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Engelska - åk 8 - South Africa and Human Rights

Engelska - åk 8 - South Africa and Human Rights

Realia (forts.) - engelska - åk8 Ansvarig/Ansvariga: Maggie MorkosNär, under vilka veckor? HT13: v.34-43 Vad? Realia (english speaking country) : Australia En allsidig språkinlärning via realia. Huvudsyftet är att lära sig så mycket som möjligt om engelsktalande länder. Nu jobbar vi på att avsluta projektet genom att få feedback på uppsatsen, förbättra den och visa det genom att redovisa om sitt tema muntligt. Frågeställning (och följdfrågor): Vi startar projektet med dessa frågor: - Vad kan jag om Australien? Under projektetsgång jobba vi vidare med dessa frågor: - Vad kan vi lära oss om engelska språket? - Hur skiljer sig Australien från Sverige? Centralt innehåll från kursplanen: Vi kommer att jobba med: Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används. Kunskapskrav, aktuella delar av matrisen: Se nedan för aktuella delar av matrisen som bedöms samt gradering inom förmågorna Hur? Hur ska vi arbeta? Tidsplan, när ska vi göra vad? v.37-38 - Redovisningar

New Zealand English | Spotlight Online To the untrained ear, the Southern Hemisphere accents — Australian, New Zealand and South African — are rather similar. This may have to do with the fact that it is much easier to travel between these places than from any of them to Britain or North America. Listen more closely, however, and you'll hear that the accents have in fact developed in different directions. This young woman, like many New Zealanders, uses the word "Kiwi" to refer to both herself and her way of speaking. The kiwi is a national symbol of New Zealand — if you're talking about a flightless bird with a long beak. The kiwi fruit, although often imported from New Zealand, is native to China. Some of the expressions introduced in the video, such as "no worries" and "she'll be right", are also used in Australia, whereas most of the others, such as "sweet as" and "bro", are not. Some characteristics New Zealanders speak at a higher pitch than other speakers of English. Want to know more about New Zealand English? English Timeline This interactive timeline allows you to explore the evolution of English language and literature, from the 11th century to the present day. Scroll through decade by decade to investigate the richness and diversity of our poetry and prose, as well as the many social, cultural and political strands from which our language has been woven. The timeline includes a fascinating combination of texts: Anglo Saxon tales and medieval illuminations; iconic literary manuscripts and printed texts; as well as letters, newspapers, handbills, posters, charters, speeches and campaign leaflets. Launch the interactive Flash timeline above, or explore the collections within each of the centuries below. Beowulf, Anglo Saxon monsters & more...

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