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An introduction to Model Driven Architecture In recent months many organizations have begun to focus attention on Model Driven Architecture (MDA) 1 as an approach to application design and implementation. This is a very positive development for several reasons. MDA encourages efficient use of system models in the software development process, and it supports reuse of best practices when creating families of systems. As defined by the Object Management Group (OMG), MDA is a way to organize and manage enterprise architectures supported by automated tools and services for both defining the models and facilitating transformations between different model types. This article is Part I of a three-part series that will cover: how modeling is used in industry today and the relevance of MDA to today's systems (Part I); a classification of MDA tooling support (Part II); and examples of MDA's use in the context of IBM's model-driven development technology (Part III). Effective enterprise software development Back to top Models, modeling, and MDA
