for our FREE e-newsletter for advice and exclusive competitions - Onion Information Onion Allium cepa Onions can be many shapes, colours and sizes. Moon Planting Type: Root Soil Type: Any Soil Aspect: Any aspect Light: Full Sun Hardiness: Winter Protection Moisture: Well-drained pH: Neutral (6.6 - 7.3) Height: Spread: Onion Growing Notes Sowing Sow seeds under glass in midwinter. Pruning & Thining Thin the onions to 5-10cm distance. Harvesting Harvest onions as and when required. Select a Variety Facebook App - Gardening Actions Let us know what you are doing in the garden at the moment by clicking one of the buttons below to update the Vegetable Garden App on Facebook Onion Varieties List 1 List 2 Onion Seed (Bulb) Sweet Spanish Yellow Round, medium-sized, yellow-brown onions that are so mild-flavoured, sweet and delicious that you can eat them raw like an apple! Onion F1 White Spear Seeds Onion Seed (Bulb) F1 Kamal

How to mend ... an inkjet printer The business model adopted by most manufacturers of inkjet printers is to virtually give away the printer and make their money on replacement ink cartridges. Unfortunately this means that it is very unlikely that a professional repair will be cost-effective, except under warranty. It also creates a strong temptation to throw away your printer and buy a new one as soon as it starts playing up, adding to the problem of e-waste. Nevertheless, there are plenty of things you can do to preserve the life of your printer, and give you years of trouble-free service. Use it or lose it Inkjet printers love to be used. You can also help prevent the print head from drying out by keeping your printer away from sources of heat, such as above your computer, near a radiator, or in direct sunlight. Some printer manufacturers use cartridges with built-in print heads, distinguishable by several dozen gold contacts on the cartridge. Keeping clean Once you start getting streaky prints, it’s time to act.

Transition Port Phillip | Calling all gardeners and growers, foodies, artists, musos, educators, jack-of-all-trades, organisers, young and young at heart and lovers! Transition Port Phillip's vision is a connected, thriving & resilient community that is better able to respond to the challenges we face, like climate change, peak oil and economic instability. If you're working towards a more prosperous and sustainable Port Phillip, get involved and connect with locals taking action, sign up as a member on this website, take part in the discussions and come along to an event or social gathering! For more info please contact the TPP guiding team: Convivial Kitchen is back! Get togethers held on the last Wednesday of the month at the EcoCentre to share seasonal recipes, preserving & cooking skills. Next session 6.30pm Wed 30 April - GNOCCHI with Astrid - hope to see you there! Community Resilience Mapping Would you like to take part in creating a new map of Port Phillip?

Liam Heneghan – On the balance of nature One day this summer my younger son Oisín and I strayed from a heavily wooded trail on the Muckross peninsula in Ireland’s Killarney National Park and entered a narrow limestone cave. The entrance was fringed with vegetation, a pelt of moss on the rock, tendrils of tree roots exposed, so that entering that cave felt like climbing into the bearded mouth of a living thing. We paused a moment in the gloam just as I had done 30 years before, when I visited for the first and only other time. For this is indeed a landscape like few others. The stability of this ancient yew woodland, capable of rebuffing storms, insect outbreaks and other moderate disturbances, embodies an original tenet of ecology going back to the late 19th century. The term ‘balance of nature’ raised the hackles of some scientists as early as the first decades of the 20th century. Perhaps it says unflattering things about me that I felt bored, impatient even, in these minutes waiting for my demise Stories persist. Comments

One-SQM-House The smallest house in the world.For those, who believe, that the world get's better if we build more, buy less.Invented 2012 by Le-Mentzel, Berlin.Watch the official spot Made by Johannes Franke:You want it? Build it! Plans are free. Change the size and make it yours. You need: • 20 meters of wooden timbers (3.4 cm x 3.4 cm) for 250 Euro (300 Dollars) • Wall Coverings (Sperrholz) • 200 Screws • 4 wheels • 1 acryl-glass window • 1 door• 1 day of your lifetime to build itTools:• Screwdriver• (Japanese) SawNo Workshop required. Watch the CNN AnnouncementPublished on 27. Watch the birth of One-Sqm-House at the Guggenheim Lab in Berlin on Canal+ (french TV)Published in April 2013: (Thank you Amy McKinney for sharing this movie)Watch the very first One-Sqm-Houses made for offices on (Russian News) Published im May 2013: Official Press Pictures by Daniela Kleint (Take it and use it, but respect the credits):High Res Download: here

