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Open Education

Open Education
The aim of this scoreboard is to highlight the huge potential that European institutions have in the world of OER and to help visualize this potential by compiling the existing European-provided MOOCs available on different open websites. European MOOCs are those provided by European institutions, regardless of the platform that hosts them. All of the MOOCs accounted for in the scoreboard are also listed in the MOOC aggregator on this website. Please refer to our FAQ for more information about how this scoreboard is built, what are the sources of information and how the visualization works. Downloads Infographics To download a graphical version of the scoreboard in JPG Format click here. Institutions To download European Open Education Institutions click here Upcoming EU MOOCs To download Upcoming European MOOCs in our database per country and subject click here All EU MOOCs To download ALL European MOOCs in our database per country and subject click here Contact

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cursos online gratis: Universidades españolas se suman a la plataforma docente del MIT y Harvard Solo hay tres universidades españolas que han conseguido formar parte de la plataforma de cursos online gratuitos del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) y la Universidad de Harvard. El nombre del sitio web es edX y los centros españoles escogidos son la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, la Universidad Carlos III y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, que han lanzado 29 MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), en español cursos masivos, online y gratuitos, para todos los públicos. Probablemente el lector se preguntará qué es un MOOC. La otra historia está vinculada con tres universidades estadounidenses: la de Stanford, el MIT y Harvard. Un año más tarde, en 2012, el experto en inteligencia artificial Sebastian Thrun, también de Stanford, creó con otros dos colegas Udacity, otra plataforma de cursos online gratuitos que registró 150.000 estudiantes en sus primeros doce meses. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Universidad Carlos III Documental! Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Création de MOOCs corporate et intégration de MOOCs existants au sein de la plateforme CrossKnowlegde Avec près de 10 millions de personnes inscrites à des MOOCs, le succès de ces nouvelles approches pédagogiques tient principalement à l’expérience apprenant. En effet, les MOOCs prouvent qu’ils peuvent stimuler des millions d’apprenants non pas grâce aux contenus e-learning mais grâce à un environnement d’apprentissage plus global auquel une large communauté d’individus peut s’inscrire librement. Aller au-delà du contenu et privilégier l’expérience d’apprentissage est la clé du succès ; et c’est exactement le credo que CrossKnowledge revendique depuis sa création. CrossKnowledge contribue au développement de l’employabilité en favorisant la création de MOOCs corporate et l’accès aux MOOCs du marché Pionnier dans le secteur du e-learning, CrossKnowledge accompagne les entreprises dans ce nouveau champ de la formation en leur permettant de créer facilement et rapidement des MOOCs grâce à la nouvelle version de sa plateforme technologique.

Open Courses for Free | Open Learning Initiative At Harvard Extension School, free and open learning is hardly a new concept. In fact, the Extension School was founded with this mission in mind: to create an affordable way for any motivated student to take courses at Harvard. We stay true to this mission today, offering several free courses and nearly 800 for-credit courses at reasonable tuition rates. Explore our series of free or low-cost courses below. In addition, you can also browse Harvard University's Digital Learning Portal, which features online learning content from across the University, both free and fee-based options. Video accessibility. Abstract Algebra In these free videotaped lectures, Professor Gross presents an array of algebraic concepts. The Ancient Greek Hero American Poetry from the Mayflower through Emerson Discover how the United States developed its own national literature with Elisa New, Powell M. Watch a video, in which Elisa New discusses the design of the HarvardX course and the topics covered. Bits China

Emagister - Cursos y eBecas exclusivas en formación Mind mapping pour la gestion de projet Il existe 4 types de raisonnement : 1 – “En chaîne” = séquentiel : étape par étape . Il s’agit d’un raisonnement séquentiel. 2 – “En étoile” ou “radial”= ex. le “SON” est le seul point commun à tous les concepts, d’où appellation de connaissances cloisonnées. L’élément central est le seul point commun à tous les concepts développés. 3 – “Arbre hiérarchique” : décomposition en sous parties comme pour le cas de l’analyse d’un problème à travers sa décomposition en sous-parties pour pouvoir les étudier plus facilement. 4 – “En réseau” : interconnexion (prise en compte de la complexité). Open educational resources UNESCO believes that universal access to high quality education is key to the building of peace, sustainable social and economic development, and intercultural dialogue. Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a strategic opportunity to improve the quality of education as well as facilitate policy dialogue, knowledge sharing and capacity building. Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In 2001, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in an unprecedented move, announced the release of nearly all its courses on the internet for free access. With the support of the Hewlett Foundation, UNESCO created a global OER Community wiki in 2005 to share information and work collaboratively on issues surrounding the production and use of Open Educational Resources.

10,000+ Open & Free Online Courses for 2015 | Written by: Thomas Broderick Universities, colleges, and private organizations offer free online college courses to help students acquire new knowledge and skills. These courses cover a variety of traditional academic topics and other subjects that can lead to career advancement and personal enrichment. Featured Online Programs Most online courses provide an introduction to a topic, although there are some intermediary and advanced courses. Some free college courses use the term massive online open course (MOOC). Benefits of Open Courses Free online college courses allow students to learn from home, a significant advantage for learners who prefer to eliminate a commute. In a free college course, learners can explore new academic topics without incurring high tuition costs. Open courses can also expose students to new hobbies. Should You Take Open Courses? Open courses also attract current high school and college students. Popular Online Courses Open Courses FAQ
