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Biological Animations

Biological Animations

Nucleus Medical Media: Medical Video, Animation & Illustration Nucleus Medical Media Disclaimer of Medical and Legal Liability Nucleus Medical Media ("Nucleus") does not dispense medical or legal advice, and the text, illustrations, photographs, animations and other information ("Content") available on this web site is for general information purposes only. As with any medical or legal issue, it is up to you to consult a physician or attorney for professional advice. YOU SHOULD NOT DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE BASED ON CONTENT CONTAINED ON THIS WEB SITE, NOR SHOULD YOU RELY ON THE CONTENT ON THIS WEB SITE IN PLACE OF PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. Mature Content Disclaimer: Certain Content on this web site contains graphic depictions or descriptions of medical information, which may be offensive to some viewers.

Biology Animations Carnegie Mellon's Office of Technology for Education and Department of Biological Sciences create multimedia materials for teaching and learning Biology. After an analysis of a number of Biology courses was performed to identify when and how shared concepts where taught, a team of biologists, media programmers, and learning experts came together to create animations designed to improve understanding of some of the main concepts taught in Modern Biology and Biochemistry. Phosopholipid Membranes Tutorial page describing the construction and properties of Biological Membranes. Biological Membranes Biological membranes are dynamic structures composed of a diverse set of phospholipid molecules and proteins. Phase Transition This tutorial explains how phospholipids bilayers undergo to a cooperative phase transition or melting that is similar to protein denaturation. back to index Signal Transdaction Serine Protease Uniport - Glucose Transport Symport - Lactose Permease Transporter ATP Synthesis

Edheads - Activate Your Mind! MEDtropolis ® - Home Page home 49 Fascinating YouTube Videos to Learn About the Human Body | Health Perfect As any doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care professional knows, the body is an interesting system. In many ways, it’s like a machine, with many complex parts. There is a lot to learn about the body and how it works, as well as how its different systems interact to create a larger system. Here are 49 interesting YouTube videos that can help you learn about the human body: Brain Your brain directs the rest of the body’s functions. How the Body Works: The Regions of the Brain: An interesting look at the different regions of the brain, and what they are responsible for.Brain Anatomy Function: How brain works? Nervous System The nervous system brings messages from the brain to all over the body. How the Body Works: The Anatomy of the Central Nervous System: Find out how the nervous system is set up, and how it works.How the Body Works: Anatomy of Nerve: The nervous system is made up of thousands of nerves. Muscles Skeleton Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Other Systems

Magic Pen - Physics - Draw shapes and allow the rules of physics to do the rest." /> Magic Pen votes: collecting..times played: 5328232author: Alejandro Guillen VIEW ALL SCORES (new window) <object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase=' width='400' height='250' align='middle' /><param name='movie' value= ', 'stage', '400', '250', '6', '#43587f'); fo.addParam('MENU', 'FALSE'); fo.write('shoutbox-swf'); // ]]> Magic Pen Instructions Make clever use of physic to collect all flags in each level. Video Walkthroughs here:Levels 1-11Levels 12-26 The shapes that you draw are affected by gravity, friction and inertia. The red ball (or red square in some levels), is the object that collects the flags. You can use pins and hinges to link two objects together. To erase a single object hold down A as you left click a shape. About Magic Pen Related Games Multiplayer Games
