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Foundation for Emails (Formerly Ink) - A Responsive Email Framework from ZURB We know building HTML emails is hard, especially responsive emails. That's why we created Foundation for Emails. Get away from complex table markup and inconsistent results. Use Foundation for Emails to spend less time coding emails, and more time on other things, like building amazing products. Email marketing is good for your business. Common UI Patterns to Build Faster You can use these UI patterns in your designs to quickly get your email into shape. Emails that work in all of the major clients, even Outlook There’s no need to worry about inconsistent spacing and odd rendering issues with your layouts. View our compatibility chart → The ZURB Email Stack will make you an email pro Upgrade your email workflow to save time be more efficient. Learn more about the ZURB Email Stack → Inlining CSS is was a pain It used to be that every time you had to make a change to your email, you had to copy the contents, open the inliner in your browser, paste it in and inline. Check out our web inliner →

Sublime Text Plugins — Web Fundamentals The minute you start developing a site, the first tool you’ll use is a text editor, whether it’s as simple as notepad or a full blown IDE. In this episode Addy & Matt look at their collection of plugins for Sublime Text and discuss how each one helps with their workflow. Package Control To get the packages (or plugins) referenced in the episode, you need to install Package Control, it’s nice and simple to install and you can find instructions on how to do so here. JSHint JSHint is a JavaScript linter which examines your JavaScript and highlights any possible errors or bad practices in your code. For exmample, if you accidentally typed a variable name wrong, like below, then JSHint will point out that fo was never defined and is going to cause an error. The JSHint plugin points out issues the by displaying a yellow box around the relevant text and placing your cursor in that bit of code will result in an error message being shown in the bottom left of Sublime. Other issues it’ll catch are: More…
