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Step 8: Cools tools to embed

Step 8: Cools tools to embed
Welcome to the seventh step in our free professional learning series on class and student blogging! The aim of this step is to introduce you to a range of easy to use online tools that you can embed into posts and pages. We’ve embedded examples of each tool in this post to help you work out how the tool could be used with your students. Back to Top Why enhance posts with interactive tools If you look closely at class blogs you’ll notice many of have cool interactive tools embedded in posts and pages. There’s a gazillion online tools nowadays and most of them provide code that you can use to embed what you’ve found or created into your posts or pages. Below are popular tools used by educators by activity type to help get you started. Tools were chosen on the basis of their popularity, easy of use and being able to be embedded into posts/pages.Back to Top Audio Hosting Websites AudioBoo AudioBoo is a website, and a smartphone and tablet app, which allows users to post and share sound files. Voki Related:  Apps IIpablomur

A Great App to Create and Edit Word, PowerPoint and Excel Docs on iPad September 10, 2015 WPS Office Free is one of the best free iPad apps you can use to view, edit and create Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents. It is fully compatible with Microsoft Office, PDF and several other document formats. WPS Office also supports a number of file formats that include doc, docx, ppt, xls, xlsx, tif, rtf, pdf and zip. Some of the features WPS Office provides for users include: supports wireless printing and Bluetooth keyboards, allows you to share presentations and documents with other devices using AirPlay, AirDrop, DLNA or WIFI, open and edit documents directly from popular cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and WebDAV, export office documents and presentations to a PDF and many more. WPS Office supports 6 languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese.

12 must-have apps for supply teachers What are the essential resources for the supply teacher? Sharon Wood, founder of National Supply Teacher Week, takes a look at her absolute favourites. On supply, normal rules don’t apply. You may be left a set of plans, fully resourced, for the day. Or you may turn up with five minutes (10 minutes after you received the call to go) before the children arrive, to an empty desk, a missing laptop, and no password for the photocopier. ClassBreak Class Break features over 200 different activities and games that are outside the traditional PE class games of kickball and volleyball. Twitter Twitter is more than just a social media site. Undecided Undecided is a free app that is intended to help make decisions easier. BrainBreak BrainBreak is a great way to motivate, re-energize and refocus students at any stage of the day. Toontastic Toontastic is a free app, but upgrades can be made for a small fee. SparkleFish SparkleFish is a free app that is reminiscent of the game Mad Libs. Screen Chomp Easy PD

9 iPad Apps that Assess Student Learning | Educational technology | Learn2Earn By Katie Chirhart As an iPad Lab teacher, I work closely with the classroom teachers to deepen and assess their students’ understanding of the material taught in the classroom—oftentimes, teachers ask that I spend additional time in the lab covering material that they’ve already taught. The apps listed below are some of my favorite apps to use in these instances. Technology allows students opportunities to demonstrate and engage in learning in ways that go beyond using paper and pencil. A tedious review session, suddenly becomes a something to look forward to. Use these apps to take your classroom learning environment and assessment to the next level. Formative (Real-Time Assessment) EdPUZZLE If you’ve ever wanted your students watch a YouTube video, with questions and comments spread throughout the video, this app is for you. Socrative Use this iPad app to online quizzes that can be completed on individual devices (computers, old smartphones and tablets). PickMe Buzzer Plickers Kahoot! AutoRap

Edueto: excellente plateforme pour créer vos exercices interactifs et collecter les résultats Les plateformes se suivent et heureusement toutes ne se ressemblent pas. Edueto permet de créer des exercices interactifs variés, incluant des médias, d’inscrire des élèves sans mail et ‘affecter les exercices à des groupes choisis puis de visualiser les résultats. A l’accueil rien de bien extraordinaire, un menu vous propose d’accéder à différentes sections. Dans my library, vous retrouverez tous ls exercices que vous avez créé. Dans results se trouvent les résultats des différents exercices et enfin dans my students, vous pouvez créer vos groupes et vérifier les codes à fournir aux élèves pour qu’ils puissent s’inscrire. Passons aux choses qui nous intéressent le plus, les exercices eux-mêmes. Les exercices se paramètrent très simplement et les utilisateurs de différentes solutions ne se sentiront pas perdus. Point intéressant toutefois, tous les exercices peuvent être associés à un média, photo ou vidéo avec upload de vos propres photographies ou lien youtube pour les vidéos.

