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Resources for Entrepreneurs

Resources for Entrepreneurs

Three Places People Wrongly Look For Money Making Advice So you’re an eager little beaver. Wanting to get started fast, you hop online looking for ways to make a full-time income from home working in your jammies. Not a bad plan… But how do you actually make a full-time income doing this stuff? How do you avoid wasting tons of time searching and making sure you avoid any and all scams (and there are a lot of them out there)? Here are three places that you don’t want to look to for any advice. 1 – Public Forums What’s the problem here? 2 – Friends Friends sure mean well, but whenever they tell you about an opportunity to make money, it’s usually because they want something from you, or they’ve been scammed into something themselves, and are super excited and trying to use their new system by “telling all their friends” about it. Step one in these things: tell your friends Step two: fail Respectfully say, “thanks, but no thanks.” 3 – Hypey Products with Over The Top Claims Here’s a great thing to always remember. Here’s The Solution

Aurik: Business Incubator Ways To Make Money In Retirement - Earn Extra Money During Retirement - Retirement Income - Extra Retirement Funds - Earn More For Your Retirement All our lives we work hard to Make Money in Retirement. After years of planning and saving we eventually reach a stage in our lives where retirement arrives to enable us all to enjoy life to the full. Times have and continue to change meaning that more retirees than ever have to earn extra money to retire or even make more money during retirement to make end meet. The demand to find a way to earn more retirement funds are huge but with a little careful thought it can not only be a way to make more money for your retirement years but also a way to enjoy the work at the same time. Careful planning is the key towards securing a prosperous future and the first step should be to seek what pensions and advice is available from your local government. BeIow is a list highlighting some of the more common ways to create an extra retirement income from your home for you to consider. 1. You could start a smallbed and breakfast facility at your home. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Frank Farwell: Why Entrepreneurs Need Mentors and How to Find Them Sure, entrepreneurs can eventually succeed without mentors. But it will cost extra time and wasted resources. So, how does a small business start-up find a mentor? Or, better yet, a handful of them? With a little time and pick-and-shovel work, a stable of mentors can be signed up. Soon they will change your business life for the better. Mentors can also be emotional-boosting cheerleaders for the times when you consider quitting. Finding a mentor is a bit like finding a spouse, yet in this case the more polygamous you are, the better. Start with your family. Make a list, and then seek an introduction. As people age, they are more inclined to help others. In Chapter 7 of my book, Chicken Lips...: An Entrepreneur's Wild Adventures on the New Silk Road, I describe being adopted, along with a half dozen other entrepreneurs in our city, by a local large-scale entrepreneur who counseled the younger generation of start ups as a part-time hobby.

Sensible Small Business Ideas How 20 Entrepreneurs Got Ahead Early (and You Can Too) by Tim Jahn on May 22, 2012 Question: Share one thing you did at the beginning of your career that is helping you succeed today? Get to Know Others “I networked like crazy, went to events constantly, and got my name out there. As a result, in a few years, people started saying, “You know everyone!” I always connected interesting people together too. Always Get Back to People “Always get back to someone, whether it was through the phone or email. Promote Others “The best career move I’ve made is to focus the attention and promote other people, instead of just myself. Help a Promising Startup for Free “When you are first starting out as an entrepreneur, one of your first challenges is to separate yourself from the pack and legitimize yourself. Pick Up a Few New Skills “Photoshop, iMovie, and basic HTML, oh my! Build Credentials Early “From the beginning of my career, I have seized every opportunity to build impressive credentials. Learn From Your Mistakes and Failures Take a Job in Phone Sales!

6 Things I Learned About Local By Failing in Local I remember the bright-eyed conversation I had with my eventual partner Ed Lucero that sparked Tackable. It was 2009, and Instagram was being born somewhere else. The iPhone was brand new, and developers were racing to build apps that captured the power of local information. There are two worlds out there, I told Ed, the physical world and the digital world. Overlay the two, and things get interesting. Imagine! Ed began building the idea in the air, envisioning a location-aware bulletin board, where you would post fliers for lost dogs and garage sales. It was too beautiful not to build. We talked again and again, narrowing the idea down to a manageable product we thought we could build. A year later, we made a series of micro-pivots: Fast experiments designed to prove out product theories. Along the way, I learned a lot about what doesn’t work in local. The great majority of startups in the local space are not standalone products. Luke Stangel is a technology writer from Silicon Valley.

