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Printable: Make a Monster Face - ALEX Toys | ALEX Toys Posted on Dec 18, 2013 in Printables | 0 comments Just in time for the Halloween, here’s Make A Monster Face! Designed to be easy enough for preschoolers, it’s a fun activity for kids that involves no more than cutting and pasting. Make lots of different faces with various combinations of cut-out features! When they’re done they can show off their hard work and hang the monster faces up as Halloween decorations! What You Need: Safety ScissorsGlue Stick3 Page Printable – (Click each image to download) How To Make It:

Owl Puppet and Monster Face Fun - November Free Printables for Kids This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Alex Toys. All opinions are authentic and my own. Please see my disclosure policy. There’s some new and exciting stuff goin’ on around here … I’m so excited to announce that today marks the start of a new monthly series featuring Alex Toys’ awesome Free Printables for Kids! (Did you know that Alex Toys has a blog full of fun kids activities and ideas?) The first week of each month, I will be showing you some of the fun we’ve been having with the free printable kids activities and crafts from Alex Toys. Paper Bag Owl Puppet Printable for Kids This paper bag owl puppet craft was the perfect activity to keep Priscilla busy while Sawyer was working on his homework. My favorite part was that when she was all done with the craft, she had a cute owl puppet to encourage imaginative play, too. Download and Print the Paper Bag Owl Printable for Kids at Alex Toys Funny Monster Face Printable for Kids About Krissy Bonning-Gould

FUNGLISH: Autumn - czyli pierwsza porcja jesiennych materiałów Ponieważ jesień zbliża się wielkimi krokami, taki wniosek wysuwam z obserwacji pogody za oknem, w ciągu najbliższych dni na blogu pojawiać się będą materiały związane z jesiennymi lekcjami. Lekcje tematyczne zawsze zaczynam od wprowadzenia słownictwa, a tego nie wyobrażam sobie robić z dziećmi bez flashcards. W ubiegłych latach korzystałam z materiałów z, dodatkowo sama rysowałam flashcards. W tym roku wykorzystałam PicMonkey, zrobiłam nowe karty i inne materiały sama. Na początek idą flashcards. Przygotowałam dwa zestawy. Download (pictures + words) Download (pictures) W kolejnych wpisach pojawią się jesienne gry planszowe oraz ćwiczenia.

Autumn – czyli jesień w przedszkolu :) | English is easy Temat zajeć: Autumn. W celu zaprezentowania dzieciom nowych słówek związanych z jesienią przygotowałam: kasztany, zołedzie, orzechy włoskie, szyszki no i oczywiście kolorowe liście. Aby wprowadzić nowe słowa powinniśmy zaciekawić troszke dzieci – a wiec możemy przygotować magic box Przydatna jest nam także pacynka, którą przynosimy zawsze na zajecia. Pytamy Simona co ma w swoim pudełeczku: Simon, what do you have in your magic box? Simon odpowiada: Oooh, I have chestnuts, acorns, cones, nuts, aaaaand beautiful leaves! Look! Możemy zaprezentować także wyliczanke: One little, two little, three little leaves! Four little, five little, six little leaves! itd. Nie może zabraknąć także piosenek o liściach Liczymy listki: Piosenka o spadających liściach: Na utrwalenie ze starszymi dzieciakami możemy pobawić sie w głuchy telefon lub ciuciubabke Ciuciubabka: Zakrywamy 1 dziecku oczy chustą. Możemy pobawić sie także w: which one is missing? Na youtube jest także dostepna krótka bajka o jesieni

It’s October, the month of our favorite holiday! | ARTiculation360 The 10 Little Indians Song can be done with any theme! Since it’s the month of Halloween, here it is with a monster theme: Ready to play Build a Monster? Print out the eyes, ears, mouths and noses onto printable magnetic paper or sticker paper or just some sort of thick paper and then cut out the pieces (there are a lot of pieces all squished together to make sure you get the most use out of your magnetic paper). Now print out some bodies: If you used the magnetic paper you will need something iron in back to make the pieces stick. Print, cut out and glue the die: Now you are ready to play. 1) Take all the pieces and put them into a pile (you can separate the different body parts into different piles or dishes). 2) Decide who goes first (try a counting rhyme :o) 3) The first player rolls the die, says what piece is showing on the top of the die and once she says it, she can choose a piece from the pile. Have fun you crazy evil geniuses! Like this: Like Loading...

20 sposobów na wykorzystanie flashcards (kart obrazkowych) | English is easy W dzisiejszym poście chciałabym opisać 20 sposobów na wykorzystanie flashcards Z pewnością wiekszość zabaw jest Wam już znanych Zapraszam także na inne blogi takie jak: Sposoby na użycie flashcards Miganie obrazka – pokazujemy dzieciom szybko flashcards i chowamy. Znacie jakies inne gry i zabawy z użyciem flashcards?

Nauczanie angielskiego dzieci - praca i pasja. Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL How To Teach Kids Numbers 1 to 10 Stimulating and efficient ways of teaching the basics of numbers to young learners. For some reason students love counting. That is lucky because numbers are a basic part of almost any young learners’ course, starting with counting up to five or ten and moving on to money, dates, times and the rest. This article is about the early stages of that process, including making this endlessly repeated topic always new and interesting. The seven stages of teaching these numbers are: Counting up to 10Counting down from 10 to 1Counting thingsUnderstanding and responding to spoken random numbers between 1 and 10Being able to say random numbers when shown the figureRecognising and responding to numbers written out as words, e.g. number word recognition, word shape recognition and recognition of certain key letters. The teaching ideas below more or less follow the order above. Counting up and down Counting things There are plenty of games where students count how many of something there is.