10 Educational Web Tools That Support Inquiry-based Learning September , 2015 As a learning strategy, inquiry-based learning is all about learners constructing their own understanding and knowledge through asking questions. Unlike traditional learning methods that focus primarily on drills, memorization and rote learning, inquiry-based learning is essentially student-centered. It starts with posing questions and directly involves students in challenging hands-on activities that drive students to ask more questions and explore different learning paths. In today’s post, we have assembled a collection of some useful web tools and apps that support the ethos of inquiry-based learning. 1- VideoNotes VideoNotes is a free web tool that allows students to take notes on a video they are watching. Edpuzzle allows you to use only what you need from any video, insert audio notes or record over a video with your voice, and add questions at any point in the video .3- PixiClip This is by far the most popular of them all. 7- YouTube Video Editor 9- Prezi

11 trucos de Google Drive que quizá no conocías #1 Busca en Gmail y Google Drive al mismo tiempo Si tienes Google Drive, es muy probable que tengas también Gmail. Con está función, podrás buscar documentos de Google Drive mientras usas el buscador de Gmail. Para ello, tendrás que hacer click en el botón con forma de herramienta que encontrarás arriba a la derecha. Se encuentra justo debajo de tu foto de usuario de Google Plus. Haz click en "Labs" y habilita la opción de "Búsqueda en Google Apps". ¡Y listo! #2 Buscar documentos compartidos por una persona A veces buscar documentos en Google Drive puede ser más difícil de lo que parece. En ocasiones, nos acordamos del nombre de la persona que compartió el archivo con nosotros, pero no del nombre del documento. Esto puede ser un problema más frecuente de lo que parece si trabajamos con varias personas en un mismo documento. ¿Cómo solucionarlo? ¡Así de simple! #3 Usa Google Drive como si fuese Dropbox #4 Guarda un archivo en Google Drive mientras navegas por Internet #5 Crea formularios

3 Powerful iPad Apps for Creating Diagrams and Flowcharts September 6, 2015 Looking for some good iPad apps to visualize data on your iPad, the apps below have you covered. These are some handy applications you can use to create visually appealing diagrams and flowcharts and to communicate your ideas in a visually explicit way. For those of you interested in creating diagrams in Google Drive, check out these tools. 1- Venn Diagram ‘This app allows users to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles. 2- Lucidchart ‘Create, edit, and share beautiful diagrams, flowcharts, process maps, and more! 3- Grafio ‘Allow Grafio to become an extension of your fingertip.

Herramientas gratuitas para crear e-books y libros interactivos Los e-books o libros digitales han ganado gran relevancia hoy en día, incluso hay quienes se atreven a asegurar que tarde o temprano terminaran reemplazando a los tradicionales libros físicos que encontramos en las bibliotecas tradicionales, entonces debemos buscar la manera de ponernos al día y aprender como elaborar este tipo de archivos. El Internet es el principal responsable de la gran popularidad que tienen los e-books actualmente, en la red podemos encontrar una gran cantidad de sitios para descargar libros gratis y empresas como Amazon han logrado convertir es mercado en un negocio bastante rentable que cada vez genera mas ingresos gracias las ventajas del comercio electrónico. iBooks Author: Esta aplicación es exclusiva para sistemas Mac OS X y nos permite elaborar e-books para posteriormente disfrutar en el iPad. Fuente: UnaDocenaDe

