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Merge PDF - Combine PDF files online for free

Simple Online Tool To Combine PDFs Merge PDF allows you to quickly combine multiple PDF files into one single document. All it takes is a drag, a drop, and a few clicks. The PDF Merger is free to use; you don't even need to register for an account. Secure PDF Merging Online All the files you upload, as well as the file generated on our servers, are processed through TLS encryption, and are deleted permanently within an hour. Works on Windows, Mac, & Linux Our PDF combiner is browser-based. Easy PDF-Combining With a Preview When you upload your PDFs into Merge PDF, we'll provide you with a preview function. Merge PDFs Reliably You don't have to buy expensive software to combine PDF files. Processing in the Cloud A key benefit of our online service is that all PDF merging happens in the cloud—that means that the process doesn't drain capacity from your computer, and you can access us from anywhere, anytime.

Excel 2000 to 2003: Formulas - The Basic Operators In this section, we'll discuss formulas some more. Because formulas are at the heart of spreadsheets. The reason you're using a spreadsheet is to work out some sort of mathematical calculation, whether that be a family budget calculation or a company profit calculation. And you can't do those calculations without using formulas. Adding Up You've seen how to add up in Excel. 20 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know Mastering the keyboard will not only increase your navigation speed but it can also help with wrist fatigue. Here are some lesser known Windows shortcuts to help you become a keyboard ninja. Image by Remko van Dokkum

Change the Windows 7 Login Screen Background Image When you login to your Windows 7 computer (assuming you haven’t used something like this tutorial to turn on automatic login), you’ll generally see a login window with a background looking something like this. It’s fine; there’s nothing wrong with it. But sometimes a change is good so in this article we’ll show you how to change the background image behind the login screen to anything you want. The first step is to open up the Start Menu by clicking the orb in the lower left corner of the screen. I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved. Extremely useful free utilities that do specific jobs really well and save time and money. Open Source Software is listed separately. See : Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities ; Please subscribe to our rss feed Also : I want Wordpress Plugin to ... 450+ solutions to blogging problems.

Completely Uninstall Programs And More With Revo Uninstaller Don’t you hate it when you try to uninstall a program it either does not include an uninstaller or when using Add / Remove Programs in Windows, there are several traces of the software left? It is definitely one of my bigger pet peeves … just check out my iTunes uninstall rant. I came across a cool little program the other day that claims to do a much better job of uninstalling applications and all of the tidbits and left-overs associated with them. Revo Uninstaller. Excel Formulas: 10 Formulas That Helped Me Keep My Job Don’t waste any more hours in Microsoft Excel doing things manually. There are many ways to use Excel formulas to decrease the amount of time you spend in Excel and increase the accuracy of your data and your reports. Excel Formulas You Should Definitely Know: Formula: =SUM(5, 5) or =SUM(A1, B1) or =SUM(A1:B5) The SUM formula does exactly what you would expect. It allows you to add 2 or more numbers together.

The 50 Best How-To Geek Windows Articles of 2010 Even though we cover plenty of other topics, Windows has always been a primary focus around here, and we’ve got one of the largest collections of Windows-related how-to articles anywhere. Here’s the fifty best Windows articles that we wrote in 2010. Want even more? You should make sure to check out our top 20 How-To Geek Explains topics of 2010, or the 50 Windows Registry hacks that make Windows better. How to Customize Your Windows 7 Taskbar Icons for Any App

21 Cool Internet Tricks to Revolutionize Your Browsing - What to Do When Bored Thanks to a cool Reddit thread, Internet savvy users have come forward with their best tricks, tips and hacks to revolutionize your browsing experience and make everything that much more enjoyable. We have compiled 21 of the best responses from this Ask Reddit thread into a list below, for easy browsing and quick reference. Enjoy! 1. Access your URL's quicker. 20 essential PC shortcuts I've always liked that Windows gives me multiple ways to perform popular tasks. Say you want to print something. You could go to the File menu and select the Print command, or you can press the Ctrl button and the letter P. Ctrl+P is just one example of a keyboard shortcut. Shortcuts combine two or more keys to do something special that neither key does alone.

Force YouTube to buffer your entire video Back in the good old days, when you started watching a YouTube video, the entire thing would download (or "buffer") in the background, thus ensuring a relatively smooth playback experience. If you had a slow connection, you could simply pause the video until you saw the "buffer bar" complete its journey from left to right. But thanks to YouTube's switch to a new protocol (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, or DASH, if you're interested), that trick no longer works. Now, when you play a video, YouTube buffers only a small amount. And that can lead to stuttering, frequently interrupted playback. The History of the Internet in a Nutshell By Cameron Chapman If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you spend a fair amount of time online. However, considering how much of an influence the Internet has in our daily lives, how many of us actually know the story of how it got its start?
