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Around The World with 80 Schools A Guide to Student-Led Conferences Parent-teacher conferences provide parents with updates on their child’s progress and opportunities to see their student’s work. They also open communication between school and home. However, students often are passive, or even absent, during traditional parent-teacher conferences. One way to fix this is to put students at the helm, as they are the ones who are responsible for their work and progress. Here, we detail a few ways to hold effective student-led conferences and we offer a guide for each conference participant. What Is a Student-Led Conference? Image via Flickr by Innovation_School In the student-led conference format, students and teachers prepare together, and then students lead the conference while teachers facilitate. Why Conduct Student-Led Conferences? During traditional parent-teacher conferences, parents ask how their students are doing, and teachers provide grades and behavior reports. Furthermore, teachers report more satisfaction with student-led conferences. In Short
100 ფოტო, რომელმაც შეძრა მსოფლიო 1. ფოტოგრაფიის პირველი პირმშო 1826 წელს ფრანგმა ჟოზეფ ნიკიფორ ნიეფსიმ – Joseph Niépce – მისი სტუდიის ფანჯრიდან შექმნა ხედის რეპროდუქცია, რომელზედაც წარმოდგენილი იყო ფარდულის დაქანებული სახურავი, მსხლის ხე, რომლის ტოტებს შორის ცის კამარა მოჩანდა და მტრედის სახლი. ეს უხეში და გაურკვეველი გამოსახულება კაცობრიობის ისტორიის განმავლობაში პირველ წარმატებულ ფოტოსურათს წარმოადგენდა. ნიეფსიმ ამ სურათს ჰელიოგრაფია (მზე-მხატვრობა) უწოდა.პირველი ფოტოს გამჟღავნებას 8 საათი დასჭირდა. 2. ებრაულ-სლავური წარმოშოფის ფოტოგრაფის – ჰაინ ლუისის ტრიუმფად ნიუ-იორკის 443-მეტრიანი Empire State Building-ის მშენებლობის ამსახველი კადრები იქცა. 4. 72 წლის მხიარული გენიოსი 1951 წელი. ფოტოგრაფმა ფილიპ ჰალცმანმა სახელი გაითქვა ორიგინალურად გადაღებული ფოტოებით, რომლებზეც ჰაერში ამხტარ ადამიანებს იღებდა. 7. ჩრდილოეთ კაროლინა, 1950 წელი. პატრიკ ფარელის მიერ გადაღებული ფოტო ჰაიტის ტრაგედიაზე, 2008 წელს.9. აშშ–საფრანგეთი. 1992 წლის ნოემბერი. ს 11. 1985 წლის 13 ნოემბერი. ა. ი 15. ი 17. 20. 23. s 25. 26. 27. 31. 37. 41. 43. 48. 49.
Rare Historical Photos Show 1910s Imperial Russia In Glorious Color Given how many historical photos are video are shot in black and white, many of us can forget that the past was also in full color – we just don’t get to see it. However, these photos of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century by photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky give us a rare glimpse into the past in full and glorious color. Color photography, in the way that we understand it, was not possible at the time, but it was possible to create a color image for the viewer by completing three separate photographs. A trained chemist and artist, Prokudin-Gorsky began creating tricolor photos after studying with German photochemistry professor Adolf Miethe. Source: U.S. Emir Seyyid Mir Mohammed Alim Khan, the Emir of Bukhara, seated holding a sword in Bukhara, (present-day Uzbekistan), ca. 1910 General view of the Nikolaevskii Cathedral from southwest in Mozhaisk in 1911 A switch operator poses on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, near the town of Ust Katav on the Yuryuzan River in 1910
Teaching strategies Global education covers complex and controversial issues. This is a selection of teaching and learning approaches that develop knowledge and skills to respond to global issues. Freedom fighter or terrorist? Passionate or one-eyed? Passive resistance or civil uprising? Illegal arrival or asylum seeker? The words used and our interpretation of images and statistics are an insight into our perspective or bias – our view of the world. Global education aims to assist students to recognise bias in written and visual texts, consider different points of view and make judgements about how bias can lead to discrimination and inequality. Activities to help students understand bias: Younger students might rewrite a well-known story from a different perspective – for example, Little Red Riding Hood rewritten from the perspective of the wolf. Cartoons are a great way to challenge thinking about an issue. Cartoons can be used in the global education classroom to: Activities Tell a story Useful websites
