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Apple Science Experiment

Apple Science Experiment
Fall is here and apples are everywhere! We have been having fun with apple books and crafts and decided to do a little apple experimenting too. The kids love acid and base reactions, but this time instead of combining them we observed to see what effects they would have on apples. We began by choosing which acids and bases we were going to use. After some Googling we found out that Milk of Magnesia is a base too! The kids made predictions about what would happen to the apples and wrote them in their notebooks. They next morning we checked on them and saw some changes! We had hypothesized that the ones in the apples would stay fresh the longest and now realized our prediction was not going to come true. The next day all of the apples were even more brown except the ones in lemon juice! This was an easy experiment to set up with the kids! More Apple Fun from the After School Link Up: Fall Colour Apple Stamping from Happy Hooligans Apple Tree Learning Games from B-Inspired Mama

Experimentskafferiet Impressions de pommes, bricolage pour enfants. La pomme est un sujet idéal à aborder avec les enfants au moment de la rentrée. Le thème de la pomme est riche en activités diverses : Matériel PommesPlateaux en styromousse (mousse de polystyrène)CouteauPeinture, couleurs au choixPapier construction de couleur ou blancTissu (facultatif)Carton (facultatif) Instructions Prenez une pomme et coupez-la dans le sens de la longueur.Note : Cette façon de couper la pomme permet d'observer le reste de la fleur qui est à l'origine de la pomme, les pépins, la chair, la peau et la queue. Impressions sur tissu Au lieu de faire les impressions de pommes sur du papier construction, vous pouvez expérimenter et faire des impressions sur un morceau de tissu. Suggestions pédagogiques et vocabulaire Promenade dans un vergerActivités d'arts visuels (peinture, collage, etc.)Acquisition de vocabulaireAcquisition de notions scientifiques (parties de la pomme)Activités culinaires (compote de pommes, pomme trempée dans du caramel, extraction de jus) Vocabulaire :

Investigating Gummy Bears Guest blog post by Amy Alvis I was looking on Pinterest for a lab to use with my students to teach them the scientific method. The students will have science fair project to do at the end of the year and I wanted to take them step by step through the process so that they will know exactly what to do for their projects. I found a gummy bear science lab by Sue at Science for Kids: Adventures of an Elementary School Science Teacher. It is an awesome lab, but I wanted my students to have a more complex scientific method model to work with. Click the image below to download the lab worksheets I created for this activity. I gave my students the question we were going to test: What solution will make the gummy bear increase its mass and length the most? We then discussed what materials we would need to conduct the lab (we added things as we did the lab and saw that additional things were needed). We filled in the procedure as we did the lab.

Healthy Snacks for Kids: Energy Balls | The NY Melrose Family - Part 2 For easy and portable healthy snacks for kids that they will love to munch on, and you can easily pack for when you are on the go, grab a few ingredients and roll up a quick batch of Cinnamon Caramel Apple Energy Balls. I’m always behind on the trends. My sister is the stylish one, and I’m the jeans and t-shirt girl. It’s a good thing I have two little boys. If I had girls, well, I’d be in trouble. Home decor – forget it. You would think that the one place I would be totally ahead of, or at least on top of the trends is in the food world. Except now all of a sudden bars are so last year. However, while my boys do like munching on all of these snacks at home, when I am going to parks and other places where there are lots of other kids around, I try to consider that there could be other little ones with nut allergies. These Cinnamon Caramel Apple Energy Balls are a perfect snack for packing in your bag when you are heading out for a day of fun. Healthy Snacks for Kids: Energy Balls Enjoy!

20 great outdoor science experiments When I asked parents what puts them off doing science experiments at home one of the reasons was the mess, which after many a gloop covered kitchen floor I can definitely empathise with. So today, I’m sharing fun outdoor science experiments, making it much easier to clean up afterwards. This one is messy wherever you do it, but we loved making these splatter patterns so much I had to include them. If you don’t want to use paint, you could just use water. You’ll need LOTS of space for this super fast bottle rocket. Can you grow some flowers or vegetables? How about making a pinwheel and watch it move in the wind. If you’ve got snow, you could make a snow volcano or even use sand in summer. Or if you’re on the beach how about trying to make the perfect sandcastle? Learn about the weather with these weather investigations, including a pinecone weather station, making a mini hurricane and a rain gauge. When the weather finally warms up, how about trying some science in your paddling pool.

Apple themed activities for kids Apple season is right around the corner! Can’t wait for fall and the cool crisp air. Here are some apple crafts and art activities for you to get started. We have roughly categorized them based on skill level. 1. Apple Prints Basket from Moments of Mommyhood 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Some more apple crafts and other activities from Blog Me Mom 47. 48. 49. 50. Feel free to pin this image Stop by our Pinterest board for more kids art inspiration Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas. We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas. <a href="
