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Free Music Theory Worksheets! Material on this page is free.NEW! you can now consult an index of terms used in these worksheets.Also explore a page of worksheet extras: Worksheet Answers, Test Templates and Flash Presentations. Here are some testimonials from music teachers about these workbook chapters: I have been using your fantastic music theory sheets and PDF downloads to teach high school piano theory to 28 students per class, all of whom are at different levels of study and accomplishment. I am excited about the way my students have received this material. Joyce T. Hi, I am a High School teacher in California and I found your Theory Website. Material on this page is free.NEW! Here are some testimonials from music teachers about these workbook chapters: I have been using your fantastic music theory sheets and PDF downloads to teach high school piano theory to 28 students per class, all of whom are at different levels of study and accomplishment. Joyce T.

The Tonal Centre - Tonality NSPE Price Table NSPE/MGI Course Price List Crse No. Course Name Member Non-Member E60-64 P.E. Readiness $440.00 $472.00 * All prices include S&H of $12 for UPS Ground; Add $30 for UPS 2-day or $60 UPS overnight. Shipping & Payment Information: Unless otherwise indicated all course prices include shipping & handling. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada: add $30 U.S. Prepayment is required for all international orders. Your 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: We offer you a very simple guarantee - send us your order with your payment or credit card charge information. Music theory Music theory considers the practices and possibilities of music. It is generally derived from observation of how musicians and composers actually make music, but includes hypothetical speculation. Most commonly, the term describes the academic study and analysis of fundamental elements of music such as pitch, rhythm, harmony, and form, but also refers to descriptions, concepts, or beliefs related to music. Music theory is a subfield of musicology, which is itself a subfield within the overarching field of the arts and humanities. The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory may be found in oral and practical music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. History of music theory[edit] Egyptian musicians playing lutes in an ensemble. The beginnings of music theory can be observed in extremely ancient instruments, artifacts, and later, depictions of performance in artworks. Set of bells from China. 5th Century BCE. Fundamentals of music[edit] Pitch[edit] teach and learn music theory from anywhere Concorde Sun-Xtender AGM Batteries Made in USA These are the AGM (absorbed glass mat) Sun Xtender solar batteries that we normally keep in stock (others available on special order). The Sun Xtender carries a one year full replacement warranty (from date of installation). There is a common misconception that AGM batteries are not Lead-Acid batteries. Sun Xtender vs LifeLine batteries: Both are made by Concorde and are very similar in basic construction and technology. Note: The PVX line all come with the "T" type, or flat bolt-on terminals unless noted. These are NOT gelled cells, do NOT mix them with gelled, as gel cells take a slightly lower charging voltage. Below are listed the SunExtender deep cycle batteries that we stock. - Learn Guitar Chords, Scales, Guitar Tuner Top 10 Free Music Theory Websites | Learn How to Read Music at the One Minute Music Lesson with Leon Harrell Hi One Minute Music Lesson Fans, Here is a list of 10 of the best sites online for free music theory lessons and materials. My two personal favorites are, a site for teaching music theory from the most basic concepts by using short video lessons and which has interactive flash-based music theory tools. Most of the sites in the list contain information about music theory and worksheets or interactive tools for learning concepts of music theory. Also, before you go, if you are looking for more detailed music theory courses and information than these sites provide, check out my post on the Top 10 Music Theory Books. If you have any favorite free music theory sites you like that you don’t see in this list, let me know about them in the comments below. Finally, if you have struggled to learn music theory concepts in the past simply email me any questions you have and I will happy to help you find the answers you have been searching for. Until next time,
