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Related:  nouvelles ecritures audiovisuelles

mental_floss Blog & Strange Geographies: the Forgotten High School of... At the turn of the last century, Goldfield was a mining boomtown -- prospectors were pulling millions of dollars worth of ore out of the ground each year, and with a population that ballooned to more than 30,000 by 1904, it was the largest town in the state of Nevada. It was a classic Old West success story: gun-slinging heroes like Wyatt Earp trod its wooden sidewalks, and in a society where the real measure of a town's worth was its bar-and-whorehouse scene, Goldfield had the rest beat: Tex Rickard's Northern Saloon had a bar so long it required 80 bartenders to run it. Of course, I wouldn't be writing about Goldfield if everything had kept going like gangbusters. By 1920s, the gold mines had started to peter out, and in 1923 a moonshine still exploded and started a fire that took most of the town's wooden buildings with it. One of those buildings is Goldfield High School, built during the boom years in 1907. The second-floor hallway, and one of many open or broken windows.

Enterre-moi, mon amour – Une histoire d'amour, d'espoir et d'exil Emigrare o resistere? Scoprilo con il documentario "Italy: Love It or Leave It" Italy: Love It or Leave It: l'esclusiva streaming è terminata. Se il documentario vi è piaciuto acquistato su iTunes Update 30/05/12: Il sito Videominuto lancia un concorso ispirato al documentario Italy: Love It or Leave It. Potete inviare i vostri video della durata massima di 60 secondi, partecipando al concorso "Italy: Love it or leave it". I video in concorso verranno visionati da una giuria, presidiata dai registi Luca Ragazzi e Gustav Hofer, e composta da critici, registi ed esperti del settore, il cui voto, ponderato con quello di una giuria popolare, decreterà i vincitori. “ Mentre giravamo non avremmo potuto immaginare tutto quello che sarebbe successo all’Italia nei mesi successivi eppure, ora che l’attualità l’ha superato, fa ancora più male vedere Italy Love It Or Leave It. Esattamente come avete proceduto? La realtà è che curando da soli la distribuzione ci siamo accorti, già con il film precedente, che allunghiamo un sacco la vita del film. Com’è andata su iTunes?

A Gallery of Very Unique Superhero Art | It’s another one of those days where I wish I were an artist, because illustrator Christopher Uminga has me in awe of his talent. He’s created an amazing series of superhero/Star Wars/Ninja Turtles/etc. pictures in his own unique art style, and they’re the coolest things I’ve seen in quite some time. We’ve got the full gallery for you below and be sure to click on any of the pictures to make them huge with the help of our brand new gallery page! Hooray, we’ve made it into the 21st century! Une marque ne vaut que par ce que les gens disent d'elle - CtrlP Philippe Simonet, président de l’agence DAN Paris et vice-président de TBWA nous raconte le Papier « Plein d’Histoires », le premier papier peint qui raconte des histoires. Un projet réalisé pour Castorama. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer la genèse du projet de papier peint numérique que vous avez réalisé pour Castorama ? Nous travaillons de manière un peu spécifique. C’est donc vous qui avez proposé ce produit à Castorama ? Oui, car nous avions constaté que la réalité augmentée faisait son grand retour. Comment on en vient à imaginer un papier-peint connecté ? En partant d’un insight évident : les enfants. Comment avez-vous travaillé ? Très simplement. Castorama vous a laissé faire ? Nous avons travaillé et développé le produit ensemble. Y-a-t-il eu des difficultés particulières ? Il a fallu être très attentif à la conception du produit. Castorama est-il satisfait des ventes de ce produit ? Oui, le produit se vend très bien et est proposé désormais dans la plupart des magasins.

The Opera House Project Another 38 Amazing Wallpapers Another 38 Amazing Wallpapers Posted on June 12th, 2008 under Desktop Customization After the big success that was my first Wallpaper compilation I’ve decided to make another one. This time several sources were searched, where before I mainly focused on DeviantArt. The release of Desktopography 2008 had a bit of influence on this compilation since it contains some of the most beautiful wallpapers of the year. Hope you enjoy this compilation as much as I did putting it all together. Don’t forget to leave comments (if possible) in the authors pages to thank them for their work. Abstract > Infinity Blue > Flove > After Midnight > The Horizont > The Roadside Daydream > Little World > Microbot Depthcore > Angel Strom > Escape Space Art > Blue Moon > Phoenix Nebula > Etherlight > Aries > The Heat Of Love > Eye Minimalistic > Humilitas > Solar > The charm of the seventh wave Landscape > Strawberry Feelings > Drug Free Zone > A Trip to elsewhere > Virus > Am Nature > Paint your world > Floating-Isle > Igaer > Kuri Brands Poll

Le son dans les nouvelles écritures Cet article est un bon exemple du contenu que vous pouvez recevoir régulièrement dans votre boite mail si vous vous abonnez (gratuitement) à La Lettre des Nouvelles Narrations. Le travail sur le son peut parfois faire la différence entre une belle oeuvre et une oeuvre magistrale. Et pourtant il est d’usage de dire – dans le monde de l’audiovisuel notamment – que le son est relégué au rang de parent pauvre, qu’il est le premier à souffrir en cas de réduction budgétaire… La création nouveaux médias va donner aux artisans du son de nouvelles opportunités pour s’exprimer, des nouveaux formats où le son peut jouer un rôle plus important, voire dominant. Le son s’est très vite imposé dans les nouvelles écritures comme un vecteur puissant d’immersion, je vous propose aujourd’hui un tour d’horizon de ses utilisations diverses et variées. La valorisation du son par l’interactivité Commençons donc par les expériences où le son est placé au coeur de l’interaction. Quand le son se détache du visuel

Projects Skip to content Exploring documentary storytelling in the age of the interface Active Filter : None loading... LIVE FROM THE WEBZINE: Call for Entry: IDFA Bertha Fund Classic - 14 Apr DOCLAB ABOUT DOCLAB IDFA DocLab is the New Media program of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Website by: Events & screenings 20 NovDocLab Expo: Immersive Reality more 20 NovExhibition: Opening Night more 25 NovFinancing Market: IDFA Crossmedia Forum more
