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Which Word Game - Pick the right word to fit the context I * to go to a private school, but I don't any more.!@#$@! "Used to" is the correct phrase. !@#$@! "Stationery" is writing paper. ! "Alot" is not a word. ! "Veins" are what blood flows through, while "vain" is an adjective meaning "conceited." ! In most instances, "effect" is a noun, and "affect" is a verb. ! A "reel" is a part of a fishing rod, while "real" means genuine. ! "Lend" and "borrow" are opposite sides of a transaction; the person who is borrowing receives, while the person who lends is the one who gives. ! "Won" is the past tense of "win," while "one" is a singular number. ! To "shoo" is to tell or motion something or someone to go away, while a "shoe" is a piece of footwear. ! "Lone" means only one, while a "loan" is something (usually money) that has been borrowed. ! Each game consists of ten sentences with a word missing (represented by a blank line in the sentence). This game is similar to Proof It! Click here for more games.

SAT Word Lists : Vocabulary Word lists for the SAT Each of the 10 word lists contains 100 important words. Make a commitment to learn one list a week. Go through each list and test yourself (or, better still, get a friend to test you) one week later to reinforce your learning. Remember - work on vocabulary is never a waste of time. It pays dividends in terms of your final SAT score, but more importantly, it makes you a more educated person. We have also produced 10 vocabulary lists for you to refer to when doing the real tests from the Official SAT study guide. Word focus Word Focus is our systematic approach to advanced vocabulary building. More information For more information and tips on how to use these word lists, visit our word lists section.

Mercosur Argentina, Sede Permanente del Mercosur Cultural - Mercosur/CMC/N° 11/6 VISTO: El tratado de Asunción, el Protocolo de Ouro Preto, las Decesiones N° 2/95 y 11/96 del Consejo del Mercado Común y la Resolución N° 122/96 del Grupo Mercado Común. CONSIDERANDO: Que el nuevo rol de la cultura en la agenda internacional constituye un elemento estratégico en la formulación de las políticas de desarrollo regional, contribuyendo a profundizar la integración; Que el reconocimiento que los bienes y servicios culturales poseen una doble dimensión, por generar riqueza y ser portadores de identidad basándose en la diversidad cultural, contribuyen a afianzar el sentido regional; La importancia de que el MERCOSUR cuente con una instancia permanente de articulación de las políticas culturales de la región. El antecedente: II Reunión de la RECAM, con delegaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Bolivia y Chile, entre los días 13 y 15 de Junio de 2004 PARCUM, Parlamento Cultural del Mercosur ...

with Pictures. Vocabulary Exercises Complex Tests Tests Exams Daily English Lesson English Forum Talks Download Worksheets Writing Games Parents Teachers Pupils/Students Literature/Books Dictionaries Read Top News Newsletter EFL/ESL Sites Guestbook FAQ Sitemap Press/Advertising Privacy Policy Imprint/Contact Search website: Custom Search Definición de globalización La globalización es un fenómeno moderno que puede ser analizado desde diversos ángulos. El término proviene del inglés globalization, donde global equivale a mundial. Por eso, hay quienes creen que el concepto más adecuado en castellano sería mundialización, derivado del vocablo francés mondialisation. A grandes rasgos, podría decirse que la globalización consiste en integración de las diversas sociedades internacionales en un único mercado capitalista mundial. Por eso, el fenómeno es defendido desde teorías económicas como el neoliberalismo y por entidades como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial. Los defensores de este fenómeno mundial exponen multitud de razones para estar a favor del mismo. Existen numerosas corrientes de pensamiento que creen que la globalización trasciende la cuestión económica y abarca a la cultura, por ejemplo. Los escritores norteamericanos Susan George y John Zerzan son igualmente figuras claves dentro de la mencionada postura opositora.

Verb Tense Tutorial Verb tenses are verb forms (went, go, will go) which English speakers use to talk about the past, present, and future in their language. There are twelve verb tense forms in English as well as other time expressions such as used to. For English learners, knowing how to use English tenses can be quite a challenge. Never fear.'s verb tense tutorial will teach you to think like a native speaker. Let's get started! How to use this tutorial: 1. 2. 3. Verb Tense Exercises About the Verb Tense Chart Look at the verb tense chart above. There are also three simple tenses, three continuous tenses, three perfect tenses and three perfect continuous tenses. For example, all simple tenses have similar uses. Did you also notice that present tenses and past tenses only have one form whereas future tenses have two forms? Common Questions about Verb Tenses How can I learn verb tenses? Our native language changes the way we think about time. Make sure you understand the details.

Mercosur debate cómo lograr el regreso de Paraguay al bloque AnteriorSiguiente La cumbre del Mercosur que se realizará este viernes en la ciudad de Montevideo se centrará sobre el reclamo de Paraguay, que establece como condición para reintegrarse al bloque asumir la presidencia pro témpore en lugar de Venezuela. Se espera que los presidentes de Argentina, Cristina Kirchner; Brasil, Dilma Rousseff; Uruguay, José Mujica; y Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, envíen un mensaje político exhortando a Paraguay para regresar al bloque. A ellos, se sumará Evo Morales, mandatario de Bolivia, en proceso de adhesión al bloque y con la expectiva de que se haga un repudio a los episodios vividos la semana pasada en Europa. Paraguay se encuentra suspendido desde el año pasado, en represalia por la destitución de Fernando Lugo. Eso será en agosto, con la asunción de Horacio Cartes. Maduro dijo este martes que cedería el mando, si eso ayudaba a la reincorporación de Paraguay, pero el ofrecimiento despertó sospechas entre los políticos de ese país. Embed

Common Problems - Connectors - Postscript Connectors What's wrong? Please correct the following sentences: What are connectors? Connectors are linking words or phrases that connect two ideas, facts, events, etc. They join the ideas but also signal what is coming next, eg a contrasting fact or a purpose. Examples 1. 2. The company needs to expand its international business. 3. The refunds are substantial. 4. We'll need to make personnel cuts. They sometimes offer reductions. Test it out! Look at these connectors and choose an appropriate one to fill each gap in the sentences below:
