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Alice Leung | learning and leading | Page 3 In New South Wales, Australia, the 2014 school year is just about to start so I thought I’d share with you my 4 professional goals for 2014. Goal #1 – Keeping science real 2013 was the year where I started the journey of connecting my students with current, practising Australian scientists. 2014 will also be the year where I want to utilise social media and technology to connect students with scientists, not just in Australia but from around the world. Goal #2 – Embed science communication into my teaching I was very privileged to be involved in the UTS Summer School this year where I worked with Christy, a former Questacon presenter (a science communicator who does science shows for children). One of the ideas I have this year is to have a science communication project where students work in small groups and become science communicators themselves where they design and perform an act that explains a scientific concept. Goal #3 – Making learning, thinking and understanding visible

Google Sites as a Tool for Student Portfolios - Flipped Events Google Sites Resources Intermediate/Advanced For advanced users, try at least 2 of the following activities. Try using the embed gadget in the Featured category to embed a non-Google product such as a Slideshare or VoiceThread link. If you are looking for material to embed, try the following links: Go to More>Manage Site>Site Layout>Colors and Fonts. Advanced Resources SOLO Hexagon Generator This HookED app populates a SOLO Hexagon Template. Brainstorm content ideas and enter them in the fields below. Click “Generate Document” to populate the template. Print the template and cut out the hexagons. Ask students to arrange the hexagons in sequences and clusters, justifying and annotating any connections made. Unistructural learning outcome-student identifies one hexagonMultistructural learning outcome-student identifies several hexagonsRelational learning outcome-student connects hexagons and explains the connections with annotations.Extended abstract learning outcome– student tessellates (clusters) hexagons adding annotations to make generalisations about a vertex (intersection point).

Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I recently re-read the post, I didn’t disagree with anything I’d said. Yet my brief love affair with the flip has ended. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula. My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift What was my role? The flip faded away The flip is gone for good No.

Resources and tools for Optics and Photonics Educators SPIE has assembled this list of websites containing lesson plans, activities, demonstrations and free materials to provide resources for educators, parents and students. Use them to bring light into your classroom! The Exploratorium Science Snacks - Snacks about LightNASA Educational Materials - Light and Color activities for grades K-12Flame Challenge--What is Color? - Winners from the 2014 Flame Challenge explain colorCanon Science Lab - What is Light? 2015 International Year of Light - Official website listing events, resources, sponsors and information on how to get involved International Year of Light Posters - Dozens of free posters available for downloadNanoscale Informal Science Education - International Year of Light Resources assembled by NISE Discover Engineering – Information about Engineers Week, self-guided tutorials content and activities for volunteers and educators - Browse standards based K-12 curriculum modulesWhat Is Engineering?

Explore Sound - welcome to exploring Andy Warhol's Marilyn Prints In the 1960s, Andy Warhol created several “mass-produced” images from photographs of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and Jackie Onassis. Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was a key figure in Pop Art, an art movement that emerged in America and elsewhere in the 1950s to become prominent over the next two decades. The Fauves used non-representational color and representational form to convey different sensations. Apply the same idea to the portrait of Marilyn Monroe below, using the controls to adjust the colors. How does the color affect the mood? Unlike the Fauve colors, the non-representational colors of Pop Art do not depict the artist’s inner sensation of the world. Warhol discusses his choice of color in this 1981 recording. On the occasion of Marilyn Monroe’s suicide in August 1962, Warhol used this image for his screenprinting. Warhol was fascinated with morbid concepts. In August 62 I started doing silkscreens.

La couleur et ses mystères ClaireKönig Enseignante Sciences Naturelles Nous vivons dans un monde en couleurs. La nature et le vivant nous émerveillent par la variété des effets colorés qu'ils offrent. L'art s'en est inspiré, la mode, et de nos jours, le marketing. La couleur, si elle nous apparaît toujours comme naturelle, est devenue un enjeu économique avec le développement de matériaux et de produits jouant avec ses effets. Empereurs byzantins "nés dans la pourpre", rouge écarlate du manteau du Christ, fabuleux "pays de cocagne" où l'or bleu du pastel en coques assure indéfiniment la prospérité générale... Irisation d’opale Une exposition internationale a eu lieu au Musée des beaux-arts de Carcassonne (1999-2000) puis au Centre de documentació i Museu tèxtil de Terrassa, près de Barcelone (2000) sur le thème de l'importance culturelle et économique de colorants extraits du monde vivant. Quartie de la Boca, Buenos Aires Argentine

La couleur dans tous ses éclats BernardValeur Physicochimiste Nous vivons dans un monde foisonnant de couleurs. La couleur constitue un très vaste sujet, à la fois riche, complexe et hautement pluridisciplinaire : elle relève de la physique, de la chimie, de la physiologie, mais aussi des sciences humaines (sociologie, anthropologie, ethnologie, linguistique, psychologie et philosophie), et bien sûr de l’art. La couleur peut être fluorescente. © B. Ce dossier propose un tour d'horizon de ce thème, depuis la vision des couleurs jusqu'aux nuances du vocabulaire, en passant par la signification des couleurs et la couleur des animaux. Partez à la découverte de ce dossier éclatant de couleurs.

Conférences Cyclope Juniors / La science pour tous Contacts Accès Accueil CEA Saclay La recherche Unités de recherche La science pour tous Emploi et formation Entreprises > Accueil > La science pour tous > Conférences Cyclope Juniors Conférences Cyclope Juniors Thème : Communication L'actualité scientifique et technique présentée aux jeunes. Organisation/Renseignements : Ces conférences se déroulent à 20h00 à l'INSTN Saclay. Le centre CEA de Saclay organise des conférences « Cyclope » destinées à présenter au grand public l'actualité scientifique et technique. Les conférences Cyclope « Juniors », également ouvertes à tous, sont plus particulièrement conçues pour les jeunes. LIENS UTILES | PLAN DU SITE Informations légales et droit de diffusion
