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Butler Capital Partners, fonds capital investissement, fonds private equity, Walter Butler – BCP Equity crowdfunding for dummies: How it works & how to get in on the game | VentureBeat | Business | by VentureBeat The crowdfunding industry is hitting its stride. Kickstarter announced recently it has topped $1 billion in pledges for its rewards-based opportunities, and peer-to-peer lending leader Lending Club is preparing for its IPO. The potential impacts of crowdfunding on the economy and entrepreneurship are staggering. A case in point: backers of Oculus VR’s $2.4 million Kickstarter campaign in 2012 are not seeing any upside from Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition. Relatively little is known about what many investors consider to be crowdfunding’s holy grail – equity crowdfunding. Based on OurCrowd’s analysis of the 10 largest equity crowdfunding platforms by asset volume (see infographic), and our own performance with active equity crowdfunding investors, I expect $700 million is more realistic. So why are insiders so confident that equity crowdfunding will transform the capital markets? The payback from equity crowdfunding can be enormous. Diversify. Invest in what you know.

Carmine Capital - levée de fonds, cession PME, reprise d'entreprise - Carmine Capital Vision - Social Capital The world we live in should be fair and equitable for everyone irrespective of gender, race, religion or any other affiliation. When this is true, the station you are born into is not your ultimate fate. Then, the world gets an opportunity for its best and brightest to solve the most important problems for current and future generations. At Social Capital, our mission is to transform society by using technology to solve the world’s hardest problems. We do this by utilizing our people and capital to help bring the most promising and disruptive ideas worldwide for maximum impact. In order to do this, we cannot get distracted by the middle ground because it is ultimately a path to mediocrity. intellectual curiosity that tries to understand the next layer of detail acts like an owner believes in our mission and wants it to be a part of their legacy is independent, curious, and can manage themselves to consistently high-quality output unafraid to be wrong but is always forthright and earnest

Les Business Angels des Grandes Écoles 7 Incubators That Can Help Your Startup The idea for early-stage companies to share facilities in a business incubator became popular in the late 1970s. In 1980, approximately 12 business incubators were operating in the United States. These incubators offered startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses the support, expertise and tools necessary to succeed in increasingly competitive markets. They're also driving high return on investment doing so. A popular Connecticut study entitled Business Incubation: A Key ingredient to Economic Growth and Recovery, argued business incubators as a “best value” in economic development, based on low program costs and a high return on investment to communities. Some incubators are located in an actual physical space designed for consistent, in-person training, support and networking. 1. 2. 1M/1M: This global incubator is wholly digital and aspires to help one million entrepreneurs achieve one million dollars in annual revenue within the next four years. 4. 6. 7.

[Leadership] : « C’est l’entrepreneur le héros de l’histoire » - Iris Capital Franck Joseph-Maurin, expert en leadership & nouveau contributeur sur Presse-Citron, rencontre pour nous Julien-David Nitlech, directeur d’investissement chez Iris Capital, pour parler d’entrepreneuriat, d’investissement, de leadership & du lien qu’ils ont ensemble. Quoi de mieux, pour parler de leadership et d’entrepreneuriat, que d’aller voir un des acteurs majeurs du secteur de l’investissement dans l’économie numérique ? Chez Iris Capital, c’est Julien-David Nitlech, directeur d’investissement concentré plus spécifiquement sur les entreprises en amorçage et « early stage », qui me reçoit dans les locaux parisiens du fonds d’investissement. Quand vous recevez un projet, qu’est ce qui motive vos choix d’investissement ? Julien-David Nitlech : Chez Iris, nous investissons dans un projet d’entrepreneur. La relation à l’entrepreneur est donc primordiale dès la première rencontre ? Notre appréciation va porter sur trois moteurs chez l’entrepreneur :

Accelerator | StartX Apply To Our Fall Session StartX is an educational non-profit that accelerates the development of Stanford's top entrepreneurs through experiential education and collective intelligence. StartX requires no fees and takes zero equity. Our Accelerator's Core Components We take Zero Equity As a partner of Stanford University and Stanford Health Care as well as many Stanford programs and the Stanford student government, we support all Stanford founders, including undergraduates, Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, alumni, and professors. We are supported through foundation grants and corporate partnerships and take no equity in our companies. We are Industry and Stage Agnostic StartX founders tackle big problems in every industry, from biotech, medical device, hardware, cleantech, and non-profit to consumer and enterprise IT. We Provide Access to the Stanford-StartX Fund StartX Program Requirements We accept teams of all sizes, but teams typically have two to three founders.

#Finance : La France prend la deuxième place du capital-risque européen EY (anciennement Ernst & Young) vient de diffuser la deuxième édition de son baromètre du capital-risque en France. Une édition qui souligne la vitalité du financement des startups françaises malgré une légère baisse des montants levés par rapport aux deux semestres précédents. Retour sur le paysage français du capital-risque du 1er semestre 2014. Premier constat de ce baromètre, les montants investit au sein des startups françaises est plus faible que celui des deux semestres précédents atteignant 445 millions d’euros levés pour 188 opérations contre 487 millions pour 177 opérations au deuxième semestre 2013 et 488 millions en 211 opérations au premier trimestre de l’année. Sur les opérations réalisées, c’est sans surprise le digital (services internet et logiciels) qui obtient la première place avec 46% du montant total investi et qui concentre 60% des opérations. Tagged a-la-une, barome ey, BPI, capital risque

How To Start Your Own Private Equity Fund Private equity firms have been a historically successful asset class, and the field continues to grow as more would-be portfolio managers join the industry. Many investment bankers have made the switch from public to private equity because the latter has significantly outperformed the Standard & Poor's 500 over the last few decades, fueling greater demand for private equity funds from institutional and individual accredited investors. As demand continues to swell for alternative investments in the private equity space, new managers will need to emerge and provide investors with new opportunities to generate alpha. Today's many successful private equity firms include Blackstone Group, Apollo Management, TPG Capital, Goldman Sachs Capital Partners and Carlyle Group. Define the Business Strategy First, outline your business strategy and differentiate your financial plan from competitors' and benchmarks'. Set Up the Business Plan and the Operations Establish the Investment Vehicle

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