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: A Simple Tool to Create Stunning Video Animations for Your Class September 19, 2015 Biteable is a web-based tool that allows you to create beautiful explainer videos to share with your students. Explainer videos are short animated clips that make use of a wide variety of visuals and multimedia materials to communicate a message in a concise and comprehensible way. You probably have already seen some examples of Explainer videos on ads played on YouTube, several companies use this kind of videos to advertise their products. However, as a teacher, you can create explainer videos to explain key concepts, create instructional guides and tutorials to share with students and many more. You don’t need advanced video editing skills to use Biteable. Watch the video below to see Biteable in action Another great feature of Biteable is the Infographic Video Maker which allows you to make animated infographic using Biteable video maker software. Biteable is free to use.

State official uses Facebook to expose secret photo-hiding app The good news: Kanye West will "not" be our first millennial president (he's just a young, confused Gen X'er). The bad news: As millennials do rise to power, all your juicy tech secrets will be revealed. That's what happened when 34-year-old Alabama district attorney Pamela Casey took to Facebook earlier this week to tell parents about an ingenious iOS app that allows kids to hide damning photos from their parents in plain sight. The app is called Private Photo (Calculator%) and it's just one of several apps in the App Store that act like a calculator app, but in reality are clever photo vaults that will easily fool any parent snooping around on their child's smartphone. On the iPhone's home screen, the app looks just like a normal calculator app. But if you know the right sequence of digits, you can unlock a hidden feature that gives you access to a photo album. To be sure, this app isn't an amazing discovery by any stretch.

Campanion app surging in popularity Tens of thousands of people around the world are now using a free personal-safety mobile app that allows friends to virtually walk you home at night. The Companion app, created by five students from the University of Michigan, enables users to request a friend or family member to keep them company virtually and track their journey home via GPS on an online map. Although they can do so, the friend or family member does not need to have the Companion app installed, which is available for both Android and iOS. The user can send out several requests to different phone contacts in case people are not available to be a companion or not with their phones at the time. Those contacted then receive an SMS text message with a hyperlink in it that sends them to a web page with an interactive map showing the user walking to their destination. If the user is fine, they press a button on the app to confirm within 15 seconds. Contacting university campus police Working out where people feel most unsafe

6 Storytelling Apps That Get English Language Learners Talking For English language learners (ELLs) in the classroom, speaking English in front of others — particularly native speakers — can cause tremendous anxiety. In fact, the dread of speaking can actually interfere with students’ ability to learn. Even with the most well-planned, immersive, real-world learning opportunities, the brains of students with high anxiety won’t be receptive to learning, according to Stephen Krashen’s “Affective Filter Hypothesis” (and the brain research that supports it). So how can we design speaking activities that don’t make our students’ hearts race and palms sweat? Digital storytelling can be an effective way for ELLs to practice speaking English without the stress of being “on stage.” Here are a few digital storytelling tools to help get your ELLs talking. Kid in Story Book Maker(Elementary)Kids use green screen-like technology to put photos of themselves (or others) into a story template, then add text and voice recording.

8 Useful Apps for Visually Impaired Students August 30, 2015 We received a few requests in the past from teachers inquiring about apps for the visually impaired. Below are some of the popular apps we would recommend for teachers. We have also included a list of some useful resources where you can access a wide variety of other apps to use with the blind and the visually impaired. Check them out at the end of this post. 1- ViA- By Braille Institute ‘Braille Institute is proud to introduce ViA (Visually Impaired Apps), a fully accessible app for iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. 2- Be My Eyes- Helping Blind See ‘Be the eyes for a blind person in need of help remotely through a live video connection if you are sighted or be assisted by the network of sighted users if you are blind. 3- TapTapSee - Blind & Visually Impaired Camera 4- Talking Calculator ‘A comprehensively featured calculator that has become a favorite among adults and primary schools around the world. 5- SayText ‘SayText reads out loud the text in the image. 6- AccessNote
