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Arty Farty

Arty Farty

5 things hip hop teaches us about UX Design Homies. Rags to riches. Samples. Disses. The link between hip hop and UX design doesn’t come up often, but it should. Here’s five things hip hop artists tell us about UX Design: Translation: Starting with low-fidelity designs leads to high quality products. Mr. Using the metaphor of waking up in an automobile of immense monetary value, Mr. Translation: Don’t design for the problems you don’t need to. Throughout ‘99 Problems’, Jay Z speaks to feature creep and coherence in design - an issue that every designer struggles with at some point in their career. Jay reminds his fellow designers that we must remove extraneous issues during all of our design iterations. Translation: Utilising and repurposing established paradigms expedites and strengthen your design process. Philosopher and all-around humble human being Kanye West has a penchant for a conceptual approach to the arts (and life itself). Good artists copy; great artists steal. Entrenched in many wars of lyrical attrition, Mr. Mr.

A l’aide d’une simple bougie et d’une feuille de papier, Steven réalise des oeuvres à couper le souffle Steven est un artiste québécois qui réalise ses oeuvres d’une façon très particulière… C’est à l’aide d’une bougie, d’une feuille de papier A4 et des volutes de fumée noire qu’il peint d’élégants dessins. DGS partage avec vous ses incroyables réalisations ! Steven Spazuk est un artiste pas comme les autres qui réalise ses oeuvres à l’aide d’une bougie. Les dessins de Steven sont remarquablement jolis ! urban cage portable bluetooth speaker charges your smartphone + tablet aug 06, 2014 urban cage portable bluetooth speaker charges your smartphone + tablet urban cage: a mobile portable speaker that charges your smartphone and tabletall images courtesy chang chieh as modern life distances itself from the natural environment and gradually merges closer with technology, electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets find ways to accompany us for up-to 24 hours – like a form of an intimate partner or a family pet. as a response to this social phenomenon, taiwanese industrial designer yi-ting chen created a series of smartphone and tablet docks that take form as a minimal bird cage. built using steel and a selection of hardwood, ‘ urban cage’ also serves as portable speaker that according to chen, ‘mimics the elegant movements and the sound of birds, a symbol that highlights the status of fine cage breeders.’ the delicate docks also feature bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to connect to the speaker system when not in use. an ‘urban cage’ for tablets

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Alarm Clock Wakes You Up By Brewing You Coffee | The Mary Sue You know how that old coffee jingle goes: “the best part of waking up is when your alarm clock puts Folgers in your cup.” Wait, that’s not how it goes? Someone should probably tell the guy who invented an alarm clock that actually does just that, then. Called “The Barisieur,” this nifty contraption was created by industrial designer Josh Renouf and first unveiled to the world at New Designers 2014. But how does it wake you up, you ask? (via psfk, images via Josh Renouf) Previously in Alarm Clock Madness My 90's TV! <map name="admap72275" id="admap72275"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,300,250" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:300px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:300px;height:250px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap72275" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" target="_blank">Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad here, right now: $0.30</a></center></td></tr></table> Loading 64%

Marc Newson's Nautilus pen for Hermès features a retractable nib Australian designer Marc Newson has created a fountain pen with a retractable nib for French fashion house Hermès. Marc Newson collaborated with Hermès artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas to design the brand's first pen, which twists to reveal the nib. "Designing this pen was no simpler or more complicated that conceiving the inside of an aeroplane," said Newson. "The main constraint was having to fit a complex rotating mechanism into a very small space." Made from aluminium and stainless steel, the pen is opened and closed by turning the body. "There's nothing technological about its appearance," said Newson. The Nautilus pen is named after Captain Nemo's submarine from the 1870 novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by French writer Jules Verne, admired by both Newson and Dumas. The name also references a marine animal that hides within a smooth shell, which Newson compares to the design of the pen: Nautilus is also available as a ballpoint version, with an ebony, red or blue body.

Paul-César Helleu (1859-1927), impressionniste mondain | Peintres méconnus du XIXème siècle : une autre histoire de l'art Paul-César HELLEU, sous la direction de Frédérique de WatrigantSomogy, éditions d’art, oct. 2014 « Homme d’un seul dieu / l’Art / d’un seul maître / le goût / d’une seule femme / la sienne », ainsi se terminait l’hommage rendu par Robert de Montesquiou (1855-1921) à son ami, le peintre Paul-César Helleu (1859-1927) dans l’ouvrage qu’il lui consacra en 1913. Un siècle plus tard, le beau livre publié aux éditions Somogy sous la direction de Frédérique de Watrigant, présidente des Amis de Paul-César Helleu, nous fait redécouvrir l’oeuvre de cet artiste complet et nous donne par là-même un avant-goût du catalogue raisonné en cours de réalisation. Consuelo Vanderbilt, duchesse de Marlborough, pointe sèche, 1901 Dans l’intimité, Helleu se révèle également un excellent portraitiste. Mlle Alice Louis-Guérin, 1885, pastel, Musée Bonnat-Helleu (détail) L’aspect le plus étonnant – car méconnu – de son oeuvre est certainement sa peinture de plein air.
