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Five Best Blogging Platforms

Five Best Blogging Platforms
For me it's a really tough decision between Blogger and Wordpress. I use blogger for personal stuff, and get lots of traffic thanks to being Less Fat and Riding Bike ( It's been good to me, and been a lot of fun in the process. Yet, there are nagging things I think Google could do a lot better. I mean, it's easy and powerful enough for me to just edit the code - but when I'm doing personal blogging, generally I'm going to be lazy about it. Then there's WordPress, which is what I use for work and is fantastic. My only drawback for personal is that I'm lazy when I'm not at work - and Blogger is easier in that respect. So that's where I stand, for work stuff WordPress is fantastic because it's really without limits.

The Online Mom - Technology and Internet Advice for Parents - Social networking, photo sharing, video games, IM & texting, internet security, cyberbullying Moonbase Alpha : NASA SERIOUS GAME SIMULATION | Real-Ti Top Ten Blog Tips 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web Where Technology and Motherhood Meet-Technology and Social Media Tips for moms — Tech Talk for Moms How to Use QR Codes to Market Your Business Consumers in Japan are used to seeing fuzzy little code boxes on just about everything—advertising posters in subway stations, McDonald's sandwich wrappers, beverage packaging, receipts, T-shirt tags, and building facades. The code technology—known as QR, or quick response—acts like a gateway allowing anyone with a camera phone to easily step between the digital and physical worlds. A quick scan of the code instantly connects to nutrition information, special offers, exclusive content, price quotes, or even the ability to make a hair-cut appointment or save contact information. QR codes and similar 2-D tag technology have been slower to catch on in America. However, marketing professionals say the question isn't whether the codes will reach the level of ubiquity found in Japan; rather, it's how quickly will they be a part of every day life, like reading a URL address. "They are hiding in plain sight," says B.L. Using QR Codes to Market Your Business: Creating a Code

Building A Community Around Your Blog: Part 1 If you want your company to be known as an expert online you need to earn attention and credibility among the folks you want to engage with. The best way to do that is to start a blog – packed with relevant, compelling information that demonstrates passion and a unique point of view about your chosen subject. OK, check. Now what. The tools you use will depend on the nature of your subject matter and the people you want to engage with. How social works Imagine a hundred people sitting in a circle. So you talk to your neighbor. Then you both stop talking to listen to someone else. More people now turn to listen to you. Gradually more and more of the circle become aware of you. So how does this work in the real (or at least virtual) world. The trick is to discover where our metaphorical circle of 100 people is currently congregating online. 1: Social Network Sites First of all let’s take a look at the big 3 social networking sites that everyone is talking about right now”: Twitter is fun.

Bailey Gardiner - San Diego Interactive Advertising and Public Relations Creative Agency Beth Wilkinson // April 24, 2014 // Careers, Public Relations, Social Media // No Comments We are looking for three summer interns to support our Reputation team with public relations and social media experience. Here’s our list of must haves: Major in Public Relations, Communications, Journalism or other closely related field – degree in progress or completed The ability to work full time – 40 hour per week Outstanding verbal and written communications skills (AP Style knowledge is a big plus) Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, energetic, highly creative setting An enthusiasm for and experience … Read more Gary Ware // February 21, 2014 // Digital // 4 Comments The digital landscape is changing so rapidly it seems like every month there is a new strategy or technique popping up that takes the world by storm and totally changes the landscape. Stephanie Garcia // February 18, 2014 // Social Media // 1 Comment Ryan B. // February 13, 2014 // Advertising // Comments Off

PR Professionals: How to Determine a Mom Blogger’s Influence Without Asking Her « Jennifer James Online Yesterday my post, Why PR Professionals Shouldn’t Ask Mom Bloggers for Stats, got a lot of response from mom bloggers naturally because it is understandable to the community that asking for stats is borderline rude and also shows laziness because there are so many tools to determine a blogger’s influence that there is really no reason to ask; no reason to ask at all. Before I get into the tools to use, I want to emphasize to PR professionals that no list of numbers compares with actually reading mom blogs, meeting moms at conferences, conversing with mom bloggers on Twitter and simply sitting back and observing the community. Nothing compares to getting to know mom bloggers and gleaning a true feel for a mom’s influence irrespective of stats. Nothing. Without understanding the community you may find a blogger with a lot of numbers, but who may get into constant confrontations on Twitter. Yesterday, I mentioned the information you can find using online tools. Like this: Like Loading...

Blogging Tips - Blogging Guides, News, Tips, Resources

Best Blogging sites to use from Lifehacker. Google looks good by glib Jun 21
