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Borrow Modern eBooks
Click here to skip to this page's main content. Hello! Open Library is participating in our eBook lending program. Site Search Log in / Sign Up One web page for every book. Read | Borrow | How it Works | Stats Borrow Modern eBooks View the previous editions View the next editions Loading books... Open Library is unaware of any editions about this subject published between 1456 & 2016. Search the Lending Library More search options AroundThe Library Problem? Debug Stats Details Open Library is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.Other projects include the Wayback Machine, and Your use of the Open Library is subject to the Internet Archive's Terms of Use. Related:  ISS Learning Commons

Metaphors and Threshold Concepts for Research — Katie Day I asked the audience at Research Relevance to suggest new metaphors -- and here are some responses: a search engine like Google is like "trail mix" - returning results include some M&Ms, some raisins, some peanuts - while a database is like a whole bag of M&Ms -- all good resultsa group project is like a music quartet - each contributing to the whole beautiful sounda database is like a bathtub filled with water for a particular size and purpose, while Google is like a river, whose flow is unpredictable and aimless I particularly like (the dead white male professor) Kenneth Burke's description of the metaphor of the "unending conversation" of academic discourse -> "Imagine that you enter a parlor. You come late. Debbie and Sue spoke about giving students three information sources in three different arenas: e.g., a tweet, a newspaper, and a journal -- by the same author (e.g., Michael Kraus). I caution students that their biggest danger is not finding the (right?

Le Bloc-notes Lekti Chères et chers libraires, Le gouvernement a décidé de faire passer le taux de la TVA sur le livre de 5,5 % à 7 % à partir du 1er avril 2012. Cette mesure est injuste, dérisoire, dangereuse et absurde. Dans ce contexte, et parce que nous sommes convaincus de la nécessité de maintenir une politique de prix bas pour le livre, nous, les éditions le passager clandestin (, refusons d’augmenter nos prix de vente pour ne pas pénaliser nos lecteurs, qui sont souvent des jeunes ou des personnes aux revenus modestes. À partir du 1er avril, nos prix HT vont donc baisser afin de maintenir à niveau constant nos prix TTC. Ce choix politique, nous en assumerons entièrement le coût. Afin que les librairies qui travaillent avec notre maison d’édition n’aient pas à supporter le coût de cette transition, nous avons donc décidé de vous offrir des titres de notre catalogue de manière à compenser intégralement cette baisse de marge.

The Most Important Things Everyone Should Know About Money 100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access Universities house an enormous amount of information and their libraries are often the center of it all. You don't have to be affiliated with any university to take advantage of some of what they have to offer. From digital archives, to religious studies, to national libraries, these university libraries from around the world have plenty of information for you. Digital Libraries Capturing images of manuscripts, art, and artifacts, digital libraries are an excellent way of both preserving the past and sharing it with everyone. Harvard University Library. International Digital Libraries These digital libraries either have a focus on a culture other than that of the United States or are housed in another country. The Digital South Asia Library. Texts These libraries offer books or texts for you to read online and free of charge. Universal Digital Library. Medical Libraries These libraries offer medical information for both the professional and the lay person. Welch Medical Library. Legal Libraries

school-library-guidelines.pdf Découvrez des milliers d'ebooks grâce à l'abonnement YouScribe Avec ou sans connexion Que vous soyez à la plage, à la montagne, sur un bateau ou dans l'avion, vous pourrez lire où que vous soyez vos livres préférés. Simplement en synchronisant vos ouvrages sur l'application YouScribe. De quoi vous faire patienter jusqu'au prochain réseau wifi. Amazing Photos Of Amazing Humans (31 pics) Pics | 15 Sep, 2014 | Views: 2839256 | Every single one of these people has a story to tell. Do you like it? It is just one of the thousands of posts that we have on the Please visit our main page to see other great pictures and videos! Library As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation

23 Great Library Blogs Let’s say that you are a school librarian, and let’s say you’ve decided that like many of the teachers in your school, you too are ready to use a blog to connect with parents and students, to share your latest news and events, or perhaps to develop your own personal learning network (PLN). You’re motivated and ready to begin, but you may have some lingering questions about the best way to get started and maybe you’re not entirely sure how to organize your new blog. Unfortunately, searching the internet for “how to create a great library blog” doesn’t yield many helpful answers. There are some sites that come up in that search that appear useful, but overall it seems to make more sense to just visit library blogs, see what works and what doesn’t, and craft your blog around the ideas you like the best. To make that process easier, we’ve compiled a list of library blogs on Edublogs. Library & Librarian Blogs Know of any library blogs on Edublogs that we should add to this list? Related

Cyberlibris Cyberlibris et les Nouvelles Editions Numériques Africaines (NENA) ont signé un partenariat afin d’intégrer la collection d’ebooks de l’éditeur dans la bibliothèque Scholarvox International. De Marque, distributeur d’ebooks québécois et Cyberlibris, leader français des bibliothèques numériques à destination des institutions (écoles, bibliothèques, entreprises, etc.) annoncent la signature d’un partenariat. Celui-ci sera effectif au début… (Lire la suite) Lille aime la lecture d’ebooks et le montre ! La ville vient de lancer un tout nouveau service baptisé BiblioMobi. Si on doit repenser le livre avec l’avènement du livre numérique (ebook) nous devons également repenser la bibliothèque, son rôle, sa représentation, l’organisation spatiale et sociale des livres qu’elle contient… (Lire la suite) Voilà une nouvelle intéressante pour la planète du livre numérique et de l’édition.

20 Things I Learned The Year I Turned 18 1. Take ‘love’ out of your daily vocabulary. You do not ‘love’ a television show; you really like it and you think it’s great. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
