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4 C's Model

4 C's Model
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Models For Designing Your Personal Learning Environment A personal learning environment (PLE) is a solution for keeping up with the rapid pace of knowledge change. Some say it is a concept, while others say it is a technology. I think a good definition is this: a self-directed and evolving environment of tools, services and resources organized by a person seeking a way to accomplish lifetime learning, to create, and to connect with others of similar interests. Because it is personalized, everyone’s PLE will be unique. Organic Design Versus Planned Design Perhaps your personal learning environment, like mine, emerged organically. But what if you wanted to consciously design and build the most effective personal learning environment that would meet all of your needs? Advantages of Using a Model There are some advantages to relying on a model for building a personal learning environment. First, having a model narrows down your options, which can be good when starting out. How To Use a Model A Generic Model The Seek, Sense, Share Framework References:

Some Observations on PLE Diagrams – EdtechPost One of the perennial favourite pages on my edtechpost wikispace has been the collection of Personal Learning Environment (PLE) diagrams I started back in 2008. A couple of years back I wrote a call to folks asking for feedback on what I might do to improve it. I didn’t get a lot of feedback, but one comment, from Ismael Peña-López really stuck with me – that what I should be doing was some analysis of my own on the collection, which indeed had in fact been the actual goal all along in creating the collection of diagrams. I know it’s taken a while, but with some time on my hands, here are some reflections on what this collection of PLE Diagrams might tell us. Caveat Emptor – Skewed Sample There are currently 79 diagrams in the collection. But I think this is important to note up front – while some of these diagrams are simply a list of a few tools the person uses, many of them exhibit a HIGH degree of self-reflection, meta-cognition and technological adeptness. Diagram ‘Orientations’ Hybrid

Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red Páginas: Codrops: Free Responsive Book Social icons Presentación El interés de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE, por sus siglas en inglés) no reside tanto en su novedad conceptual o tecnológica, como en la asunción de una perspectiva sobre la educación que intenta responder al gigantesco cambio tecnológico y cultural que ha tenido lugar en las últimas dos décadas en nuestra sociedad. Esperamos que disfruten su lectura tanto como nosotros hemos aprendido editándolo. Linda Castañeda y Jordi Adell Índice (y descarga) Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. Presentación 1 La anatomía de los PLEs (pp. 11-27) 2 El ecosistema pedagógico de los PLEs (pp. 29-51) Jordi Adell y Linda Castañeda 3 Enseñanza flexible y aprendizaje abierto, fundamentos clave de los PLEs (pp. 53-70) Jesús Salinas 4 PLE: una perspectiva tecnológica (pp. 71-84) Oskar Casquero 5 Formación continua, aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y PLEs (pp. 85-92) Ricardo Torres Kompen y Cristina Costa Ismael Peña-López 7.1 los PLE están por las nubes.

4 Models for Designing a PLE Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning - Educational Research Firstly, apologies to those of you who have emailed me about different entries in this blog and have not yet had a reply. I am struggling with a mountain of work and will try to get back to everyone by the end of next week. Over the weekend a worked on editing the paper I produced on Personal Learning Environments for the TenCompetence conference in Manchester in January. The reviewer said “. Hm – the original was 8000 words so certainly was over the limit. But then she or he went on to say:”In making this revision please give greater prominence to the SME study, and discuss it in greater depth. A little tricky. I’m copying the whole paper into this blog. Introduction The article reflects the growing interest in the educational technology community in Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) as the next wave of innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning. In previous papers I have sought to explain PLEs as a concept rather than as a technology based application.

