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Actualité des Buzz et décryptages

Actualité des Buzz et décryptages

DESIGN AND DESIGN | International Design Awards by Marc Praquin News et audiences TV sur Buzz Médias .: Archive After watching The Great UX Debate, it was interesting to revisit this blog post I made back in 2010 on what for me was a new experience at that time. When Print Met Digital December 20, 2010 Recent advances in digital media have caused a re-occurring debate amongst designers that questions the relationship between digital and print design. It appears as though the two disciplines, until recently, have been able to co-exist relatively independently. But with a rapidly improving Internet browsing experience and the advent of devices such as the iPhone and iPad, many creative agencies are finding their clients eager to board the digital bandwagon. The immediacy and precision of digital communication is effective and lucrative. One expects this might cause some discomfort. So where did digital design begin? The World Wide Web didn’t reach most until the mid-90s followed by a huge boom in software innovation.

Full of Grace | MY MAGIC BOX DEPUIS 2005 Inspirations Area Vidéos Buzz, Drôles, Insolites sur Buzz Video, Buzz Marketing et Blog Actu - PetitBuzz
