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The Human Library Organization -

The Human Library Organization -

Library Research Service TACTILU | Postscapes Warszawa, Poland ◥ panGenerator is a mutlidsciplinary new media design and art group (@barszczewski, @kgolinski, @jkozniewski and Krzysztof Cybulski) "Just get in touch" TACTILU is a project that uses a combination of Bluetooth, your smartphone, and a unique sensor and actuator system to remotely transmit touch between two people. Developed for the ITAKA Foundation Centre for Missing People by the design group panGenerator and the Warsaw Cheil office, the bracelet is a research prototype created using a 3d printed enclosure, an Arduino pro mini, and a combination of 5 nitinol springs and quantum tunneling composite technology (QTC) to control the sensor and actuator touch system between the two people. You can watch the prototype in action in the video below or visit the product page at: for more details. Additional: Atmel, Fashioning TechImage Credits: Cheil / ITAKA Foundation, Pan GeneratorRelated: Pillow Talk, Good Night Lamp, RingU

Libraries Aotearoa - Libraries Aotearoa Virtual Reality - Notes on Blindness SLANZA Menstruation Machine (Sputniko!) - Design and Violence From the curators: With Menstruation Machine, Sputniko! explores the relationship between identity, biology, and choice, while also probing the meaning of gender-specific rituals. The accompanying video is about Takashi, a young man who wants to understand on many levels, including the physiological, what it feels like to be a girl. Takashi builds the Menstruation Machine and wears it out on the town with a girlfriend, strutting around a shopping mall and occasionally doubling over in pain. The menstrual machine is the machine that produces all that is living. Menstrual blood leaks from a uterus, in developed primates at least. To hack is to infect, to overtake one program with another, one purpose, or trace, or path, with another.

Animal Superpowers Animals have senses beyond human experience, they instinctively feel approaching tsunamis through low frequencies, communicate through pheromones or can navigate through magnetic fields. Students of Design Interactions Chris Woebken and Kenichi Okada, in collaboration with MBA students from the Oxford Said Business-school, have been developing a series of sensory enhancements toys for children to experience “animal superpowers.” Each prototype allows the kid to change perspective or feel empathy with animals. At the work in progress show of the Royal College of Art in London a few weeks ago there were showing 3 of their prototypes: The ground as seen through the “Ant” apparatus Ant – feeling like an ant magnifying your vision 50x through microscope antennas on your hands Bird – gaining a sense for magnetic fields Giraffe – a child to adult converter changing your voice & perspective How does the Bird device work? Which technique did you use to change the voice in the giraffe helmet?

Pixelache Festival 2016 | Channel Surfers We invite Pixelache visitors on a playful collaborative journey to dissolves interpersonal boundaries. You shall travel by wearing the Channel Surfers headsets. Each headset is equipped with a small television screen and a video camera. The headsets prevent their wearers from direct visual perception of the world. Participants will be guided together through participating in a variety of playful activities. Please note that registering to this activity takes place by Kiasma Seminar room, it's not possible to register in advance. Channel Surfers is open Thursday: 11.30 - 15.30 Friday: 10.30 - 16.00 Saturday: 10.30 - 16.00 Sunday: 10.30 - 14.30 Channel Surfers The Channel Surfers all met through their involvement in the studio based IT Product Design masters programme at the University of Southern Denmark in Kolding. Jakub Sypniewski (PL) Merja Ryöppy (FI) Merja is an actor at Theatre Lab – SDU Design, University of Southern Denmark. Jakub Rybar (CZ) Robb Mitchell (UK) Steven Beck (DK)

"In its initial form the Human Library is a mobile library set up as a space for dialogue and interaction. Visitors to a Human Library are given the opportunity to speak informally with “people on loan”; this latter group being extremely varied in age, sex and cultural background. " by feillet May 22
