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Pernillas klassrum

Pernillas klassrum

22 Appar för att öva engelska! Jag får ofta frågan om appar för att öva engelska. Det har varit ganska magert utbud på dessa men nu när jag grävde lite mer har det faktiskt kommit flera bra appar att testa. Här kommer 22 appar i olika svårighetsgrader. I mitt nästa inlägg kommer webbsidor där du kan öva engelska både på dator och via surfplatta, håll utkik! Bitsboard Spelling Bee Bilderna ovan är tagna från denna app. English ladders Använd din engelska för att matcha rätt svar, och klättra upp på stegar eller falla ner till ormarna. Relaterat SFI-appar öva svenska del1 Jag har fått ett spännande uppdrag att ta fram appar för en grupp SFI-elever, här kommer deras önkselista: Här kommer mina förslag: Textgrabber- ta kort på text och få den uppläst och vid behov även översatt Worldictionary- liknande som appen ovan Prizmo- Ta kort på text och få den uppläst… I "Allmänt" 20 appar för åk4-9, öva engelska En fråga som jag ofta stöter på är appar för äldre elever. Språkutvecklande appar i förskolan

Mitt Flippade Klassrum Teach by Calendar Skip to content The Swedish Curriculum stipulates “living conditions, traditions, social relations and cultural phenomena” to be part of the content of communication. One way of fulfilling this requirement is to bring various holidays and yearly celebrations into the classroom. Here are some recommended materials for most levels behind the actual date in the Calendar. General events

Sara Bruuns klassrum Sofia på Linné! | Sofias virtuella klassrum på Linne! Pernilla's English Classroom 10 poems to read during National Poetry Month In honor of National Poetry Day, TED-Ed asked writing teachers at the San Francisco Writers Grotto to recommend their favorite poems worth sharing. Below, a short poetry reading list for TED-Ed learners of all ages. Constance Hale, author of Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose, recommends: “Design” by Robert Frost For younger readers, I would go with some of the easier Robert Frost poems, which would set the stage for the more complex ones. “Design” is a great one for middle school students, allowing a good discussion of imagery and metaphor and rhyme (when it works and when it doesn’t) and structure … and the lessons of nature. Caroline Paul, author of Lost Cat: A True Story of Love, Desperation, and GPS Technology, recommends: Billy Collins, in general Poetry is about concision, beauty — and the sudden swerve that tweaks the reality we thought we knew. Ethan Watters, author of Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche, recommends:

Eng 8A, 9C You have read a chapter of the book: " The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Today we are going to read the text together and help each other writing an emotional poem. This is how you do it: 1. Work in pairs. When you read the text - what did you think of? Choose one emotion that you think describes the text best. Title (Emotion) (Line 1) (Emotion) is (color) (Line 2) What does the emotion taste like? (Line 3) What does the emotion smell like? (Line 4) What does the emotion feel like? (Line 5) What does the emotion sound like? (Line 6) What does the emotion look like? (Line 7) (Emotion) is _____________(include a metaphor) If you don't remember what a methapor is you can find help here: Metaphor 2. Save your poem and send it to me: A few years ago my pupils read The Hunger Games and then a girl wrote an emotional poem like this:

11 svenskar som skolkade för mycket från engelska-lektionerna Ibland kan det vara svårt med engelskan. 1. Personen som satte upp den här skylten skolkade nog en del 2. Den här mannen 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 Haha, brännboll låter helt sjukt om man beskriver det på dålig engelska

Skolan, datorn, eleverna och jag: Skriva på engelska Tipsar om den här sidan för olika skrivuppgifter: Klickar man på "Main Site" när man är inne på sidan kommer man till en av mina absoluta favoritsidor: Klicka på bilderna för att komma till sidorna. Jamie Oliver Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers “Unfit for Human Consumption” Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has won his long-fought battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world – McDonalds. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise finally announced that it will change its recipe, and yet there was barely a peep about this in the mainstream, corporate media. Oliver repeatedly explained to the public, over several years – in documentaries, television shows and interviews – that the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. “Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” In one of his colorful demonstrations, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made.
