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teflsketch | Picture stories for TEFL Icon Archive - Search 288,618 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons Banque d'images en univers social Bienvenue à la banque d’images en univers social du Service national du RÉCIT de l’univers social! Vous êtes entièrement libre de consulter, d'enrichir ou encore mieux, d'utiliser, selon la licence indiquée, les images que vous trouverez dans la banque. Vous pouvez chercher des images en parcourant les différents albums ou en naviguant parmi les mots clés représentant les sociétés du primaire ou les réalités sociales et géographiques du secondaire telles que spécifiées par le MELS. Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? Consulter l’album D’autres banques d’images sur le web.

Liste de sites d'images libres Public domain image resources is a copy of the master Wikipedia page at Meta, which lists a number of sources of public domain images on the Web. Public Domain images should be marked with the Public Domain Mark 1.0. Public Domain Mark enables works that are no longer restricted by copyright to be marked as such in a standard and simple way, making them easily discoverable and available to others. Please read the policy on image use and etiquette at: Wikipedia:Image use policy. See also: General Collections[edit] Public Domain resources should have either the Public Domain Mark 1.0 or the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication mark visible. – 13,990,108 Free Public Domain/CC0 Images from multiple sources. US Government resources[edit] If any page or image seems missing, replace in its URI with Subject-based Collections[edit] Ordered by subject, alphabetically: Art[edit] Music[edit]

Digital literacies 5: Remix in the classroom “Remix? What’s that got to do with English language teachers? Our job to teach language, not mess around with digital stuff…” Giving regular workshops about digital literacies, this is a reaction that I often get when we talk about remix literacy, arguably one of the more complex of the literacies. But let’s back up here. What is remix literacy? Cast your mind back to 1977 (if you’re old enough). This is remix. Understanding remix often means understanding the cultural norms or themes that are being teased out, played with or subverted. Remix in the classroom An example of an image meme that became fairly well-known and has had a considerable shelf life is ‘Keep calm and carry on’, usually accompanied by the image of the crown of the Queen of England (for the background to this meme see here). Keep calm and evade the policeKeep calm and call BatmanKeep calm and fake a British accentKeep calm and …arrghhhh Remix: an image meme lesson Nicky Hockly The Consultants-E May 2013 | Free High Resolution Desktop Wallpapers for Widescreen, HD, Mobile | Page 1

Classer par ordre alphabétiques: différents pictos by emiliedeshaies Oct 25
