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The Home of the Turntable

The Home of the Turntable

MusicTech - Tutorials and reviews for producers, engineers & recording musicians | MusicTech Vinyl diggers : les aventuriers du vinyle perdu “Il m’est arrivé de faire trois cents kilomètres dans la brousse pour trouver un disque.” Cela fait neuf ans maintenant que Florent Mazzoleni sillonne sans relâche le continent africain, s’invitant chez l’habitant ou explorant des entrepôts infestés de cafards à la recherche de vinyles rares. Entre deux disques rongés par l’humidité ou sous une pile de vieux albums de Michel Sardou, il déniche parfois une pépite. Mazzoleni est un “vinyl digger”, un de ces orpailleurs mélomanes pour qui “un boléro de Franco (musicien congolais – ndlr) de 1962 a autant de valeur qu’un Picasso !” Aujourd’hui, quelques producteurs continuent malgré tout de sampler de vieux morceaux, souvent dénichés en amont par des diggers spécialisés dans la revente de disques à des collectionneurs, professionnels ou amateurs. Il a ainsi vendu la BO du film I… comme Icare d’Henri Verneuil, composée par Ennio Morricone, au producteur américain The Alchemist. Les diggers seraient-ils des pilleurs de trésors ?

Microphone Database The RecordingHacks Microphone Database Organizing the world's microphones HOW TO use the Microphone Database (pictorial guide). This is the RecordingHacks searchable microphone database. Browse by maker, using the links below.Or, search for mics using the form at right.Or, browse by microphone characteristics. Scroll to: [Makers | Modders] Microphone Manufacturers Microphone Mods and Repairs Lab Electronic Musician's Hangout NARIP: National Association of Record Industry Professionals Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) Beginner's Electronics: 10 Skills You Need to Know Advertisement Many of us have never even touched a soldering iron – but making things can feel incredibly rewarding. There are some key skills you need when tackling electronics projects – whether you plan on fixing broken devices or assembling Arduinos (our Arduino guide), the right skills make the difference between rage and elation. Here’s a quick run-down of ten of the most basic DIY electronics skills to help you get started: Getting Started With Arduino: A Beginner's Guide Getting Started With Arduino: A Beginner's Guide Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to use hardware and software. Breadboarding A breadboard allows the construction of a circuit, but without soldering. A breadboard allows the input of a DC current using the channels in the left and right sides of the board. I reviewed several YouTube tutorials, which covered basic breadboarding – and this is the best: Soldering Using a Multimeter Multimeters perform a number of tasks.

Classical Music Information & Reviews Record Production is the Recording Studio and Music Production resource for Record Music Producers How speakers make sound - Animagraffs Speakers (also called loudspeakers) push and pull surrounding air molecules in waves that the human ear interprets as sound. You could even say that hearing is movement detection. So what makes a speaker travel back and forth at just the right rate and distance, and how does that make sound? Our 3D animated infographics attract thousands of viewers.
