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Introduction to Behavior-Based Design In general, I think that a product is only as good as its ability to co-opt behavior. Techcrunch is littered with the stale remains of gorgeous products that were executed to perfection, but failed to get any true user adoption. They failed to fit into, or change, the behavior patterns of their users. This point is obvious. In general, when a behavior doesn’t occur, it’s because at least one of the three following things is missing (or insufficient). MotivationAbilityTrigger In order for a behavior to occur, a person must first be motivated and able to perform the behavior. This simple model is called the Fogg Behavior Model. We can break each of the above elements into sub-elements to gain greater clarity. Let’s say that you wanted to go running this afternoon, but didn’t. It could be that you totally forgot to go running because you were caught up in some other activity. Triggers From my experience, the primary behavioral bottleneck with most apps is the trigger. InternalExternal Ability

量化自我,我们都需要这样的网站 降低数据采集成本的可穿戴设备,特征就是源源不断地提供“数据”。然而,采集数据并不能构成可穿戴设备产品的服务本身,它的服务能力来自对这些数据的解释。 所以,在使用各种各样的手环和计步器时,我总是不自觉地思考这个问题:“怎样的数字才是吸引人的?” 真的很抱歉,这个世界里不懂欣赏数学之美的文科生还真多。 “数据? 让我们来观赏两段的演示视频: 非常漂亮,不是吗? 跑步的步数/里程/时长、心跳次数、爬山的次数、吃玉米卷饼的次数、体脂率、年龄、体重等等——那些让人枯燥的数字,经过夏尔马的组合、美化,变得有吸引力起来:结合了每天的工作记录、图片记录,顿时给人非常不一样的体验,我把它称之为“混合式数字日记”。 你可能会疑惑,夏尔马的数据从哪里来。 通过 Aprilzero 让人想到,如果要让“量化自我”应用变得更加有吸引力,我们要做的不仅是美化和包装,而是创新地把数据组合在一起,这样美观的日记本,让日常看上去很麻烦的记录动作变得有吸引力起来。 借助了可穿戴设备,以及主动/被动记录的习惯,混合式数字日记把我们每一天做过的事情,自己身体的状态都记录了下来,然后通过开放的网络汇聚在一起,再用优美的框架把它们包装起来,发布在网站上。 除了让我们身体变得更加健康,这种美丽的记录,也足以引起我们记录的冲动,甚至乐在其中。

Site web gratuit Useful UX & UI Tools and Resources Before you take on your next web or app design project asking yourself the following questions might help enhance your productivity and make your work more cost-efficient: Am I using the right tools and resources for the project that I’m working at? Is there a better way I could approach this project? Are the tools and resources that I’m using the best available on the market? There are new tools and resources constantly appearing on the market, some of which could make your work easier and your results more professional looking. You may find this listing of UX and UI tools and resources quite useful. Creating prototypes will make communication between the designer, the project manager, the development team and the client easier. This tool allows you to show your audience prototypes that have the look and feel of the real app. Pidoco Pidoco can be used to create wireframes, mockups and prototypes for any number of applications, including mobile apps. InVision AppCooker Firefly

无知者云 Web Layouts | Cool Layouts | Website Layouts Daring Fireball Interaction Design Pattern Library - Suggest a pattern Have you seen new examples of patterns out there that have not been described on this site? Send me a link to an example and I'll add it to my to-do list. Suggest a pattern Latest comments Form (Lucas Gwadana) Sometimes the ERROR handling is not explicit enough because when a user makes an... Map Navigator (Marcus) For print pages etc static maps are still relevant. Accordion (dellmre) Ajax accordion samples with source code Autocomplete (Zorg) I believe the name of this pattern to be misleading. Slideshow (Joshua) Slideshows on Homepages can be very beneficial.

