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Web Designer - Product Intro

Web Designer - Product Intro

Cómo lograr que recuerden tus ideas (II): Desentierra las historias de tu presentación ¿Cuántas veces has asistido a una presentación donde predomina la lógica pero la parte emocional brilla por su ausencia? A menudo nos abruman con datos, características, evidencias, casos de estudio y un largo etcétera con el objetivo de convencernos de algo sin demasiado éxito. En Cómo lograr que recuerden tus ideas (I): Suscita emociones ya comenté que la parte lógica de una presentación es necesaria pero no suficiente. El mismo Aristóteles decía que otro de los ingredientes básicos de un discurso consiste en apelar a las emociones de las personas. Entonces utilizaremos otros recursos como metáforas, anécdotas, preguntas o afirmaciones provocadoras, humor, sorpresa, suspense e historias. Contar historias relacionadas con nuestro tema es una forma excelente de apelar a las emociones de las personas. Pero las ventajas de contar historias no consisten sólo en fomentar la parte emocional. Las historias, a parte de ser interesantes, son fáciles de entender y recordar. Entradas relacionadas:

Browser Sandbox - The Browser Sandbox makes cross-browser testing and backwards compatibility easy. Just click Run for any browser to launch it instantly. Browsers run within an isolated virtual environment, eliminating the need for installs and allowing legacy browsers such as Internet Explorer 6 to run on Windows 7 and 8. Virtualized browsers behave exactly like installed browsers. supports standard browser components like Java applets and ActiveX controls as well as popular browser plugins like Firebug, IE Developer Toolbar, and CSS and JavaScript debugging consoles. Using the Browser Sandbox at Work?

Picasa Webbalbum One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google Presentástico | Transforma tus presentaciones. Motiva a tu audiencia. Resources A - Z | Box of Tricks

Free Website Builder Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! 11 Free Tools for Creating Websites and Simple Webpages Last week I wrote about Codecademy's new programs for teaching basic HTML, CSS, and other fundamentals for building websites. But if you don't have the time or desire to build webpages from scratch there are plenty of free online tools that will do the heavy lifting for you so that you can concentrate on just adding useful content to your course webpages. Here are eleven free services for creating websites and simple webpages. Wix is a free service for creating and hosting beautiful websites. Whatfolio is a free service for creating online displays of your digital works. Weebly was one of the first website building tools that I played around with when I got started on my technology integration journey. Webs is another service that I have first-hand experience with in a school setting because a couple of my colleagues have used it for their classes. Yola is the tool that I used a few years ago to build websites for my department at school. Web Node is a simple way to build a website.
