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Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning

Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning
Related:  Curiosidad

A Case for Curiosity Every year, five million children enter kindergarten armed with one word: "Why?" They continuously ask questions in what seems like an unending loop. On the other side, parents, caretakers, and teachers do their best to come up with answers to manage this kiddie-inquisition. Yet there's no allaying it. Behind that question hides another. Early-childhood research says that we have a curious scientific nature from the beginning of life. But something happens as children get older. Many great thinkers and artists lament the act of forgetting one's innate nature. Today, the need for curious people has heightened. Nurturing Curiosity It's time to make a recommitment to curiosity, and all that takes is a few small acts. In fact, Isidor Rabi's mother asked him this every day, and he later won a Nobel Prize in physics. Stay Hungry. Some children already understand that they've inherited a curious mindset, and they do their best to remind adults. So make space for asking questions.

A TED-Ed Club member advocates for immersive language instruction High school senior Yash Khatavkar takes issue with the fact that, as he was learning Spanish, his elementary school only offered one hour of Spanish instruction per week. Even as he got older, he felt like Spanish classes in school just weren’t enough to move him past the point of having to translate between English and Spanish in his head. “I have trouble with it. I can’t do the conjugations that I need to do,” he says in his TED-Ed Club presentation. “I think the way we teach it is part of the problem.” TED-Ed Clubs is a program that introduces students to the basics of presentation literacy and walks them through the steps of giving a TED-like talk. How did you decide on this subject for your TED-Ed Club presentation? My presentation was about language — I focused on how language acquisition has become more important to us. Why is it important to learn to speak more than one language? Knowing multiple languages is increasingly important as the world becomes more and more global.

Curiosity: The Metaskill to Thrive in the 21st Century The ability to learn faster than others is a competitive advantage. To thrive in an uncertain and complex world doesn’t depend on the skills your team has, but on those they can acquire. Learning is a force for change. But how can your employees develop a learning mindset? The answer is both simple and complex — organizations must recover the power of curiosity. article continues after advertisement Source: Alice Achterhof/ Unsplash For years, scientists have been trying to replicate the wrong mind — that of an adult. The father of computer science and artificial intelligence was onto something back in the 1950s. “Instead of trying to produce a program to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child’s?” It took us 60 years to finally bring computer scientists and developmental psychologists together to decipher the formula of curiosity. Curiosity Is the Mother of Learning We are all born curious. We treasure knowing, not the experience of learning. 1.

Personalized Learning Personalized learning is instruction that offers pedagogy, curriculum, and learning environments to meet the individual student’s needs. The experience is tailored to learning preferences and the specific interests of different learners. In a personalized learning environment, the learning objectives and content, as well as the method and pace, may all vary. Personalization also encompasses differentiated instruction that supports student progress based on subject matter mastery. Read a report and key findings from the Software& Information Industry Association about innovation and redesigning education for personalization. Personalized learning is non-linear The way people learn is ‘messy’ and intensely personal –research has shown that it doesn’t happen in a straight line or easy progression. Read a white paper from the Center for Digital Learning that covers current and future pathways to personalized learning. Developing a personalized learning plan Technology and personalized learning

El valor de la curiosidad A medida que envejecemos, nos acostumbramos y familiarizamos con la realidad que nos rodea y con nosotros mismos. Así dejamos de sorprendernos y de potenciar nuestra curiosidad. Las experiencias del pasado dan forma a nuestra percepción del mundo y nos enseñan lecciones que llevamos alrededor de la mayor parte de nuestras vidas. Hacemos suposiciones basadas en esas experiencias y lecciones, a veces de manera indiscriminada. Cuando nos enfrentamos a una situación desconocida o un problema, nuestras mentes perciben un lugar de confusión o conflicto como una brecha. Para resolver esta discrepancia, nuestra mente tiende naturalmente a llenar los espacios en blanco con la información obtenida de las cosas que sabemos (experiencias). «La vejez empieza cuando se pierde la curiosidad»-José Saramago- Supuestos Decía un sabio que «suponer es ignorar». Necesitamos teorizar y establecer relaciones causales a modo de modelos explicativos de la realidad. El caso de la curiosidad en los niños

Preparing a Classroom Culture for Deeper Learning After reading an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, students form a circle to engage in conversation about liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The inquiry circle begins with two questions posed by the teacher: What is more important, liberty or the pursuit of happiness? To begin, some students argue that liberty and the pursuit of happiness are only open to the people who follow rules within a society. This leads to a conversation about the nature of happiness. While the conversation was rich and rooted in deeper learning and understanding, the inquiry-based discussion did not end within the classroom. Deeper student learning can evolve over time facilitated by an educator who is skilled in the art of thinking within a carefully crafted environment. 1. The development of formal thinking and logical reasoning skills is necessary to achieving deeper learning. Photo Credit: Elizabeth A. 2. 3. 4. Have students retell or reimagine learning content with a modern-day twist. 5.

