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Mind42 Collaborative mind mapping on multi-touch screens Will the future of collaborative mind mapping include use on large, multi-touch screens? Not in the near future, apparently. I recently came across some news about multi-touch computer screens, and it got me to thinking about the ways in which small groups could use such a large, touch-sensitive computing interface to do mind mapping. A Google search led me to several videos that show prototype applications of this type of visual mapping technology, circa 2009, but little has happened since then. Here is a video demonstration of some software called MindFlow that was apparently written as part of a graduate student’s master’s thesis. vimeo A search of Microsoft Surface, the software giant’s foray into this new, tactile computing paradigm, led to another video, produced by several interns at Intuilab, a French company that has been moving aggressively to develop commercial applications of large-screen multi-touch technology. YouTube This video was also produced in 2009. YouTube

Webspiration Mind iT - Intelligent Bookmarking Spinscape Xavier Delengaigne, auteur du livre Mémoriser sans peine Vous êtes l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages professionnels. Pourquoi avoir écrit un livre sur la mémoire ? XD : parce que je me suis aperçu un jour que je n'avais pas une "bonne mémoire" ! Certes, je dispose d'une bonne mémoire sémantique (j'ai retenu des pans de cours entiers). En revanche, une multitude d'informations stockées dans ma mémoire épisodique n'ont semble-t-il pas été imprimées. Mémoire sémantique, mémoire épisodique... pourquoi est-il intéressant de travailler toutes ses mémoires ? XD : on ne peut pas vraiment "travailler" ses mémoires de manière globale. Pour retenir une information plus longue, il faut prendre des notes (ce que nous faisons naturellement), ou utiliser des béquilles mnésiques. Comment booster sa mémoire quand on sait qu'elle peut défaillir ? XD : pour booster sa mémoire lors de prise de notes conséquentes : il suffit d'utiliser des techniques d'organisation de la pensée, comme le Mindmapping ou le Sketchnoting (croquis notes en français).

Spicynodes Conférence sur le Mindmapping la démarche et les usages L’atelier conférence du CNED sur le Mindmapping animé par Gérard Cervi offre une vision très pertinente sur la démarche et les usages de la carte heuristique. Gérard Cervi commence par démystifier la carte puis fait la liaison avec le fonctionnement de notre cerveau et nous conseille de lâcher prise afin d’exploiter les capacités de notre cerveau et ainsi utiliser pleinement la carte mentale. Citation : « La carte mentale est un outil cerveau total car elle permet de faire travailler en alternance les deux parties du cerveau » Une approche très enrichissante illustrée par deux vidéos qui nous font prendre conscience que la carte mentale nous permet de mieux organiser et absorber l’information et ainsi lutter contre l’infobésité. 1ère vidéo 2ème vidéo Dans ce blog vous trouverez également différentes ressources qui vous permettront de vous initier et comprendre tout l’intérêt du mindmapping. Articles en relation : D’autres ressources sur le web : Bonne consultation Olivier Legrand

MindMeister Pearltrees for iPhone is a joy to use Pearltrees, a web-based mind mapping and social content curation application, continues to spread to new platforms – starting with the iPad earlier this year and now the iPhone. Pearltrees for iPhone enables you to capture and arrange web pages, photos and notes in ways that make sense to you, and to access your Pearltree collections stored online on this popular mobile device. The developer has done an excellent job “shrinking” the Pearltrees feature set to fit on the smaller screen of the iPhone – while seemingly avoiding any obvious compromises. You can also upload photos to your Pearltree maps, either from your iPhone’s image gallery or by shooting a photo and uploading it to your Pearltree. Notes enable you to annotate content to make it more meaningful to you and others. Pearltrees for iPhone even has an offline mode, so you can continue to browse, edit and add to your Pearltrees while not connected to the Internet. Pearltrees for iPhone is a free download from the Apple AppStore.

Oryx Oryx is an academic Open Source project that allows you to add your prototypes to a powerful process modeling infrastructure. The project is mainly driven by the Business Process Technology research group at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute. Academic use & research The BPM Academic Initiative central hub for process modeling on the web The BPM Academic Initiative is run by academics in business process management and by Signavio, who provides the online platform for process modeling and analysis free of charge for academic use in research and teaching. The BPM academic initiative serves as a central hub for process modeling on the web for academics. To strengthen this role and to avoid redundant work, the Oryx online system will be discontinued from Sept 30, 2011. Sign up to the academic platform Research prototypes Oryx is an open source business process management platform. Communities Commercial use

Idea Sketch: Free Basic and Effective Mind Mapping Tool — for iPad and iPhone There are many learners for whom mind mapping offers an invaluable strategy for organizing thoughts — when doing research, as preparation for any kind of project or just for retaining and reviewing information. Here is a free option for any of Apple’s hand-held devices. It’s simple and straightforward, without an abundance of features; but it offers more than enough to be effective. Idea Sketch is a mind mapping app that has been designed for the iPhone and iPad. A mind map begins with a central idea that becomes the name of the “Idea”. Idea Sketch is not a collaborative tool in the sense that multiple users can work simultaneously on the same mind map. The screenshots below illustrate what you can do with Idea Sketch. Concepts can be added independently, without connection to anything else. Shape, size and color can be used to link and/or differentiate concepts. Style can be changed from curved to straight lines with the push of a button.

Viva Mind
