Reviews of Powell and Pressburger works Reviews of Powell and Pressburger works The reviews have been divided into the following sections: The Masters - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger The Films - Listed by year then alphabetically The People - Actors, Actresses, crew Miscellaneous - Everything else Some articles may deal with more than one person or film, where this happens we have tried to cross reference them. The Masters: Emeric Pressburger Master Storyteller Michael Powell the man himself The Films: (Any reviews are liable to contain spoilers) The People: Note: I have only included the people that I have articles about. There were many more people involved in the making of these films. Michael Powell the man himself Emeric Pressburger Master Storyteller Miscellaneous: Sources for the contemporary reviews include: Monthly Film Bulletin (MFB) Monthly Film Bulletin was a monthly mag for cineastes, containing reviews of all films, no articles or photos.
366 Weird Movies | Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD! The Overlook Hotel Movie Reviews and Ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert Film - Table of Contents After Fear and Desire, the Kubrick analyses are shot by shot, with screen grabs from each. I've been asked why I don't do videos for Youtube or podcasts, but I've opted to handle the analyses in this manner, which would be impossible in a podcast or on Youtube, considering the scope of the project and the amount of cross-analysis of shots done. I began putting the analyses online in 2007, beginning with Kubrick's The Shining and Antonioni's Blow-up. I followed with Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange, Zabriskie Point, The Passenger, 2001, Lolita, Day of the Fight, and Killer's Kiss. The majority of the analyses were in place by 2011-2012. The Killing was completed and added in 2016, as well was a more intensive look at Fear and Desire added in 2016. Barry Lyndon is in the works but may take a while. Kubrick Day of the Fight, Kubrick's first film effort, a documentary. Fear and Desire, table of contents Killer's Kiss analysis, table of contents The Killing analysis, table of contents Antonioni
Dérives autour du cinéma - Post Production News, Websites, Articles, Videos, Blogs & More! For Film and Video, Editing, VFX, Sound, Colour, and Animation Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, "The Shining": What You May (or may not) Have Seen Hidden In The Shining For over thirty years Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of “The Shining” has left perplexing questions in the minds of everyone who’s seen it; and time has been powerless to put this enigmatic movie out of our collective consciousness. ...............I hope you'll enjoy what I’ve written here. . “The important thing is not to stop questioning” - Albert Einstein Stanley Kubrick’s “Shining” was created with the sole purpose of leaving audiences searching for answers to a mystery that has no solution. No one in filmmaking has ever done anything like this. Many attempting to explain this film see things that aren’t there and wonder, why? I didn’t come up with what you’re going to be reading off the top of my head. Did you ever notice in watching Stanley Kubrick’s “Shining” that you never hear any classic horror film noises? ... Can you imagine what it would be like if the audience were able to watch "The Shining" and then leave comments for Stanley Kubrick to look at? ............." ... ..........
Midnight Eye review: Intentions of Murder (Akai Satsui, 1964, Shohei IMAMURA) Approaching Shohei Imamura's Intentions of Murder both requires and rewards the greatest of patience on the behalf of the viewer. At almost two and a half hours in length, its tale of a low-caste household drudge who transcends her lowly situation - not through any reaction against it, but rather by accepting her place within the order of things - will provide rather an endurance test for those unfamiliar with the ethos of the director. However, it also marks the most complete consolidation of the themes that inform his initial cycle of features in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and also puts forward a strangely subversive view of "modern" Japan, at odds with the image promoted in other films of the time. One day, when her husband is away on a work conference, the house is broken into by a thief, Hiraoka (Tsuyuguchi, who later appeared as searching for the missing man in the Imamura's A Man Vanishes / Ningen Johatsu, 1967).
El periódico más breve: Un poco de lenguaje cinematográfico Aprendamos hoy algo del lenguaje que utilizan los cineastas para procurarnos distintas sensaciones. Nos valdremos para ello de extractos de la película El vampiro de Dusseldorf (1931), rodada por el genial Fritz Lang. Lo esencial es saber qué es un plano, es decir, lo que la cámara capta en una única toma. La escala de planos Primer plano Vemos el busto del personaje, el rostro ocupa gran parte de la pantalla, sus sentimientos quedan al descubierto. Plano medio Los cuerpos se muestran hasta la cintura, a menudo se recurre a este plano para mostrar conversaciones entre personajes. Plano 3/4, también llamado plano americano El famoso plano americano, cuyo uso se extendió gracias a las películas del oeste, para mostrar las cartucheras de los pistoleros. Plano general Plano en el que vemos la figura entera de los personajes y el escenario en el que se mueven. El plano picado frente al contrapicado Plano picado Plano contrapicado El resultado tras el montaje. La vivacidad de un tímido plano secuencia
Seriously Exhaustive Analysis of 'The Shining' Shows Kubrick's Inversion of King's Novel The documentary Room 237 has been called a "DIY mashup" of the many theories put forward over the years as interpretations of Stanley Kubricks's 1980 horror classic, The Shining. And there is good reason for viewers to puzzle over the film 33 years after its release: The Shining tends to be opaque, even though its corridors are well-lit. I recently found what is arguably the most exhaustive examination of how Kubrick adapted Stephen King's novel into the script he wrote with Diane Johnson. Click below to read the post and see how Kubrick took King's novel and made movie history! Unlike Kubrick's famously unrealized biography of Napoleon, The Shining got made. Stanley Kubrick wrote and directed The Shining with the intention of turning out a blockbuster, after the lush but relatively financially unsuccessful Barry Lyndon. Read, And Ye Shall Find This one is no different. So while many have noted the mysteries of the moving furniture: According to Jonny53:
The Hechinger Debacle A Clockwork Orange has attracted more than its share of controversy, both as book and later as movie. Little wonder then that, when the film was attacked in the New York Times op-ed pages as an example of what the author, Fred Hechinger, called 'the voice of fascism', no less an exigiter of the film than Stanley Kubrick himself joined in the debate. Usually reticent regarding his personal interpretations, Kubrick, in this instance, reveals himself to be a passionate exponent of specific thematic ideas, and the way in which film can be used to exposit them. KUBRICK TELLS WHAT MAKES CLOCKWORK ORANGE TICK by Bernard Weinraub Special to The New York Times LONDON, Jan. 3 -- Stanley Kubrick grew up on the Grand Concourse and 196th Street in the Bronx, attending Taft High School with some infrequency but eagerly showing up at the Loew's Paradise and R.K.O. Few critics and moviegoers would dispute this. Office at Home Mr. "It's very pleasant, very peaceful, very civilized, here," Mr. Mr. Mr.
Glosario de cine Irene Papas en Zorba el griego Cámara lenta. Efecto que se logra acelerando el paso de imágenes ante el obturador y proyectando a más velocidad. Es la forma popular de llamar a la ralentización de la imagen (o ralentí) que, de forma paradójica, se consigue proyectando a velocidad normal (24 f/sg) imágenes rodadas a mayor cadencia (48 ó 72). Cámara rápida o acelerado. Cameo. Campo. Casting. Cine. Cine de arte y ensayo. Cine de vanguardia. Cine independiente. Cine Underground (Cine-subterráneo). Cinéma verité. CinemaScope. Cinerama. Claqueta. Climax. Contenutismo. Comedia. Continuidad/raccord/racor. Corte. Cortometraje. Crédito. Cuadro. Arriba