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Video: RSS in Plain English

Video: RSS in Plain English

Web Search Strategies The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier. Before we dive in, let’s talk a bit about how search works on the Web. Search engines go out and try to account for every word on every webpage. All this information is then organized for easy reference. When you search for a word, the search engine finds all the pages where the word appears, and displays them in the search results. The problem is that there are often too many results. Say you’re looking for a specific kind of fish, and these represent all the websites on the Web. Try to imagine the exact fish and describe it in the search box. But to be a smart searcher, you should know some basic shortcuts. Here’s another shortcut.

Broadcast Yourself. Tagxedo - Tag Cloud with Styles How to Create RSS feeds with Dreamweaver By Ronald Northrip. Publishing content online is evolving with a new technology called RSS. From Andy Carvin at Digital Divide: You may have noticed recently that many of websites now contain little graphical buttons with the word XML on them. RSS allows you to see updated content in news aggregators or web browsers (new ones have integrated this feature). RSS also solves another problem by allowing content to be syndicated (or republished) on other websites. RSS is probably the most powerful marketing tool emerging in internet publishing today. Publishing RSS Feeds There are several tools for publishing RSS feeds widely available on the Internet, with a range of prices from free on up. The right solution would take advantage of the content you've already created and the way that you manage that content using Dreamweaver. That's what RSS DreamFeeder does. So Tell Me How! Download the Pieces To launch RSS DreamFeeder select RSS DreamFeeder from the Window menu in Dreamweaver.

Assignments - Rubric Cover Sheets How To Instructions Below you will find links to and descriptions of all the assignments we use for Choose Your Own Adventure. Click on the individual assignment links to get the full instructions and printable worksheets. The assignments are divided into three categories based on what skills you will use to complete them. History assignments for just about any topic! 5 Point Assignments20-30 Minutes to complete 10 Point Assignments45 minutes to complete 20 Point Assignments90 minutes to complete40 Point AssignmentsAll 40 point assignments require significant work outside of class and take up to 4 hours to complete.

Answers Grockit Answers is just-in-time Q&A for video lectures. In Grockit Answers, interactions happen around video lectures, and participants ask and answer questions about specific points in the lecture. Since every question is attached to a specific point in time in the video, Grockit Answers displays a question and its answers at the point in the lecture that they are most relevant. Virtual Worlds, Avatars, free 3D chat, online meetings - Second Life Official Site Safely Show YouTube with SafeShare The video above shows how easy it is to convert a YouTube video to a video SafeShare is a website that takes YouTube videos and gets rid of almost ALL of the advertisements and junk around the main video. Safeshare even removes the ads that are often showed before popular videos. Using it is VERY simple and I really don’t know why I did not convert all my videos before now. All you do is copy the YouTube link and paste it into (see image below) Then you are given a new link to use instead of the YouTube link. Save that to your favorites and you are set. Here are some of my favorite YouTube videos that have been converted to safeshare already. Just Dance Videos for Transition and Indoor Recess Peep and Chirp Science Video for young kids The Best Sesame Street Video for Kids The Letter Songs Songs for Transition and Movement Like this: Like Loading...

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