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Maggie's Crochet · Welcome

Maggie's Crochet · Welcome

Free Doll Clothes Patterns You Can Find Online If you have priced doll clothes, you know they are expensive. As much or sometimes even more than actual sized clothing, doll clothes have taken on a great amount of detail and description. You can even find matching outfits for little girls and their dolls so they can look alike. But you don't have to break your budget buying ready made doll clothes. You can find many patterns online for free. The size of the clothing varies because the size of dolls vary. To please your little mommy in training, you don't have to spend an arm and a leg for doll clothing. Keep in mind; dolls come in a variety of sizes. So, if you are going to sew an outfit, you might like to start with a simple pattern. Craft Freebies Craft Freebies offers a list of doll patterns (soft and crochet) and doll clothes patterns. Crocheted Dolls and Doll Clothes Links Over 100 links at this site. Crochet Pattern Central Tons and tons of crochet patterns for dolls. Vintage Crochet Free crochet doll clothes patterns.

Make It Yourself Monday: Free 18-inch Doll Patterns Online When I started sewing for dolls I didn't even understand that things like patterns existed. After a few years of muddling about on my own I discovered that library books had patterns and that these patterns could be used to make doll clothes, usually much fancier than the items I had managed on my own. When I started using patterns I found a whole new world of fashion for my dolls. I could hardly fathom the avenues of discovery opening before me. My earliest avenues in sewing were accomplished with a needle and thread. Since patterns were such an eyeopener for me I am eager to share them with others. American Girl Playthings offers all PDF versions for the original Pleasant Company historical patterns for Addy, Samantha, Felicity, Josefina, Kirsten and Molly. provides a very nice dropped waist dress pattern in American Girl size on their Free Pattern & Sewing Challenges page. has lots of free patterns.

Stitch Story: The Invisible Fasten Off (one of my favorite crochet techniques) Lately I have been doing a lot of crocheting in the round, and have been exploring techniques to make the pieces look their best. I wanted the join of the end to the beginning of the round to be seamless. The regular method of fastening off leaves an unsightly bump. After searching and experimenting, I began using the method that I call "the invisible fasten off". Step 1: Complete the last stitch in the round. Step 2: Cut the yarn, leaving a 3" tail. Step 3: Insert hook into BOTH LOOPS of the second stitch in the round, yo, and pull all the way through again. Step 4: Insert hook into the FRONT LOOP ONLY of the last stitch in the round, yo and pull down through. Step 5: Weave in the tail end, and admire your invisible fasten off!
