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Official website for the City of Toronto

Official website for the City of Toronto

Rooney Productions - Home page French | Home Une ville superbe, animée et vivante, au charme cosmopolite dans un environnement naturel L'une des plus grandes régions cosmopolites de la côte ouest du Pacifique et la troisième plus grande ville au Canada, Vancouver est facile d'accès, mais combien difficile à quitter ! Entourée de l'océan et de montagnes spectaculaires, avec son ambiance urbaine prospère, sa vie dynamique et multiculturelle, Vancouver est sans contredit la destination par excellence. Ville-hôte des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d'hiver Vancouver 2010 Venez y passer quelque temps et profitez de votre séjour pour explorer et découvrir les lieux. Peu importe la période de l'année, Vancouver est l'une des meilleures villes au monde à visiter !

Niagara Falls Tourism Official Website Niagara Falls Ontario Canada How Seven US Cities Designed Surprisingly Great Websites The US government has been shut down for over a week, as have plenty of federally funded websites, which makes me appreciate a good civic website even more. I was able to find seven city sites that will make you feel good about government again. Maybe. What you probably think about municipal websites still likely holds true, however, which is that, for the most part: THEY ARE NOT VERY GOOD. To examine the issues at hand, let’s take the website of Fayetteville, North Carolina, a city we chose completely at random: I don’t mean to pick on Fayetteville in any way. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. For the past 10 years, even the U.S.’s most design-savvy metropolis, New York City, was stuck in a sorry small-column purgatory that didn’t match the rest of its well-branded civic endeavours. But they’ve just launched a massive redesign of, which is a signal of a larger nationwide shift, says Michal Pasternak, who led the redesign at the firm HUGE. New York City |

Home 41 Places To See Before You Die (Part I) No matter how advanced our cities and technology is, eventually we get tired of all the noise, stress and crowd of the city and want to be in the nature. Humans have transformed Earth beyond recovery, but luckily not everything is lost yet. Beautiful mountains, blue water lakes, magnificent oceans with fabulous islands – our planet has many breathtaking places and awe-inspiring sceneries just waiting for you to discover them. However, life is short, and the funds are limited, so we have to narrow down the selection. We’ve picked 41 most amazing places in the world, however it is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, so you may as well have your very own personal list of places to see before you die. 1. Bamboos for: James Marvin Phelps , Rob Inh00d Antelope Canyon is the most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest. 2. Bamboos for: Jo@net , Goianobe , CX15 3. Bamboos for: MarcelGermain , Maggie & David 4. Bamboos for: iujaz , aquabumps 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Canada : La mythologie du Grand Nord a encore de beaux jours devant elle. Forêts à l’infini, chiens de traîneau, lacs par milliers, igloos, saumons remontant les cours d’eau, baleines et ours, castors, bûcherons et hydravions... Cette imagerie stéréotypée (mais réelle) est vaste, reste bien ancrée dans les esprits européens... Qu’allons-nous chercher au Canada ? Retrouvez également nos guides dédiés : The New Cities of the Web When I visit Toronto to spend time with my client partner, I see a very specific city. I see the downtown, right under the CN tower (that nifty needle in the picture above). I see a steakhouse called Earl’s. My “where” is quite different than yours. The New Cities of the Web Companies will have a really difficult time customizing the universe to our needs and interests. So the opportunity is to connect with the people we feel understand what we like. The new cities of the web aren’t marked by physical boundaries, but by our connections and relationships. Our new cities are based on who, not where. Your Business and Marketplace in This New City In the way old days (and now), a billboard was a great place to gather attention. How will your business be seen in this new city? Build your connections. The new cities of the web are built on who, and your business will be the same. runs on the Genesis Framework Become a StudioPress Affiliate

Greater Victoria Film Commission 30 superbes photos du National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2012 La 24e édition ‘National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest’ est ouverte depuis le 5 avril dernier et permet à tous les photographe passionnés de voyages d’envoyer leur photo jusqu’au 11 juillet prochain. Classées dans 4 catégories (‘Portraits de voyage’, ‘Scènes extérieures’, ‘Sens du lieu’ et ‘Moments spontanés’) ces photos seront alors notées en deux temps par les juges du National Geographic. La photo gagnante sera annoncée le 25 juillet 2012 et imprimée dans l’édition papier de décembre 2012 / Janvier 2013 du ‘National Geographic Traveler’. Le photographe gagnant remportera une expédition photo dans les Galapagos. Voici une superbe selection composée de 30 photos exceptionnelles sélectionnées parmi les différentes catégories par les éditeurs du National Geographic : Via Big Picture

Amsterdam New York City New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York metropolitan area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.[6] The city is referred to as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the State of New York, of which it is a part. A global power city,[7] New York exerts a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters,[8] New York is an important center for international diplomacy[9] and has been described as the cultural capital of the world.[10][11] History Early history The first documented visit by a European was in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano, a Florentine explorer in the service of the French crown, who sailed his ship La Dauphine into New York Harbor. Peter Minuit is credited with the purchase of the island of Manhattan in 1626. Click a continent to find your city Africa | Antartica | Asia | Australia | Europe | Middle East | North America | South America CitiesOnline is currently under Contruction: :: Our aim is to make a fully comprehensive portal which promotes cities throughout the world. :: We have recently taken over and a lot of time and effort will be required to make this website fully functional. :: As this task is a huge project we will appreciate your patience as we set out to fulfil our aim.
