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Theatre Company in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK

Theatre Company in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK

SOLO taxonomy A few weeks ago I rather rashly offered to present on SOLO taxonomy to the North Somerset Aspire network. As always with this sort of foolishness it’s made me consider my understanding of the subject in a lot more depth. Before the Summer I’d never even heard of it. But since then the whole world (or at least the very narrow teaching geek world I inhabit) has exploded with SOLO fever. Tait Coles and Darren Mead have done their best to help me understand some of the complexities but it’s taken Lisa Jane Ashes, another English teacher, to get me over the last few humps. So, after cannibalising Tait’s Prezi, I began putting together a presentation which said what I thought needed saying. And here are the bits and bobs to go with the presentation : 'Grown up' statements on AfL to classify And the SOLO levels sheet to help prompt the AfL card sort: And the 'meta' hexagons (which are really just hexagons about SOLO and probably a bit of a disappointment) Like this: Like Loading...

Theater - Theatersuche - Theater-Tickets - Theatertage - Kulturnews Henry VI Hung be the heavenswith black, yield dayto night! Cieux, tendez-vousde noir, jour, faisplace à la nuit ! Thomas Jolly croit au théâtre avec une passion et un engagement communicatifs. Depuis 2006, sa compagnie, La Piccola Familia, en témoigne sur tous les tons, montant aussi bien Marivaux et Mark Ravenhill que Sacha Guitry (nombreux sont les spectateurs de Toâ au Festival Impatience – Odéon/Télérama – qui se souviennent de lui avoir décerné le Prix du public en 2009). Thomas Jolly : "Henry VI", "une pièce hors... par lemondefr Le texte d'Henry VI est édité à l'avant-scène théâtre. traduction Line CottegniesMise en scène et scénographie Thomas JollyAssistant à la mise en scène Alexandre Daincollaboration dramaturgique Julie Lerat-Gersantcréation lumière Léry Chédemail, Antoine Travert, Thomas Jollymusique originale/création son Clément MirguetTextes de la Rhapsode Manon Thorelcréation costumes Sylvette Dequest, Marie Bramsenparure animale de Richard Gloucester Sylvain Wavrant King Henry

Robert Louis Stevenson Website - RLS Website Vocal exercises by David and Rebecca Carey | Stage What is a real voice? The one we develop through childhood and adolescence? Perhaps, but that is more likely to be habitual, formed by family, school, self-image - the voice that gets us what we want when we are young. Voices do not mature until quite late in life (in your 30s for a male voice), so the time of training in a drama school is a time for exploration and maturation, both physically and personally. The voice is newly "found", often more true and authentic than the one the young acting student thought was "real". The habitual voice should be insufficient for the actor. An actor's voice must be able to respond imaginatively to situation and character and communicate to an audience through any media or space. We are built to make sound, and that sound begins with inspiration, or breath. The vocal folds come together in repetitive waves, a little like a sea creature, approximately 200 times per second. Language is carried on breath. What's involved? Voice exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

EnglishEdu - English Teaching & Learning Resources Método Feldenkrais El Método Feldenkrais es un sistema de educación somática desarrollado por el científico judío de origen ucraniano Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984).[1] Este método utiliza el movimiento consciente y la atención dirigida para buscar patrones de movimiento eficientes y sanos, así como mejorar la postura y refinar habilidades motrices. Actualmente hay más de 6.000 practicantes de Feldenkrais[2] en 25 países de cuatro continentes.[3] ¿Qué es el Método Feldenkrais?[editar] El Método Feldenkrais usa el movimiento y la atención dirigida a la persona como vehículo para acceder al cerebro y a su capacidad para crear nuevas conexiones neuronales y nuevos patrones de movimiento. A diferencia de técnicas como la yoga, Feldenkrais no trabaja a partir del esfuerzo muscular o de la flexibilidad, ni tiene un enfoque en el contacto muscular, como los masajes.[5] En el caso de este método el énfasis está puesto en el movimiento del esqueleto mientras se practica la atención dirigida. Enfoque[editar]

Articulation Exercises This is a few of the best articulation exercises. As an actor or singer it is important to develop your articulation. If you are ever performing a classical text, especially Shakespeare, you really need to have clear diction. There is a mixture of tongue-twisters and exercises listed below. Pick and choose which articulation exercises work best for you. Unique New York New York Unique To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock In a pestilential prison with a life long lock Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block Red Leather, Yellow Leather She says she shall sew a sheet What a to do to die today, at a minute or two to two, a thing distinctly hard to say, but a harder thing to do. She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccupping, and amicably welcoming him home. A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bleed blue black blood. Lesser leather never weathered lesser wetter weather. Vocal Exercises