Favourite infographic for July: New detailed taxonomy wheel for teachers It was round about this time in March that I reflected on how much time I spend these days digesting information through infographics. I’m a firm believer in their value: while they should not be seen as a replacement for reading, they are a very useful tool when it comes to getting key ideas across quickly and in a visually stimulating way. With this in mind, I decided, starting in March, to post an ‘infographic of the month’. This month’s choice comes from MMI Independent Educational Consultancy and is a graphic reworking of Bloom’s Taxonomy…
Эти Совершенно Разные Животные Любят Друг Друга И Это Прекрасно! | Лучшие истории со всего мира Понравилось? Поделитесь с друзьями! Самое интересное в интернете: Inez and Vinoodh's video for new Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney song Maybe it’s because I spent all day Saturday watching Beatles documentaries, or maybe it’s because I’m feeling emotional and loving after a big lunch, but this is great. If you had told anyone five years ago that Rihanna, Kanye and Paul would team up with fashion photography powerhouse Inez and Vinoodh to create a music video, no one would have believed you. But, it’s happened. Sure Brandon Stosuy from Pitchfork just referred to it on Twitter as a GAP commercial, but I think maybe it’s stronger than that. Inez and Vinoodh: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds Inez and Vinoodh: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds Inez and Vinoodh: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds Inez and Vinoodh: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds Inez and Vinoodh: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds
5 Ways to Inspire Students Through Global Collaboration Culture Teaching Strategies Flickr:rwkvisual The Internet has made the world smaller. Teachers can now collaborate with classrooms around the world to expose different culture to students. Two educators listed just a few of the advantages of investing in a globally connected classroom during a recent webinar hosted by EdWeb. Working with students from a different culture motivates students. International pen pals may be the most straightforward global collaboration available. Epals is a free resource that allows educators to easily find other classrooms interested in collaborations. ChicagoNow Do you want to know how I usually start my day? I travel around the world. Thanks to this fantastic group of bloggers from around the world, I can catch real-time images of daily life as it unfolds in countries across the globe – all from the comfort of my own home. One of the most recent photos I posted to Instagram - my "boys" racing through an apple orchard. A playgroup enjoying Oktoberfest festivities in Germany. A family visiting a new food market in The Netherlands. A mother and child visiting a pumpkin patch in the US. A family eating grilled meat for Eid al-Adha in Morocco. Children making Adinkra prints as part of their West African studies in Canada. Just one of the many photos I posted from our summer vacation in New York City - me in front of the United Nations Building. With each photo a Multicultural Kid Blogs blogger posts to Instagram, I learn more and more about the world around me - and abroad. Everyone says technology makes the world a smaller, more interconnected one.
Гений фотографии Рене Мальтет Творчество классического французского фотографа René Maltête уже более полувека дает повод людям радоваться жизни. Рене Мальтет родился в 1930 году, а ровно 12 лет назад его не стало. Но творчество французского юмориста не забыто. Фотографировать Рене Мальтет начал в возрасте 16 лет, мечтая стать режиссером художественных фильмов. Рене Мальтет — яркий представитель французской жанровой фотографии, известный своими ироничными зарисовками с натуры. Смотрите также: Фоторозыгрыши Роберо Дуано Шедевры фотографии How People React When Complete Strangers Fall Asleep On Them On The Subway Most of us are all about compassion towards our fellow man, but would you let a tired stranger rest their head on your shoulder for a quick snooze? New York-based artist George Ferrandi has put that to the test in her quirky and fun photo project “It felt like I knew you.” The premise of Ferrandi’s project is simple – she pretends to fall asleep on a total stranger on the NY subway system, and her associate Angela Gilland captured their reactions on her phone. Most people were, not surprisingly, surprised. Napping on strangers is often a part of public prank videos, but Ferrandi approaches strangers with a somewhat more tender approach; “I focus on the shape of the space between the person sitting next to me and myself. For more interesting public New York photography, check out this photographer’s pictures of kissing couples in New York. Source: (via: huffingtonpost)