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HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
23inShare This cheat sheet summarizes the complete HTML5 Canvas API for the 2D context, based on to the W3C HTML5 Canvas Spec. It also provides techniques for handling common proceedures. HTML5 Canvas Element Html5 canvas element<canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="300"> Html5 canvas element with fallback content<canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="300"> your browser doesn't support canvas! | Collecting all the cheat sheets Ruby QuickRef Table of Contents Language General Tips These are tips I’ve given over and over and over and over… Use 2 space indent, no tabs. See for more. General Syntax Rules Comments start with a pound/sharp (#) character and go to EOL. Reserved Words alias and BEGIN begin break case class def defined? Types Basic types are numbers, strings, ranges, regexen, symbols, arrays, and hashes. Numbers 1231_234123.451.2e-30xffff 0b01011 0377 ? Strings In all of the %() cases below, you may use any matching characters or any single character for delimiters. %[], %!! 'no interpolation'"#{interpolation}, and backslashes\n"%q(no interpolation)%Q(interpolation and backslashes)%(interpolation and backslashes)`echo command interpretation with interpolation and backslashes`%x(echo command interpretation with interpolation and backslashes) Backslashes: Here Docs: Encodings: Waaaay too much to cover here. Symbols Internalized String. Ranges 1..101...10'a'..' Regexen "r"

Ruby Loops - while, for, until, break, redo and retry Loops in Ruby are used to execute the same block of code a specified number of times. This chapter details all the loop statements supported by Ruby. Ruby while Statement: Syntax: while conditional [do] code end Executes code while conditional is true. Example: #! This will produce the following result: Inside the loop i = 0Inside the loop i = 1Inside the loop i = 2Inside the loop i = 3Inside the loop i = 4 Ruby while modifier: code while condition OR begin code end while conditional Executes code while conditional is true. If a while modifier follows a begin statement with no rescue or ensure clauses, code is executed once before conditional is evaluated. #! Ruby until Statement: until conditional [do] code end Executes code while conditional is false. #! Inside the loop i = 0Inside the loop i = 1Inside the loop i = 2Inside the loop i = 3Inside the loop i = 4Inside the loop i = 5 Ruby until modifier: code until conditional OR begin code end until conditional Executes code while conditional is false. #! #!

Ruby Tutorial : Arrays Ref. WGR Chapter 9, Section 9.2, Collection handling with arrays Array sized dynamicallycan contain mixed typeszero-indexedcan be defined literally (inline) e.g. @@@ ruby fruits = ["apple", "banana"] @@@ ruby a = [1, 2, 3] a.push "four" #=> [1, 2, 3, "four"] a.pop #=> "four" a #=> [1, 2, 3] a[0] #=> 1 Adding to an array @@@ ruby a = [] a << "x" #=> ["x"] << is the "shovel" operator More ways to add to an array @@@ ruby a = ["x"] a.push "y" #=> ["x", "y"] a + "z" #=> can't convert String into Array a + ["z"] #=> ["x", "y", "z"] (but a is unchanged) a += ["z"] #=> ["x", "y", "z"] a.concat ["w"] #=> ["x", "y", "z", "w"] concat and + make a copypush and += are destructive Q: Why doesn't push end in a bang? size isn't everything size and length are synonymsboth give you the number of items in the array Accessing array items Arrays are zero-indexed @@@ ruby fruit = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] fruit[0] #=> "apple" fruit[2] #=> "cherry" fruit[3] #=> nil Zero Is Better Than One Fun with Array Indexes