La curiosidad nos ayuda a aprender — La Mente es Maravillosa Muchas personas tienen una increíble curiosidad por lo que les rodea. Un interés muy fuerte por algo que les ha llamado poderosamente la atención y de lo que desean aprender mucho más. Este tipo de «coleccionistas de intereses» suelen tener conocimientos sobre diferentes temas, retienen muy bien la información y parecen contar con una motivación incansable. Cuando la curiosidad se potencia, un nuevo mundo lleno de oportunidades se abre ante nosotros. «Dicen que la curiosidad mató al gato, pero no dicen si lo que descubrió valió la pena»-José Saramago- El origen de la curiosidad Uno podría pensar que la curiosidad nace solo del interior de uno mismo. En función de nuestra manera de percibir el mundo, los objetos no se mueven por sí solos a menos que exista otro factor (viento, movimiento por nuestra parte) que los obligue a ello. A todos nos gusta aprender «No tengo ningún talento en especial, solo soy apasionadamente curioso»-Albert Einstein- La curiosidad es insaciable.

Chris Lehmann - Inquiry: The Very First Step In the Process of Learning Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy (SLA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In November of 2012, Chris was named one of Dell's #Inspire100 - one of the 100 people changing the world using Social Media. In April of 2012, Chris won the Lindback Award for Excellence in Principal Leadership in the School District of Philadelphia. In September of 2011, Chris was honored by the White House as a Champion of Change for his work in education reform. SLA is built on the notion that inquiry is the very first step in the process of learning. Developed in partnership with The Franklin Institute and its commitment to inquiry-based science, SLA provides a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum with a focus on science, technology, mathematics and entrepreneurship. Jump to: Resources | Chat & Group Notes | Questions | Participants

Los cinco tipos de curiosidad: ¿cuál es el tuyo y para qué te sirve? | Blog Laboratorio de felicidad Todos nacemos curiosos. La curiosidad tiene grandes ventajas: desde rejuvenecer nuestra mente a ayudarnos a afrontar con éxito los cambios. Pero no todos lo vivimos del mismo modo. Hay a quien le fascina Instagram para husmear en la vida de los demás; otros centran su interés en conocer cosas materiales como, por ejemplo, el funcionamiento de un determinado motor. Ambas personas son curiosas, pero lo que demuestran las últimas investigaciones es que dependiendo del tipo de curiosidad que tengamos estaremos mejor preparados para resolver unos conflictos u otros. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pues bien, según una reciente investigación realizada a más de 3.000 trabajadores en Estados Unidos, Alemania y China, el 84% reconoció que la curiosidad permite generar nuevas ideas y un 64% que ésta ayuda a obtener un ascenso laboral. Concluyendo, la curiosidad es sana, a pesar de algún refrán que diga lo contrario, y si pudiéramos, valdría la pena desarrollar distintas perspectivas de la curiosidad.

Great Teaching Means Letting Go Great Teaching Means Letting Go by Grant Wiggins, Ed.D, Authentic Education My greatest learning as a teacher came on the soccer field. We had been working for a few weeks on the same key ‘moves’ on the field related to creating ‘space’. After a few practices, the team looked good in the drills – they’ve got it! Next two games? There are two vital lessons here about learning: Transfer is the bottom-line goal of all learning, not scripted behavior.Transfer means that a learner can draw upon and apply from allof what was learned, as the situation warrants, not just do one move at a time in response to a prompt. In a word: autonomy. Put negatively, the more coaches and teachers prompt/remind/scaffold, over and over, without a deliberate and explicit plan for release of responsibility, the more students will flounder in situations demanding autonomy. Everywhere I go I see way too much scaffolded and prompted teaching – through twelfth grade. But, Grant – surely with little kids… No! 1. 2. 3.

Curiosidad: Por qué todo nos interesa - Philip Ball Jennifer Rivers' Blog

A nice intro into why curiosity matters by brianac Aug 18