Los PLE como metáfora del aprendizaje en red - Educación 4.0 Cristóbal Suárez Guerrero (Universitat de València) ha escrito un post sobre lo que significa un PLE. Interesante post que aquí os lo reproducimos íntegramente: " Un PLE (Personal Learning Environments) es una metáfora educativa que nos lleva a capturar la complejidad que supone aprender con la energía social que brinda actuar en red. Podemos conjugar el verbo aprender con este comPLEmento que, según la definición estándar de un PLE, supone implicarse en entorno de recursos, herramientas, actividades y personas organizadas en red que actúan como condiciones de aprendizaje. Ya que esta metáfora del aprendizaje en red está ganando terreno en la educación, mi tarea aquí es apostillar brevemente algunos puntos fuertes de esta tendencia, así como presentar novedades que están surgiendo en esta línea de trabajo e investigación que ya nos tiene atrapados. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Para resumir, un PLE no es una cuestión de estar, es parte de mi propia proyección de aprendizaje. Para ampliar:

Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) Personal learning environment This article or chapter is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some information may be missing or may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved, use your judgment! 1 Definitions Graham Attwell defines Personal Learning Environments (PLE) as an idea that firstly integrates "pressures and movements" like lifelong learning, informal learning, learning styles, new approaches to assessment, cognitive tools. “ The most compelling argument for the PLE is to develop educational technology which can respond to the way people are using technology for learning and which allows them to themselves shape their own learning spaces, to form and join communities and to create, consume, remix, and share material”.([2], retrieved 22:17, 25 April 2007 (MEST)] On also may define a PLE as a system (but some may not necessarily agree). “ A PLE is characterized by the freeform use of a set of lightweight services and tools that belong to and are controlled by individual learners. .

¿Existen los estilos de aprendizaje? Este es un asunto controvertido (quizá) que se entiende de modos diversos y ello conduce a que muchos autores pongan en tela de juicio la misma existencia de los estilos de aprendizaje. ¿Existen realmente los estilos de aprendizaje? ¿Hay evidencias que lo prueben? Os traduzco un interesante artículo sobre el particular al que se refiere el enlace anterior. "Existe un interés generalizado entre los profesores en el uso de los resultados de la investigación neurocientífica en la práctica educativa. Generalmente, conocido como "estilos de aprendizaje", es la creencia de que los individuos pueden beneficiarse de recibir información en su formato preferido, basados en un cuestionario de auto-informe. Sin embargo, hay una serie de problemas con el enfoque de los estilos de aprendizaje. Primero, no existe un marco coherente de estilos de aprendizaje preferidos. Estos neuromitos pueden ser ineficaces, pero no son de bajo costo. Puede interesaros ver este vídeo sobre el particular: P.D.

Self-directed learning Contents: introduction · Knowles and self-direction · understanding self-directed learning · a critique of self-directed learning · the characteristics of self-direction · conclusion · further reading and references · Stephen D. Brookfield · acknowledgements · how to cite this piece In the three decades since the Canadian adult educator, Allen Tough, published a study claiming that the bulk of adult learning occurred without the help of formally certified educators (Brookfield, 1981), the idea of self-directed learning (as it has come to be known) has captured the hearts and minds of many adult educators on both sides of the Atlantic. There is now sufficient research and theoretical analysis in existence to justify the publication of substantial literature reviews devoted solely to this topic (Caffarrella and O’ Donnell, 1990). Knowles and self-direction Despite efforts to reframe self-direction in a critical way, the prevailing definition is that offered by Malcolm Knowles. Conclusion

Story of an Idea In 2006, I completed my PhD dissertation titled “Examining the Open Movement: Possibilities & Implications for Education“. The study focused on the development of the open movement amongst educators. More specifically, it described the practice of teachers who were influenced by the ideals of the Open Source Software movement and the progression towards other forms of openness (e.g., open content, open access). On page 175 of the document, I included a simple diagram titled “The Networked Teacher”. Original: Remixed – English: Silvia Tolisano Remixed – German: Silvia Tolisano Remixed – Spanish: Silvia Tolisano Remixed – Greek: Stylianos Mystikidas Remixed – Portugese: Veja Magazine Remixed – South African: Michael Paskevicius Remixed – Networked Student (Video): Wendy Drexler

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