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Marketing, Lifestyle, Fashion, Gadgets and Product Innovations

Marketing, Lifestyle, Fashion, Gadgets and Product Innovations

Japan News 9 min ago | Tablehopper New Chefs and Changes at Izakaya Roku, Jolt 'n Bolt Hoodline reports that ~IZAKAYA ROKU~ has a new chef. Trending on the Topix Network 4 hrs ago | Reuters As Japan weighs energy options, costs mount for idled reactors Since March 2011, Japan's government has focused on the cost of cleaning up after Fukushima, the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. 8 hrs ago | Ukiah Blog Live When life becomes a shadow after nuclear catastrophe Those caught up in nuclear disasters suffer many times over, writes Robert Jacobs. 12 hrs ago | WaterWorld 240 babies die every hour from unsafe water - " UN-Water Millions of children under five die every year due to toxically germ-infested unsafe drinking water - almost three to four babies a minute, according to UN-Water's estimations. 16 hrs ago | TechEBlog EA Bar: A Gun-Equipped Restauraunt in Japan That Lets Guests Shoot Away Stress Called the EA Bar, this unique themed restaurant in Tokyo, Japan is marketed exclusively to airsoft lovers.

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