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TRAILS: Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills

TRAILS: Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills

42explore: Thematic Pathfinders for All Ages Top 5 Quiz Generators for Online Educators Top 5 Quiz Generators for Online Educators Building out quizzes for both traditional and online classes can be a time-consuming chore. Luckily, there are now many online "generators" being designed that take much of the work out of online test taking. If you need to create a simple online test, look to the five user-friendly tools below. Exam Builder – With this exam generator, you can create an online test in a Web browser, and then publish it in one click. You can customize each test for online registration and individual retests, plus the site provides an analysis on how your students scored as a whole. Quiz Center – Brought to you by the Discovery Channel, this easy tool will allow you to create, publish and grade quizzes online. Charles Kelly's Online Quiz Generator – This multiple choice test generator is very popular amongst tech-savvy college instructors. The above tools have proven to be very useful and popular amongst online instructors.

Library Grants NETS-S TASKs on GADOE GID – Guided Inquiry Design The icons represent the nuances of each phase. Open represented as an open circle. In GId we open to a concept to start with wonder and curiosity. Immerse looks like ripples in a pool of water. Time spent in this phase ripples into the success of later phases of inquiry. Explore is an explosion. Identify is the turning point of the inquiry signified by the bending arrow into a dot. Gather is when students are out and back. Create is the shape of a hexagon with many shades which indicates a reforming of understanding as students create new meaning through the information they have found. Share is a talk bubble as students share their learning with their inquiry community and the wider world. Evaluate is a think bubble because students not only reflect all the way through the GId process, but taking time to reflect at the end helps them become more aware of how they learned, an important skill for today’s learners. Close

Virtual Information Inquiry: REACTS Stripling and Pitts Research Process Model The late 1980s was a time when many librarians and educators were discussing the importance of information skills. Barbara Stripling and Judy Pitts focused their attention on the need for high level thinking in the research process. It became known as the Stripling and Pitts Research Process Model or REACTS. Read the article Teaching Inquiry with Primary Sources to see REACTS in action. The REACTS Taxonomy developed by Barbara Stripling and Judy Pitts focuses on critical thinking in the research process. The REACTS Taxonomy includes the following elements: Recalling Explaining Analyzing Challenging Transforming Synthesizing Ten Step Research Process Along with the the teaching strategies associated with the REACTS Taxonomy, Stripling and Pitts designed a 10-step process to help students develop their term paper from topic selection to final product. Learn More Brainstorms and Blueprints: Teaching Research as a Thinking Process by Barbara Stripling, and Judy Pitts.

INTJ Profile Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judgingby Marina Margaret Heiss Profile: INTJ Revision: 3.1 Date of Revision: 17 Oct 2009 To outsiders, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know". Introverted iNtuition U.S.

Assessing Change In High School Student Information Literacy Using The Tool For Real-Time Assessment Of Information Literacy Skills | Kovalik | Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) Assessing Change In High School Student Information Literacy Using The Tool For Real-Time Assessment Of Information Literacy Skills Cindy L. Kovalik, Susan D. Abstract Change in high school student information literacy (IL) knowledge and skills, from freshman year to senior year in high school was the focus of this quasi-experimental research project. Full Text: PDF

