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Studies Confirm the Power of Visuals in eLearning

We are now in the age of visual information where visual content plays a role in every part of life. As 65 percent of the population is visual learners, images are clearly key to engaging people in eLearning courses. Moving and still images have been included in learning materials for decades, but only now has faster broadband, cellular networks, and high-resolution screens made it possible for high-quality images to be a part of eLearning visual design. Graphic interfaces made up of photos, illustrations, charts, maps, diagrams, and videos are gradually replacing text-based courses. In this post, we will dig deep into some statistics and facts to further convince of why eLearning developers should embrace visuals when creating their courses. 1. Both the short-term and long-term memory store information in chunks, but the former is limited. According to Dr. Furthermore, this effect increases over time. 2. According to the Visual Teaching Alliance: Image source: Uberflip Blog 4. 5. 6. Related:  phil2021

Quels sont les secrets des Moocs qui cartonnent? EDUCATION Certains cours en ligne gratuits et ouverts à tous sont plébiscités par des apprenants qui veulent étoffer leurs compétences ou leur culture générale... Delphine Bancaud Petit à petit, ils ont fait leur nid. Les Moocs (Massive open online course), les cours en ligne gratuits et ouverts à tous, ont réussi à s’imposer. Alors que secrétaire d’Etat chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur, Thierry Mandon, a présenté ce mercredi la nouvelle plateforme Fun, qui diffuse les Moocs produits par les universités et les grandes écoles françaises, 20 minutes s’est penché sur ceux qui remportent le plus de succès. >> A lire aussi : Cinq questions que vous vous posez (peut-être) sur les Moocs 1) Ceux qui permettent d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences « Les Moocs professionnalisants qui permettent d’étoffer ses compétences rapidement, en obtenant si besoin est un certificat, fonctionnent particulièrement bien », confirme Gilles Daïd, coauteur du Guide pratique des Mooc.

Inquiry skills across the Australian Curriculum | inquiry learning & information literacy In this post I present my analysis of the Australian Curriculum v6.0. Inquiry skills and information literacy are embedded in the Australian Curriculum in the subject areas Science, History, Geography, Economics and Business (draft), Civics and Citizenship (draft, and in the general capabilities Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) . In this video I present the frameworks and concepts underpinning my analysis: In this video I present my analysis: My analysis revels that there are a number of omissions and misalignments across the Australian Curriculum. Further Reading: My first analysis of an earlier version of the Australian Curriculum is published here: Lupton, Mandy (2012) ‘Inquiry skills in the Australian Curriculum’ Access, June: 12-18. Like this: Like Loading...

Visual Aids Introduction Sixty-five percent of the population are visual learners. That is, they use images, pictures, colors, and other visual media to organize and learn information. The remainder of the population is comprised of auditory and kinesthetic learners (see pie chart). Therefore, by adding effective visual aids to your presentation you will increase the possibility of your students remembering the message simply because most people are visual learners. Click here to view some examples of ways the different "learner types" best receive and process information. Visual aids add a new dimension to presentations. Neuf exercices pour améliorer sa concentration au travail La concentration consiste à mobiliser ses facultés mentales et physiques sur un sujet ou sur une action. Or notre cerveau est sollicité par de multiples informations et il ne peut en traiter qu'une seule à la fois de façon optimale. Il s'agit donc de le monopoliser, en se libérant des émotions parasites et en s'entrainant à agir, en activant ses cinq sens. Par cette pratique, vous gagnerez aussi en performance. Voici neuf exercices à effectuer avant et pendant ce travail. 1. Le chercheur Robert Nideffer, féru de psychologie du sport, a observé que l'attention de l'athlète se caractérise par deux dimensions : l'étendue, large ou étroite selon qu'elle est focalisée sur une seule ou plusieurs informations ; la direction, interne ou externe selon qu'elle est centrée sur les pensées et sensations ou sur un événement ou un objet extérieur. 2. 3. 4. Comme précédemment, regardez un seul objet mais sans vous y attarder. 5. Pour les auditifs, c'est une aide intéressante. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Strive academy athletes hone sports, leadership skills Athletes learn sports and leadership skill... Strive Sports Challenge Leadership Academy building leadership, self-awareness and other positive, influential character traits Jason Minto/The News Journal Two-week camp at St. Andrew's draws high school student-athletes from Delaware and around the country MIDDLETOWN – At first glance, it looks like the typical sports camp that draws students to fill their summer vacation void between the end of one school year and the start of another. The sound of bouncing basketballs, squeaking sneakers and echoing voices fills the Sipprelle Field House at St. Outside, girls lacrosse players inhabit one field and girls and boys soccer players fill another. But it’s what happens before and after — and often amidst — all these sports practices that makes the Strive Sports Challenge Leadership Academy unique and, those associated with it say, superior. This is the program’s 19th year and 14th at St. All went through a rigorous application process.

