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LabSpace - The Open University

LabSpace - The Open University

Authentic Assessment Toolbox Home Page to the Authentic Assessment Toolbox, a how-to text on creating authentic tasks, rubrics, and standards for measuring and improving student learning. Inside, you will find chapters on A good place to start -- In this chapter I identify the characteristics, strengths and limitations of authentic assessment; compare and contrast it with traditional (test-based) assessment. Why has authentic assessment become more popular in recent years? When can it best serve assessment needs? After a brief overview, follow a detailed, four-step process for creating an authentic assessment. All good assessment begins with standards: statements of what we want our students to know and be able to do. Authentic assessments are often called "tasks" because they include real-world applications we ask students to perform. To assess the quality of student work on authentic tasks, teachers develop rubrics, or scoring scales. A guide to constructing good, multiple-choice tests, to complement your authentic assessments

Khan Academy TACCLE 2 - PT Webnode EDU | Mathematics resources - or Best content in TACCLE2pt Filme de animação II - 2 views Os trabalhos que agora vos apresento foram realizados durante o ano letivo 2009-10, com uma turma do 6º ano, na disciplina de EVT, no Colégio Cesário Verde. Tratam-se também de um conjunto de filme... animação artes projeto exemplo música composição

15+ eLearning Storyboard Templates Posted: 05.09.2012 | Author: Nicole L. | Filed under: eLearning, Instructional Design | Tags: eLearning, Instructional design, Storyboard, Templates |22 Comments If you have to create a storyboard for an e-learning course you’re working on, odds are you’ve come to the web to browse around and get ideas on what you want to include in it. To make that easier for you I’ve compiled a gallery of 15+ e-learning storyboard templates and samples available on the web. Hopefully going over these examples will help you narrow down what you should include in your own storyboard document. About these ads Like this:
