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Smashing Picture Derek Gores State of the Nation What it feels like to be an Atheist I've always been an atheist, I know nothing else. From my earliest memory of considering the question, I'm talking maybe age three or four, I was skeptical as hell. The God stories just didn't add up. I'm amazed everyday of my life that everyone isn't an atheist like me. But they're not, I have no idea why that is, but it is reality. Imagine that you live in a world where 90% of the people around you sincerely believe in something that appears to you to be downright whacky, if perhaps relatively pleasant on the surface in many respects. But in this fantasy world, they're not content merely to believe in Santa Claus, they want you to publicly agree all the time that you also believe in Santa, in their specific version of same, and they pressure everyone else in numerous ways to pretend that they're not strange or childish for believing in this. They're Not Pretending. Egads! "Where do you think Christmas came from? Pretty ridiculous, huh?

Still life: Bent objects & Article &, Digital Journalism UPDATE: The Return of Bent Objects Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. Little polish girl McDonalds as Sculpture Materials Yeah, this is where those come from Dancing Queens English breakfast Sylvia Muffin put her head in the oven. The introvert Bananas in bed – let’s slip into bed together You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto. Fruit with life experience Zombies are nuts about brains Modest pear Literary interpretations Paper training our little dog, Frank A little cat doodle Photo Credits: Terry Border at Bent Objects View more In Pictures sets on

Actors in Character - Now That is Acting! Feb 21, 2011 / Category : Movies / 18 Comments There's no denying the fact that most of us have pretended to be actors. Photographer Howard Schatz, from Vanity Fair, took this idea one step further, place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Left: You're a priest in a hardscrabble factory-town parish, listening to your brother's son confess that he has killed a man. Left: You're a father teaching his daughter to ride a bike, watching as she takes a header on her first solo try. Left: You're a factory foreman with $200 riding on the game, watching your team's placekicker muff a 23-yarder with 0:01 remaining. Left: You're the office toady, having a dutiful laugh over your boss's latest racist jokeand all too aware that everyone else at work hates you. Left: You're the new longboarder on the secret beach with the famous break, preparing for the onslaught from the territorial locals.

Becky IFX, Warren Louw (2D) Title: Becky IFX Name: Warren Louw Country: South Africa Software: Photoshop Becky - The cover girl of ImagineFX, issue 49 November 2009. So my very first appearance in an IFX mag makes the front cover, including a full on posing workshop inside the issue. This was definitely the most exciting artwork I've ever worked on in my entire art career to date. They ended up choosing her with red hair for the cover, which I also totally love, but thought id share her with you as I originally had her from start to finish. Anyway, I seriously recommend this issue to those who are wanting to learn more about how to approach posing. Lastly, this is for those of you who want to see how this ImagineFX cover turned out - And to get ahold of this issue, go here: Hope you all enjoy! • Lineart and colours created in Photoshop CS3 by Wacom Intuos 3

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi The phrase is often translated as "Gods may do what cattle may not". It indicates the existence of a double standard (justifiable or otherwise), and essentially means "what is permitted to one person or group, is not permitted to everyone. thefunken The Browser You Loved to Hate I’m going to make a mess trying this. The Whiskey Water Trick. Jumping in and immediately starting to build the product, even if it does get completed and ship, is almost guaranteed to produce a mediocre product in which there is little innovation or market differentiation. When you have only one kick at the can, the behaviour of the entire team and process is as predictable as it will be pedestrian. The fact that all of this is real is nuts. Push Pin David Ogilvy. One of my favorite things about designing software is that you can fuck something up real bad, but you’re always just a couple undos, redos, or tweaks away from a better solution. "The Gentlemen’s Rant: Starbucks" - No further explanation needed.

Animals Lip-Painting Creative Design | SHRE Design - Creative, Art, Photos, Another set of creative design on our website. This time it’s a painting on the lips. It is about very cute animals, so on that beautiful lips you can see a fox, a cat, a bee, panda or many other cute animals. CGPortfolio - Bao Pham This is one of the portrait commissions I’ve been doing. The design was so beautiful and I had a great time with the blue skin and the armor. This is another one called Adelina I’m currently accepting more commissions if anyone is interested. Feel free to email me at > Lost in Translation - Cross-language computer translation using Babel Fish "Language is the source of misunderstandings." — Antoine de Saunt-Exupéry in The Little Prince Important: Systran, which for years provided our translation functionality, shut down their service in May. We're now using Google Translate. Unfortunately, the Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Google's API will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011. What happens when an English phrase is translated by computer back and forth among a few different languages? Try it for yourself!

Hands-On With The Iomega Superhero iPhone Back-up And Charger I’m a big fan of backing up. Do it all the time. That’s why I’m intrigued by this Iomega Superhero iPhone Back-up solution. It’s basically a charger with an SD card built in. To use it, you have to download a free iPhone app, plug in the included 4GB memory card, and drop in your phone. Once you’ve installed the app, the entire process is automatic. It works with all of the iPhones and the iPod Touch. Regardless, it makes for a great way to backup your iPhone when you plug it in for the night and, I presume, that an IT person would like this for his or her charges, thus ensuring that if the iPod is never tethered it will at least be backed-up in some capacity. Product Page