How to Make The Most of Your Yard (Including Weeds!), Permaculture Style Not all the world hates weeds. Sure, there are many gardeners scuffling around in the clogs, cursing those pesky dandelions (actually a highly medicinal plant) and that crabgrass blemishing their flower beds. They offer theories as to how to prevent them, when to get rid of them and, at the weakest and worst moments, may even spray a little agent orange, aka Roundup, to kill them dead, dead, dead. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s right. Step 1: More Garden, Less Grass The first and most exciting step of making your yard work for you is getting rid of the grass and making a garden (Here are ten reasons to do it!). The ultimate goal for maximizing your yard would be to have every square foot of it that isn’t a path be a garden bed. Step 2: Weed With a Purpose I’ve come to love weeding because I know that all of the green material collected — all those weeds — will become nitrogen-rich mulch atop my beds. Step 3: Use What You’ve Got — All of It Step 4: Learn the Lay of the Land

Gregg Segal photographs people with a week’s worth of their trash in his series, “7 Days of Garbage.” Gregg Segal The United States has a trash problem. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average American produces more than 4 pounds of garbage per day. That’s more than double the amount produced in 1960, and it’s 50 percent more than the amount produced by Western Europeans. In January, photographer Gregg Segal decided to put some imagery to those numbers. Some of Segal’s subjects volunteered to be a part of the project because they believed in the idea behind it. Segal used natural materials to transform his yard into artificial environments, like a forest floor or a sandy beach or a body of water, where he photographed all his subjects. Naturally, some people had some hesitation about lying in garbage. Segal posed for a photo, too, with his wife and son. Segal’s work is included in this year’s edition of The Fence in Brooklyn.

herbalrootszine Auf Ozeanen schwimmt weniger Plastikmüll als vermutet Zuerst die gute Nachricht: Die Menge der weltweit auf den Ozeanen schwimmenden Plastikabfälle wird offenbar überschätzt. Das ist das Ergebnis aus Tausenden Wasserproben, die während der spanischen Expedition Malaspina 2010 auf Gewässern weltweit entnommen wurden. Die auf der Wasseroberfläche treibende Abfallmenge liege wohl zwischen 7000 und 35.000 Tonnen, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences". Die vergleichsweise niedrigen Zahlen überraschen. "Zahlen aus den Siebzigerjahren über die schwimmenden Plastikmengen sind hundertmal größer als unsere aktuellen Schätzungen", schreiben Andrés Cózar von der Universidad de Cádiz und seine Kollegen. Wohin gelangt die Mikroplastik? Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass die Menge von Partikeln im Millimeter- und Mikrometerbereich geringer war, als die Forscher erwartet hatten. Welcher Prozess welche Rolle beim Verschwinden der Mikropartikel hat, wissen die Forscher nicht. News verfolgen

» Book List The following is a list that I’ve compiled of books, card decks, games, posters and anything else that focuses on herbal learning and is kid friendly. I’ll add to it as I come across more! If you have any suggestions, send them to info AT herbalrootszine DOT com so I can add them! Coloring Books: Trees of the Northeast Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath Common Weeds Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath Garden Flowers Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath Herbs Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath The Cactus Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath House Plants Coloring Book by Stefen Bernath Favorite Wildflowers Coloring Book by Ilil Arbel Medicinal Plants Coloring Book by Ilil Arbel American Wild Flowers Coloring Book by Paul E. Other Kids’ Herbal Curriculum: An Herbal Summer: Exploring the World of Herbs with Young Children by Tonya Lemos Herb Fairies by Botany and Field Identification Books: Winter Weed Finder: A Guide to Dry Plants in Winter by Dorcas S.

Verpackungen: Erste Läden bieten lose Ware an Auf den ersten Blick hat der Ozean nordöstlich von Hawaii mit Halle A3 der Messe Hamburg an einem grauen Januartag nicht viel zu tun. Bei Hawaii ist es um die 25 Grad warm, das Meer liegt dunkelblau und tief in weichen Wellen. In Halle A3 laufen Männer in Anzügen von Stand zu Stand, begutachten mit Samt etikettierte Weinflaschen und Tüten mit Ventil, in denen Kartoffeln eingeschweißt sind, die man direkt in die Mikrowelle stellen kann. Es gibt Maschinen, die Plastiksäckchen in T-Shirt-Form passgenau befüllen und andere, die Pufffolie am laufenden Meter aufblasen. In Halle A3 ist Verpackungsmesse. Quasi kein Gramm Ware bewegt sich auf dieser Welt ohne Verpackung. Konsum ist fast immer mit Verpackung verbunden. Seit einigen Jahren kommt noch der Onlineversand dazu. "Nach der Schutzfunktion ist Werbung das Wichtigste" Das Gewerbe der Verpackung ist uralt. Die meisten Einkäufe passieren spontan. Mehr als 100.000 Menschen arbeiten in Deutschland am Verpacken Und es wird immer mehr.

Spendenaktion für Hochwasseropfer - Trier/Wittlich. Das Jahrhunderthochwasser geht langsam zurück. Der Pegel fällt in den meisten betroffen Gebieten täglich. Und jetzt kommt die Zerstörung zum Vorschein. Manche haben alles verloren. Sach- statt Geldspenden Christina Rothgerber aus Trier ist eine der Unterstützerinnen.