Get the Mentoring Equation Right - Whitney Johnson by Whitney Johnson | 5:01 PM October 25, 2011 This post was co-authored with Bob Moesta. While it’s written from my perspective, he was central to the development of the idea. Bob is the Managing Partner of The Re-Wired Group in Detroit, an innovation incubator and consultancy specializing in demand-side innovation. An engineer, designer, serial entrepreneur, investor, and researcher, he has developed 1,000+ products/services and has collaborated with Clay Christensen at HBS for more than 15 years. My quandary has led to a considered, lengthy discussion with Bob Moesta, a demand-side innovation expert, about how to decide whom to mentor. Bob sees mentoring as the balance of two worlds that overlap for a period of time and a certain amount of effort. The mentee side of the equation describes: How badly does the mentee want to advance his/her career and how much ground do they feel they need to cover to get there? Drive = How motivated is the mentee?

Startups A butterfly goes to a coach « THE COACHING BLOG October 10, 2011 Telling someone exactly what the difference is between coaching and the other four helping professions (consulting, mentoring, counseling and therapy) is one of the many challenges I face as a coach. Doing that in a clear and accessible way has been one of my constant pursuits. While reading page 11 of Coaching with Colleagues (de Haan & Burger, 2011) today, I felt inspired to write about butterflies that go to the five helping professionals in order to tackle four questions they face. The four questions are (Witherspoon & White, 1997): the desire to learn new skills,the desire to perform better,the desire to develop itself,the desire to reflect on itself or on what it does. My attempt to clarify the differences in the approaches of each of these valuable professionals has resulted in a chart with 20 different stereotyped reactions which, in my opinion, exemplify how each professional works and what one could possibly expect from them. Here they are: Like this: Like Loading...

Training Tips for Entrepreneurs It may surprise you that entrepreneurs need training. Well, they do. Here are some tips that can improve how you function each day, as you work toward changing the world. Mindset 5 ways to kill a brainstorming session. Four personality types of entrepreneurs. Operations Steve Stoute: Get paid. How to delegate anything. Social Skills Entrepreneur on the road to wellness after firing. Sometimes it’s the customer that needs firing. Self-development What is an accidental entrepreneur? Don’t worry about opportunities missed.

Riding the Waves of Personal Development The Online Community for the 50 and up Adults - | WHY WE MAKE MISTAKES AND HOW TO REDUCE THEM None of us are immune to mistakes, and the one universal truth of making mistakes is that we all hate that moment when we realize that we just screwed up. “When it hits us that we’ve made a mistake, we always have that instant of ‘Wow, that was stupid, what was I thinking?’ before we move on and try to solve the problem we’ve inadvertently caused,” said life coach Peter Demarest ( “I refer to the elimination of that space of time between when we screw up and the time we realize we’ve screwed up as ‘practical enlightenment.’ For the past dozen years or so, I’ve been studying mind-brain science to see if there is a way to help us think better so we make fewer mistakes and create a better life.” But Demarest believes that we can go further than just preventing mistakes. “Fundamentally,” Demarest teaches, “success in life is not about the value we get, it’s about the value we create.” “You see, most of us, most of the time, act out of habit.

Small Business Money: Entrepreneur’s Guide It may have noting to do with sales, marketing or products and services, but how you manage your money is at the core of your small business. What are the best suggestions you can share with your fellow entrepreneurs? We’ve added our suggestions below. Success Story Managing your business through tough times. Spending Watching out for your bottom line. Getting real about dealing with debt. Revenue Offering discounts for early payment. Surviving major changes in your market. Management Every small business owner wants to make more. Preparing for the worst. When it’s good to spend money. Financing Why the best financing ideas are unique. Small business credit still a challenge.
