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Illustrated Voc

Illustrated Voc

WordReference Little Bird Tales - Home BabLa To translate a word from English to French, all you need to do is use the search field provided above. You can also find the translations for French words; both English and French are searched. Should the results you find be extensive there are filter options to hide results that do not match your criteria. Search the English-French dictionary by letter If you are not sure of the word you want to translate you can browse the English-French dictionary. Verify English to French translation Here are the English-French translations which have been recently added by users. monoculaire {adj.} shoreland {noun} [geogr.] Suggest new English-French translation Perhaps you are up to date with the latest French slang? Latest word suggestions by users: junk man, ataraxia, become, nickname, quick fix (more) Why participate? Start having fun and be a part of the community.

Urban Dictionary, October 31: Manafucked
