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Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward
Comments Before and After: Before showing the movie ask the class to evaluate the various ways that characters in the movie paid it forward. At the end of the movie, tell students that there is a Pay It Forward Foundation with a web-site showing instances of paying it forward. See The Pay It Forward Experience. Discussion Questions: After the film has been watched, engage the class in a discussion about the movie. 1. 2. 3. For fifteen more discussion questions, click here. Assignments: Some of the discussion questions can serve as writing prompts. 1. 2. 3. 4. Related:  listening and watching videos

A podcast about life as a teenager in Sweden We will work with podcasts the last weeks. We are going to follow a Syrian family in this podcast. I will give you questions to discuss. You are also going to produce your own podcasts and reflect on your own lives in Sweden. The ability we are going to focus on is this: reflect over living conditions, social and cultural phenomena in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used. reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används This is the assessment: Pupils can understand the main content and basic details in English spoken at a moderate pace and in basic texts in various genres. Eleven kan förstå det huvudsakliga innehållet och uppfatta tydliga detaljer i talad engelska i måttligt tempo samt i lättillgängliga texter i olika genrer. In oral and written production, pupils can express themselves simply, understandably and relatively coherently. Here are some suggested topics to your podcasts:

English as a Second Language (ESL) Lesson plans & ideas for teachers: eslflow index & home page Teach them English The best place online to learn English for free Listening strategies | Welcome to English, step 3-4 (Spring 2015) Listening Listening is considered to be the most difficult skill by language learners because we not only have to understand the grammar of the language, but also the speed, pronunciation, intonation and choice of words that the speaker uses. All these factors combined make listening very hard. Luckily, there are some tips and help for you and here I will talk about some strategies to help you become a better listener. Strategies Pre-listening Pre-listening activities are an important part of becoming a better listener. – Think about what you already know before you listen: the topicgenre (news, interview, speech..)the situationthe country in which the language is spoken – Signals such as: “I´m afraid that..” -Connectors such as: although..On the one hand…on the other hand (signals two contrasting ideas) – Sequencers such as: firstly, secondly, next, finally…. , cheese and tomatoes – Pictures and title: can give you clues about the topic etc for the main idea? First, listen for the main idea.

Letting Your Students Choose ⋆ Teaching Matters is not alone! Finally, there is someone else out there with this crazy idea of letting the students choose what they wish to study. She calls herself Captain Awesome and she is a blogger at WeAreTeachers. In two articles she clearly explains a very similar practice to what I have created for my students and from which has evolved. Furthermore, Captain Awesome has spiced up her topics to sound more intriguing. She uses topics like “Old Dead Poet Meets Hot Young Actors” instead of just plain “Shakespeare”. Extr@ – Learn English with videos A cool TV series, a funny sitcom, and an English course, all wrapped in one single package to make Extr@, the perfect way of learning natural English having fun.SEE THE OTHER EPISODES HERE !Do extr@ activities hereAnnie and Bridget share a flat. Their next-door neighbour Nick is a disorganized, humorous macho fellow. Bridget's Argentinean penpal, Hector, comes to London to visit her. Subtitles Script

Podcasts | Independent English podcast (noun)a recording of a radio broadcast or a video that can be taken from the InternetTo listen to the podcast, click on the link below.I download podcasts of radio shows and listen to them in the car.[Definition from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary] Although the word podcast was originally taken from ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcast’, you don’t need an iPod to listen to one. In fact, you don’t even need an mp3 player; a computer with internet access is enough. They are freely available from a wide variety of sources, some designed for native speakers and others for language learners. Why should I use podcasts? As you listen to more and more English, you will understand more. How can I use podcasts? You can download podcasts from some of the places listed below and listen to them as you are doing other things. Here are some activities you can do using podcasts if you want to use them for studying: Choose a podcast on a subject you are interested in. Where can I find podcasts? P.S.

Berättelser som berör Läsårets sista lektion blev passande nog med ett härligt gäng ungdomar som går ut nian. Lektionen bjöd därför på sammanfattande tankar om ämnet svenska. Undervisningen har bland annat haft som syfte att: Utmana tankar genom olika berättelser (i bland annat reportage, krönikor, noveller, romaner, bilder, filmer och verkligheten)Uttrycka dessa tankar och åsikter i tal och skriftIfrågasätta det man ser, läser och hörUtveckla skrivandet i olika typer av texter En bärande grundidé som undervisningen vilar på är att den ska beröra och/eller att det ska upplevas som viktigt. Innan jag kunde släppa klassen var jag tvungen att visa en viral succé som jag bara älskar! Filmen kommer jag att använda i undervisningen nästa läsår. Jag visade klippet även i personalrummet där många lärare såg och blev berörda av filmen. Vet du Fredrik… vill du höra en sann historia om ett möte? Berättelser som berör. Med ett härligt avslutande möte tar jag nu sommarlov!

Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities The CGBros Welcome to TheCGBros and thanks for tuning in to our channel! Our mission is to bring you HD-quality professional content, insights and digital inspiration from around the world. You'll find only the best and latest in Digital Art creation including VFX, 3D Animation, Student and Independent Short Films, Motion Graphics Design, Behind The Scenes/Breakdowns, 3D Software Tutorials, and much much more... Get plugged in to what other artists are doing today, and get a glimpse of what's coming in the future. At TheCGBros, you'll find what you need to save time and money, and the inspiration to drive your personal and professional projects to the next level. Whether you're into 3D animation, Visual Effects, Motion Graphics or just looking to have some fun and learn something new...TheCGBros have got you covered for all things CG. Your inspiration is guaranteed! Who knows, you may just become famous!

English listening exercises and printable listening worksheets for free, ESL listening activities for kids GOONJ: Clothes and Respect | Listen & Read | Spotlight English Transcript Voice 1 Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Robin Basselin. Voice 2 And I’m Ryan Geertma. Suhklal lives in central India. Voice 2 One day, Suhklal heard about a way to get clothes. Suhklal decided to work with GOONJ. Today’s Spotlight is on the GOONJ organization and how it is improving life for individuals and communities in India. Voice 1 In 1998, Anshu Gupta and his wife Meenakshi heard about a crisis. The Guptas began to wonder how many people were like them. Anshu Gupta always knew that there was a need for clothes. Gupta also remembered another time when he visited a village after an earthquake. As Anshu and Meenakshi Gupta looked at their gathered clothes, they had an idea. So the Guptas began their organization and called it GOONJ. Voice 3 “One of the biggest problems with clothes donation is you give what you have. GOONJ hopes to change how people think about the act of giving and about the receiver. Voice 3 “Often, you do not give away old clothes as a gift. Voice 4

Peek of the week 10 - great videos and channels on YouTube Peek of the week 10 focuses on channels and inspirational videos on YouTube. What they have in common? They are informative, often funny and graphically appealing and, not to forget, they are in English. Here are some of my favorites.. Apart from English, I also teach History and I really like Epic Rap Battles . Important historical figures pop up with fun lyrics, but still with facts woven in.. Here is Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr: Crash Course has illustrative videos with a tiny humoristic twist. How and Why We Read: Amy Poehler's Smart Girls has some videos where smart girls take a dominant seat - love it! Other good channels to recommend are: AnglopheniaCGP Grey (witty informative videos) SoulPancake (Kid President is found here, reflective videos about life...)Teaching ToleranceTEDEducation
