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Epoch by Fastly

Epoch by Fastly

Lazy.js - v0.3.2 Lazy.js is a functional utility library for JavaScript, similar to Underscore and Lodash, but with a lazy engine under the hood that strives to do as little work as possible while being as flexible as possible. It has no external dependencies, so you can get started right away with: (Note the package is called "lazy.js", with a dot.) Or, if you're using Lazy.js in the browser: Now let's look at what you can do with Lazy.js. Introduction Let's start with an array of objects representing people. var people = getBigArrayOfPeople(); Suppose we're using this array to back some sort of search-as-you-type functionality, where users can search for people by their last names. var results = _.chain(people) .pluck('lastName') .filter(function(name) { return name.startsWith('Smith'); }) .take(5) .value(); This query does a lot of stuff: So if performance and/or efficiency were a concern for you, you would probably not do things that way using Underscore. Well, yeah. That's where Lazy.js comes in! Features

Miscelanea CSS, JavaScript, Html, PHP Al comenzar en su próximo gran proyecto web, probablemente se encuentre tan emocionado como yo - uno mezcla en su cabeza el diseño, la paleta de colores, y la navegación hasta que no se puede pensar con claridad. He estado allí antes y sé que no siempre es tan divertido como antes al recibir el proyecto crece un estusiasmo. Hay maneras de aliviar esta tensión y el estrés que su cliente puede sentir, por tomarse el tiempo para ahondar primero en la organización de la página web, sin estos elementos extraños que más tarde se llevará a la mayor parte del tiempo de uno creando. Wireframe para una Startup, por Stephanie Hamilton Design. Aquí es donde los wireframes llegan. Y por cierto, ¿por qué son tan importantes? Los wireframes previenen: Tener que volver atrás y rediseñar un diseño complejo porque no se invirtió el tiempo suficiente en la fase de planificación.Un rediseño del sitio caro debido a la interfaz de usuario pobre.La frustración del usuario. Y ¿qué debo incluir? ¿Cómo son hacen?

Lazy Line Painter marmelab/gremlins.js jonom/jquery-focuspoint krasimir/bubble.js Chartist - Simple responsive charts You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Highly customizable responsive charts Facts about Chartist The following facts should give you an overview why to choose Chartists as your front-end chart generator: Simple handling while using convention over configurationGreat flexibility while using clear separation of concerns (Style with CSS & control with JS)Usage of SVG (Yes! These projects and wrapper libraries are known to me right now that either use Chartist.js or wrap them into a library for usage in a framework. Cross-browser support Note that CSS3 animations on SVG CSS attributes are not supported on all browsers and the appearance may vary.

SweetAlert A beautiful replacement for Javascript's "Alert" So... What does it do? Here’s a comparison of a standard error message. Normal alert Code: alert("Oops... Sweet Alert sweetAlert("Oops Pretty cool huh? More examples In these examples, we're using the shorthand function swal to call sweetAlert. Download & install Method 1: Install through bower: $ bower install sweetalert Method 2: Download the sweetAlert CSS and JavaScript files. Configuration Here are the keys that you can use if you pass an object into sweetAlert: Contribute

Platform En ajoutant le bouton de connexion "Google+ Sign-In" sur votre site, vous bénéficiez de toute la puissance de Google. Lorsqu'un utilisateur est connecté, vous recevez un jeton OAuth vous permettant de formuler des requêtes API en son nom. Ainsi, vous pouvez mieux cerner l'utilisateur, le connecter à ses amis et créer une expérience plus riche et intéressante. Vous pouvez également ajouter le bouton "Google+ Sign-In" à votre application Android ou iOS. La première fois qu'un utilisateur clique sur le bouton de connexion, une boîte de dialogue d'autorisation s'affiche. Un utilisateur a toujours la possibilité de révoquer l'accès à une application à tout moment. Essayer Le bouton ci-dessous déclenche le processus de connexion OAuth 2.0 et génère l'objet de résultat d'autorisation. Sélection d'un processus de connexion Plusieurs options de gestion du processus de connexion s'offrent à vous : Le processus côté client, qui utilise les langages JavaScript et HTML. Étape 4 : Gérer la connexion

Login for the Web Using the JavaScript SDK If people using your app aren't logged into your app or not logged into Facebook, you can use the Login dialog to prompt them to do both. Various versions of the dialog are shown below. If they aren't logged into Facebook, they'll first be prompted to log in and then move on to logging in to your app. The JavaScript SDK automatically detects this, so you don't need to do anything extra to enable this behavior. There are two ways to log someone in: Using the Login Button Including the Login Button into your page is easy. Note that in the example at the start of this document, we use the onlogin attribute on the button to set up a JavaScript callback that checks the login status to see if the person logged in successfully: This is the callback. function checkLoginState() { FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { statusChangeCallback(response); });} Invoking the Login Dialog with the JavaScript SDK Handling Login dialog response Asking for Permissions

untitled It's a Rat Race: 40+ Free SEO Tools Any Site Owner Needs to Know Aug 06 2014 Free SEO tools are a great way to get closer to that number one position without paying too much upfront. Dirty little secrets: even the average SEO specialist uses free tools, so why shouldn’t you? We have researched the following big list of free SEO tools anyone should at least know about. Even if you may have used one or two from the list already, we are sure you’ll find more than one gem you haven’t seen before. Keyword Eye Provider: © Seobility Provider: © Keyword Tool Provider: Google Inc. © Google Inc. Übersuggest – Suggest on Steroids Provider: © Word to Clean HTML Provider: Olly Cope © Olly Cope Image SEO Tool Provider: Patrick Sexton © Patrick Sexton Schema Creator Provider: © Snippetoptimizer Provider: © Pingdom Website Speed Test Provider: Pingdom © Pingdom SEO & Webmaster Tools Provider: (dpe)

Object.create() This article is in progress of being translated. Présentation La fonction Object.create() crée un nouvel objet qui possède un prototype* et des propriétés. * (note du traducteur) Normalement un objet n'a pas de prototype ( mais il est relié au prototype de la fonction qui a servi à le construire ). Syntaxe Object.create(proto [, propertiesObject ]) Paramètres proto L'objet qui sert de prototype au nouvel objet crée. propertiesObject Si cet argument facultatif est spécifié, il représente un objet dont les propriétés seront propres au nouvel objet crée (et non partagés avec son prototype). Throws Lève une exception TypeError si le paramètre proto n'est pas soit null soit un objet . Exemples Utilisation simple d'Object.create La manière la plus simple : Cette façon de procéder est simple mais elle appelle 2 commentaires. 1- Le nouvel objet créé (mycar) peut être prototypé, alors que l'objet littéral (car) ne peut pas. car.prototype.speed = 180; mycar.prototype.speed = 180; ou Héritage avec Object.create
