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Testa ditt färgseende - Capio Medocular

Testa ditt färgseende - Capio Medocular

Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena How to Make a Spy Glass Color Wheel - Friday Fun Craft Projects What you will make: Use red, blue and yellow cellophane to make a color wheel that teaches kids about combining the primary colors. Have your child see how many colors can be made by overlapping the colored cellophane layers. For even more colors, the color wheel doubles as a spy glass that your child can look through to see the colors of things change. This craft is well-suited for family, group or classroom craft time, and with preparation by the adult or teen leader, can be used with younger children. Related craft: For more fun with colored cellophane, see the Multicolor Binoculars craft project. Here's what you need: Cardstock Scrap paper Cellophane: red, blue and yellow Glue Pencil Scissors 1" or larger circle punch Hole punch Paper fastener This project is rated EASY to do. Read all of the steps before starting. Step 1: Project Preparation Gather the materials needed for making the color wheel. Step 2: Make a Pattern Cut a 2" by 3" piece of scrap paper. Step 3: Cut and Punch Cardstock

Are you a Super Taster? Some people think broccoli tastes unbearably bitter, and ice cream tastes sickeningly sweet, and lemonade tastes painfully sour. These people are supertasters. Supertasters have more taste buds than most people. Are you a supertaster? What you need: cotton swab blue food coloring plastic reinforcement ring (used in three hole binders) mirror What to do: Dab blue food coloring on the tip of your tongue with the cotton swab. optiska illusioner - regnbågen How do we get rainbows? Rainbows are spectacular rays of color. Sunlight looks white, but it's really made up of different, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through rain drops. The raindrops act like tiny prisms. They bend the different colors in white light, so the light spreads out into a band of colors that can be reflected back to you as a rainbow. Where do you look for a rainbow? Can rainbows make a full-circle? Are there double rainbows? What is an upside-down rainbow? Why can't you ever find the end of a rainbow? Can a rainbow appear during the night? What are the Northern Lights? What causes the auroras? What are crepuscular rays? What is a halo? What are sun dogs? What are sun pillars? What is a blue moon? What are blue jets? What is a mirage? What are sprites? What are elves? Optical Illusion Activities Lesson Plan: Here is a great lesson plan on rainbows.

Staff Picks: Optical Illusions Staff Picks: Optical Illusions Staff Picks: Optical Illusions Depth Spinner Does it feel like the walls are closing in? Changing Illusions Tease your brain with five interactive illusions. Fading Dot If you stare at this dot, for few moments it disappears. Cafe Wall Illusion Interact with the Cafe Wall Illusion. Postcard Exhibits Four exhibits small enough to fit on postcards. Sliding Gray Step Is it light gray or dark gray? Shimmer Your eye movements make this design seem to shimmer. Trapezoidal Window Sometimes things are not as they appear. Bird in a Cage See colors that aren't really there. Squirming Palm Can you make your palm squirm? Mona Leonardo's famous painting is used in an interesting perceptual experiment. The Temple Illusion This ancient temple holds a secret...can you reveal the mystery? ExploratoriumPier 15, San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 528-4444 © 2014 ExploratoriumPrivacy Policy Follow Us At About Press Office Membership Support Calendar Store Tickets

Färgblindhet Alla människor uppfattar inte färger likadant. Människor som har ett avvikande färgseende kallas färgblinda. Total färgblindhet är mycket ovanligt. Det finns många olika typer av färgblindhet. Så här fungerar det Då vi tittar på ett föremål kommer ljus in i ögat. Tappar och stavarDet finns två typer av synceller på näthinnan. Ljus av olika färg har olika våglängd. Uppfattar färger annorlundaRöd-grönfärgblinda kan inte se skillnad på rött och grönt, och vissa andra färger bereder också svårigheter. Varför är män oftare färgblinda än kvinnor? Därför att färgblindhet är ärftligt och genen som ger färgblindheten sitter på X-kromosomen.Dessutom krävs att genen är recessiv, och så är det med färgblindhet. X- och Y-kromosomerna bestämmer en persons kön. Hos män finns bara en X-kromosom, så om den har en gen för färgblindhet så blir mannen färgblind. Kvinnor som har en färgblindhetsgen, och alltså inte är färgblinda, kan dock föra sin färgblindhetsgen vidare till sina barn (i 50% av fallen).

Blinda fläcken Most people (even many who work on the brain) assume that what you see is pretty much what your eye sees and reports to your brain. In fact, your brain adds very substantially to the report it gets from your eye, so that a lot of what you see is actually "made up" by the brain. Some special features of the anatomy of the eyeball make it possible to demonstrate this to yourself. The front of the eye acts like a camera lens, differently directing light rays from each point in space so as to create on the back of the eye a picture of the world. The sheet of photoreceptors is much like a sheet of film at the back of a camera. Look around. Close your left eye and stare at the cross mark in the diagram with your right eye. So, as you can see, you have a pretty big blind spot, at least as big as the spot in the diagram. Alright, you say, that's kind of neat, but maybe the brain isn't "making it up." Resources Elsewhere:
