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HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer

HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer

squid : Optimising Web Delivery cloudfoundry-community/postgres-smoke-tests-boshrelease RabbitMQ - Messaging that just works BIND An authoritative DNS server answers requests from resolvers, using information about the domain names it is authoritative for. You can provide DNS services on the Internet by installing this software on a server and giving it information about your domain names. The BIND 9 documentation includes a description of the Primary/Secondary/stealth secondary roles for authoritative servers. Response Rate Limiting (RRL) is an enhancement to named to reduce the problem of “amplification attacks” by rate-limiting DNS responses. Minimal ANY Responses Queries for ANY records are a possible abuse mechanism because they typically extract a response much larger than the query. Dynamically-Loadable Zones (DLZ) enable BIND 9 to retrieve zone data directly from an external database. Minimum Re-load Time Update your BIND 9 server zone files with the remote name daemon control (rndc) utility, without restarting BIND 9. HSM Support DNSSEC with In-line Signing Catalog Zones Scaleable Primary-Secondary Hierarchy

A Guide to Using BOSH What if there is a problem with VM that is running our service? BOSH offers manual and automatic recovery when there are problems with infrastructure resources. In this exercise we are going to kill our VM and use manual recovery option. Kill one of VMs. bosh-lite is using Warden to manage deployments. Warden is a Linux container management tool. Each container represents one VM. $ vagrant ssh vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0$ sudo apt-get update vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0$ sudo apt-get install curl vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0$ curl vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0$ curl -XDELETE Let's see that one of the VMs is in a bad state: $ bosh vms Run cloud check and select option "Recreate VM". $ bosh cck Run bosh vms to see all VMs running again. Learn more:

Eureka at a glance · Netflix/eureka Wiki What is Eureka? Eureka is a REST (Representational State Transfer) based service that is primarily used in the AWS cloud for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers. We call this service, the Eureka Server. What is the need for Eureka? In AWS cloud, because of its inherent nature, servers come and go. How different is Eureka from AWS ELB? AWS Elastic Load Balancer is a load balancing solution for edge services exposed to end-user web traffic. AWS ELB is also a traditional proxy-based load balancing solution whereas with Eureka it is different in that the load balancing happens at the instance/server/host level. Another important aspect that differentiates proxy-based load balancing from load balancing using Eureka is that your application can be resilient to the outages of the load balancers, since the information regarding the available servers is cached on the client. How different is Eureka from Route 53? How is Eureka used at Netflix?

bosh Note: Updated for bosh-warden-cpi v28+. This topic describes cloud properties for different resources created by the Warden/Garden CPI. Networks Currently the CPI does not support any cloud properties for networks. Example of a manual network: networks:- name: default type: manual subnets: - range: gateway: static: [] Note: bosh-warden-cpi v24+ makes it possible to use subnets bigger than /30 as exemplified above. bosh-lite v9000.48.0 uses that newer bosh-warden-cpi. Example of a dynamic network: The CPI does not support vip networks. Resource Pools Currently the CPI does not support any cloud properties for resource pools. Example of a resource pool: resource_pools:- name: default network: default stemcell: name: bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent version: latest Disk Pools Currently the CPI does not support any cloud properties for disks. Example of 10GB disk: disk_pools:- name: default disk_size: 10_240 Global Configuration Example of a CPI configuration:

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