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Teenagers and UK culture Why bring UK culture to the teen classroom? We can introduce UK culture into the English classroom to help our students improve their English and at the same time learn about values and ways of doing things which may be different to theirs. Learning about life and culture in the UK can be very motivating as it brings the language alive for learners and creates a link between language and real life. See if you agree with these comments from teachers on teaching UK culture to their teenage learners: ‘We need to avoid reinforcing erroneous British stereotypes to our teenagers. ‘Culture is the fifth skill in addition to reading, writing, listening and speaking. ‘I try to make British culture "real" to my students. What materials can I use to introduce UK culture? Life in the UK In this section teenagers can read about topics with a British connection. Before you read or watch you could focus on vocabulary to help prepare students for the text or video. By Sally Trowbridge

The English Blog British Life and Culture in the UK - Woodlands Junior School ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets Interactive: European Stereotypes As part of the Europa project, newspapers from six European countries (Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Italy) were asked to stereotype each other, and then asked cultural commentators in each country to assess how accurate they are. You can read the resulting articles on The Guardian website. Here's an extract from the one about the British: The stereotype is itself a stereotype. ALSO SEE• French stereotypes: arrogant and good in bed?

Britain is GREAT The GREAT Britain campaign showcases the very best of what Britain has to offer. We welcome the world to visit, study and do business with the UK. Business The UK’s dynamic economy and business-friendly environment make it a great place to locate and expand your business. Get support to export and invest in the UK from UK Trade & Investment (UKTI). Tourism Explore the Queen’s London home, read the curse on Shakespeare’s tomb or climb the misty peaks of Scotland’s mountains. Start exploring Britain today. Education The UK offers international students a world-class education, globally respected universities and qualifications, great career prospects and a real adventure. Get advice about studying in the UK including scholarships, choosing a course and life in the UK. EFL 2.0 Directory

Writing Worksheets STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close This document has been saved in your Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet. Here you can quickly access all of your favorite worksheets and custom generated files in one place! Click on My Filing Cabinet in the menu at the upper left to access it anytime! Grade Level Estimation Title: Grade Level Estimation: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Grade level may vary depending on location and school curriculum. Common Core Standards Common core standards listing. All common core standards details. If you think there should be a change in the common core standards listed for this worksheet - please let us know. [x] close Printable worksheets for writing paragraphs, letters, addresses, and more. Writing Projects

Let's talk about the UK (still with Scotland) At the beginning of the new school year teachers usually explain to their students what they are going to study. Sometimes efl teachers not only teach grammar but also British culture, so one of the first cultural topics they discuss with their students are the geography of the UK and its form of government. Here you can find an interactive mindmap, a digital poster and a collection of useful websites, just to simplify the work. Click on the Glogster digital poster below, you will find general information about the United Kingdom and some videos. Now take a look at my Cacoo mindmap below about the UK form of government. You can also click on the following link to enlarge the above image: Last September, 18th Scottish people voted for Scotland independence. Scottish referendum explained for non-Brits If you want more general information about the Uk government, the Queen and the Royal Family, open my Blendspace lesson.

Moteurs de recherche d'images « libres de droits » — Enseigner avec le numérique Comme l'évoque le site Documentation Rouen, « les moteurs traditionnels de recherche, comme Google, Bing, Yahoo ou Ask offrent la possibilité de rechercher des images, mais les droits liés à l’utilisation de ces dernières ne sont généralement pas précisés : droit de l’information, droit de l’image, droit à l’image ». Des filtres par type de licence sont néanmoins parfois proposés par certains de ces outils. Des métamoteurs comme LibreStock et Photos for Class vont plus loin encore car ils permettent d'interroger en une seule fois une multiplicité de réservoirs. LibreStock s'inscrit dans cette démarche de collecte de reproductions placées sous licence CCO (domaine public) car il indexe différentes bases iconographiques spécifiques comme Pexels, Pixabay, Picjumbo ou Magdaleine. En complément, il est intéressant de signaler une autre initiative assez similaire baptisée Photos for Class. Sources Réseaux et médias sociaux

Myplaceforenglish Meals and Meal Times in English-Speaking Countries Years ago a student of mine came up to me after class, looking quite perplexed. She asked, ''Why do some English people eat dinner at midday or very early in the afternoon?'' That's a good question indeed, and the answer to it is not an easy one. In the 16th century, the three meals of the day were breakfast, dinner and supper. Breakfast Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Brunch Brunch is a meal that is usually eaten in the late morning. Dinner and Lunch In various English-speaking countries, dinner is the name of the main evening meal. Luncheon or Lunch Luncheon is a very formal and rather old-fashioned word for lunch. Tea Tea can be a light meal eaten in the afternoon. Supper Centuries ago, supper was the lighter meal following dinner because in those times dinner was the main meal of the day. The Use of Articles and Prepositions with Meals Words referring to meals can be used with or without the articles. I have breakfast every day. I'll go and make breakfast /lunch/dinner/supper.

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