tutoriel Je vais vous présenter aujourd’hui trois des outils majeurs de mon Environnement d’Apprentissage Personnel (EAP), dont je me sers au quotidien. En matière de veille documentaire, on peut distinguer trois démarches : trouver l’information pertinente sur le web, suivre la production des « bons auteurs », ceux que l’on a repérés comme producteurs d’articles sérieux et intéressants sur le sujettraiter cette information, conserver des traces des meilleures trouvailles, celles qu’on utilisera plus tard dans son travail et qu’on souhaitera donc retrouver sans peineet enfin (c’est facultatif, mais il faut partager son expertise, pas seulement profiter de celle des autres !) rendre publics les résultats de sa veille, afin qu’elle profite à tous les internautes partageant ses centres d’intérêts. Je vais vous décrire rapidement dans cet article les fonctions de ces outils et l’usage que j’en fait, et vous pourrez consulter les trois capsules vidéo qui vous les montreront en action.

True Leaders Have True Grit It’s not every day that distinguished Ivy League professors quote Hollywood actors in their epigraphs. But that’s exactly what Angela Duckworth, associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, did in a recent article she coauthored with Lauren Eskreis-Winkler for Observer magazine: "The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things--you got it on me in nine categories. - Oscar-nominated actor and Grammy award-winning musician Will Smith Why is this quote pertinent to Duckworth’s work? Duckworth’s research reveals that grit is an important determinant of success in almost any venture. Specifically, more than 1,200 freshman cadets took the grit test upon entering West Point and embarked on a grueling summer training course.

Pearltrees, des perles à partager Pearltrees, des perles à partager Détails Catégorie : Scoopit, Symbaloo et Pearltrees Publié le mercredi 3 septembre 2014 20:11 Écrit par Clotilde Chauvin Autre outil de curation et de navigation sociale (social bookmarking), Pearltrees conjuguait jusqu'au printemps 2014 le mindmapping et la veille. Quelques informations sur cette modification : Pearltrees passe en version 2.0 et change radicalement d’interface Modes opératoires et tutoriels… Tutoriel en français sur Pearltrees réalisé par Oscar Camilo Pineda Ortiz au sein de la Faculté de Droit Virtuelle de l'Université de Lyon 3 (Juin 2014). Des Pearltrees par discipline Des Pearltrees par ou pour les professeurs-documentalistes Des Pearltrees pour l'école

Education Week Opinion By Carol Dweck For many years, I secretly worked on my research. I say “secretly” because, once upon a time, researchers simply published their research in professional journals—and there it stayed. However, my colleagues and I learned things we thought people needed to know. So a few years back, I published my book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success to share these discoveries with educators. —Jori Bolton for Education Week This is wonderful, and the good word continues to spread. A growth mindset isn’t just about effort. We also need to remember that effort is a means to an end to the goal of learning and improving. “The growth mindset was intended to help close achievement gaps, not hide them.” Recently, someone asked what keeps me up at night. I also fear that the mindset work is sometimes used to justify why some students aren’t learning: “Oh, he has a fixed mindset.” In many quarters, a growth mindset had become the right thing to have, the right way to think.

18 Powerful Ways to Build Your Mental Toughness | It's a well-known adage: What happens to us plays far less a role in our happiness and success than our responses. To develop and maintain the kind of mental toughness that success requires, it's crucial that you keep your thoughts and self-talk positive and avoid the habits that lead to negativity and unhealthy behaviors. The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we never see them fight. Help keep yourself prepared for whatever comes your way tomorrow by practicing good habits of mind and attitude: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Becoming a mentally strong person takes practice and mindfulness.

Visuals can be a very useful tool in learning. It is important to know how to use images and which images have the best impact. by rachelbreann Mar 8
