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Facebook Connect

Facebook Connect

10 Great Implementations of Facebook Connect Facebook Connect mania has swept the Internet! Why create an account on a random website when you can click a single button to join? That is the power of Facebook Connect, which allows websites, software, and even mobile devices to integrate with Facebook and send information both ways. The last few months have been very busy ones for developers as they furiously integrated their websites with Facebook Connect. 1. How it uses Facebook Connect: Joost was an early partner, and they've been quick to integrate - notifications, updates, comments, and favorites all stream into your Facebook. Why it is a winner: Joost really shows what you can do with Facebook integration: seamless logins, updates on the website via Facebook, and news feed items that your friends will see. 2. How it uses Facebook Connect: Vimeo not only allows you to log into their website using Facebook, but it also sends your likes and uploads into the Facebook news feed. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What is OpenID? OpenID allows you to use an existing account to sign in to multiple websites, without needing to create new passwords. You may choose to associate information with your OpenID that can be shared with the websites you visit, such as a name or email address. With OpenID, you control how much of that information is shared with the websites you visit. With OpenID, your password is only given to your identity provider, and that provider then confirms your identity to the websites you visit. OpenID is rapidly gaining adoption on the web, with over one billion OpenID enabled user accounts and over 50,000 websites accepting OpenID for logins. Who Owns or Controls OpenID? OpenID was created in the summer of 2005 by an open source community trying to solve a problem that was not easily solved by other existing identity technologies.

The Facebookification of Twitter Twitter is about to become a major multimedia destination, thanks to some new partners and features. Earlier today, we reported that Twitter is bringing multimedia to the stream. If you tweet a link to a video, for example, it will be embedded and play right in the Twitter stream. Bringing pictures and videos to the stream is one of the biggest changes Twitter has ever made. In other words, today's changes will make Twitter feel more like Facebook. Facebook is a destination; people spend hours browsing videos, adding friends, uploading pictures, changing profile information and playing FarmVille. While Twitter describes itself as information network and not a social network, the company has been launching an awful lot of Facebook-esque features in recent months. But today's forthcoming features are the big ones. To be clear, we don't think Twitter is trying to become Facebook — again, the service defines itself as an information network and not a social network.

Account Sign-in: 8 Design Mistakes to Avoid By Jared M. Spool Originally published: Jan 04, 2008 Along with their popular line of high-end networking equipment, Cisco Systems offers something else for visitors to buy: a line of Cisco-brand leisure wear and accessories, everything from wind breakers to golf balls. Yes. There are many great business advantages to having users create an account and log into the system. Yet, in usability test after usability test, we see the registration and sign-in processes to be consistently problematic. Designing an account registration and sign-in process that doesn't frustrate users turns out to be very difficult to achieve. Here are 8 common design mistakes we often see as we watch users try to create accounts and sign into the site: Mistake #1: Having a Sign-in In The First Place It seems the reason Cisco requires you to log in just to see the golf balls for sale is not all products are available for the general public. Fortunately, most sites don't take this approach.

Business Network - Social Network for Business Professionals Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum Du nur mit der aktuellen Version Deines Browsers arbeiten solltest: Sicherheit: Die Browseranbieter schließen mit Updates regelmäßig Sicherheitslücken, durch die Angreifer in Deinen Computer gelangen können. Aktuelle Browser schützen also besser vor Viren, Betrug, Datendiebstahl oder anderen Bedrohungen Deiner Privatsphäre und Sicherheit. Geschwindigkeit: Jede neue Browsergeneration verbessert die Geschwindigkeit, mit der Webseiten dargestellt werden. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung der aktuellen Browser von: Mozilla Firefox (zum Download) Google Chrome (zum Download) Microsoft Edge (zum Download) Opera (zum Download) Apple Safari (auf MacOS / iOS vorinstalliert.

8 More Design Mistakes with Account Sign-in By Jared M. Spool Originally published: Jan 14, 2008 (Editor's note: In Part I of this article, Jared talked about the first eight of the design mistakes with account sign-in. In this article, he shares eight more mistakes. Designing an account registration and sign-in process that doesn't frustrate users turns out to be very difficult to achieve. In my recent article, I discussed eight common design mistakes with account sign-in. Mistake #9: Not Telling Users the Requirements for Username and Password Up Front On the Cisco site, when selecting a User ID, users are told that it "must contain at least one letter and no spaces. It's not clear why Cisco felt the need to surprise short-labeled users with this additional requirement. When creating a new Google Mail account, Google provides a "Check Availability" button, which will inform users about the minimum length requirement (6 characters). Blinksale does one better, giving feedback on every character typed. Finding the Mistakes

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