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DIY Botanical Silhouette

DIY Botanical Silhouette
Decorating the home will involve at some point, working with your walls. In one way or another, you are bound to eventually feel the urge to paint them. But most of the times, (re)designing or (re)painting walls have a more permanent impact than paintings do. So, before you change the look and feeling of your home in a semi-permanent manner, try the relatively temporary and simpler way. Grab these items: • a couple of brushes (thin and thick); • a piece of paper; • a board of canvas; • a twig of leaves; • a small bowl; • a bottle of acrylic paint; • a can of spray paint; • a can of spray adhesive; The steps are quite easy and will definitely take you back to arts & crafts classes from school. Related:  razonia

Les sites pour apprendre à coudre / patrons de couture gratuits | Madame Choup Apprendre à coudre sur Internet : des sites qui regorgent de conseils, tutos et patrons. Leçons, conseils couture Petit Citron: toutes les techniques de couture en image, des conseils, patrons…L’Atelier de Couture Husqvarna Viking : les base avec des vidéos explicatives pour coudre des poches, faire un ourlet, poser une fermetureCoupe Couture : « Le blog qui vous apprend à coudre ». ce blog est une mine d’informations pour nous les débutantes (et aussi les confirmées), des explications claires et illustrées pour faire des doublures, coussins…Leçons de couture : un blog qui recense les blogs couture avec des tutos. Classement par catégories : accessoires, jupe, hauts, pantalons… Patrons de couture gratuits Toujours plus haut : site qui liste des patrons de couture gratuits sur Internet. WordPress: J'aime chargement…

suspension pour plantes Nowadays most of the people recycle. It’s true that we need to correct our disposable culture and our Eco-nomically. Recycling is the most popular solution to our plastic pollution problem. Reuse plastic bottles and transform them into different solutions for your home. In fact, if you are reusing junk, you are helping to make the initial energy that went into the production of that material last longer and go farther. You can reuse most of the plastic bottles if you clean them properly using hot soapy water. Get Updates Cakes and Catwalks: Recipe: Mother's Day daisy cookie pops With just a few days to go until Mother's Day, I've been baking up some treats - I think home made gifts are always a lovely gesture, particularly on Mother's Day. Spring inspired, these daisy cookie pops would be a great gift for Easter too! These floral cookie pops are very easy to make, (although the icing does require a little patience).I used my basic sugar cookie recipe for these Mother's Day cookie pops (follow the link for the instructions). You'll also need the following tools and sugar paste to ice:A small daisy plunger cutter (approx 2cm diameter)A small leaf plunger cutter (approx 3.5 cm length)A rolling pinWhite sugar pasteYellow sugar pasteGreen sugar pasteCornflour (for dusting)Tinfoil15 wooden lolly sticksAn 8cm round cookie cutterA 7cm round cookie cutterEdible glueA food safe paintbrush The baked sugar cookies freeze very well - so don't feel like you have to make and ice 15 cookie pops if you don't need that many! How to: To decorate:

Mini carnet en origami Pour bien commencer l'année, un p'tit peu d'origami : ça vous tente ? Je me rends compte que cela faisait un petit moment qu'il n'y en avait pas eu sur le blog : erreur réparée. Aujourd'hui, donc, voici la technique qui vous permettra de réaliser un mini carnet à glisser dans votre petit sac à main. Le matériel nécessaire : - du papier A4 blanc (le classique) - une paire de ciseaux - un mini massicot (en option) - un pistolet à colle - du joli papier : origami, scrap et même du fabric tape ( enfai t, ce que vous avez sous la main). - du papier épais ( selon la couverture que vous réalisez). Les étapes de fabrication : a) Les pages du carnet : 1) Découpez des bandes de papier de même longueur et largeur avec une paire de ciseaux ou un massicot. 2) Prenez une bande et pliez-la en 2 dans le sens de la longueur. 3) Pliez-la ensuite en 2 dans le sens de la largeur. 4) Pliez une nouvelle fois dans le sens de la largeur. 5) Dépliez et positionnez les plis de façon à obtenir un accordéon. b) la couveture :

Paper Flying Disc Pull the string and watch the Paper Flying Disc whiz and spin through the air. You can design all kinds of different flying discs and have your friends help you launch them. You can fly these discs inside or outside -- anywhere they can take flight and soar through the air. What You'll Need: Blue glitter glue penSmall wooden thread spool36 inches blue crochet threadMagenta pony beadScissorsRulerCraft knifeCraft glueTracing paperPencilCardstock (optional) Note: Adult help needed.Step 1: Cut out the disc pattern and ask an adult to help you cut the straight lines with a craft knife and ruler. (Note: If you think you may want to make more than one Paper Flying Disc, ask an adult to help you make a copy of the pattern using tracing paper and cardstock.) Step 2: When the glue is dry, fold along the dotted lines so the flaps bend up a little bit. Step 3: Decorate the disc base using the glitter glue pen. Step 4: Tie the pony bead to the end of the thread. Want more cool paper craft projects?

CadeauxFaitsMains DEMCO EnCouleurs inc. Article: Icônes libres pour webdesigners Sixrevision Le site de ressources anglophone SixRevision vient de nous gratifier récemment d'une sélection de plusieurs centaines d'icônes gratuites et libres de droit. Attention toutefois : toutes les icônes ne sont pas forcément utilisables sous licence commerciale. Réparties par thèmes et styles, ces icônes feront le bonheur des webdesigners, toujours avides de décorations pour affiner leurs œuvres. Et les autres... Il existe énormément de ressources liées aux icônes libres, mais certaines sont confuses, parfois payantes ou bourrées de publicités. Iconerz : quelques centaines d'icônes gratuites classées par thèmeIconfinder : un moteur de recherche d'icônes plutôt intuitif et réussiIconfu : un outil de création d'icônes en ligneWebdesignledger : une compilation d'icônes sur le thème "social" (facebook, twitter, linkedin,...)Google XXL : un article de référence qui regroupe des liens vers les moteurs de recherche d'icônes, les outils de création, les icônes par catégories, en vrac, etc.

Simply Cotton ~ Decorative Art Classes Article: The Best Social Media Icons All In One Place 464 shares 8 Free & Useful Minimal Icon Sets Icons are certainly a very important element of a design. It doesn’t matter if you are putting together a website or app, icons will be the key for several user interactions. This is why it’s always good to fill your library with good icons you can count on. The good thing is that there are… Read More 916 shares 8 Beautiful and Free Flat Icon Sets For the past few years in web design, we’ve noticed a trend in moving toward simplicity and minimalism. Tissue Paper & Paper Flowers Tutorial I debated sharing this tutorial for a couple-o-reasons. Reason 1. It's a craft that has been around since before I was born and reason 2... it's a craft that has been around since before I was born. I feel like I might be a 100 years old at this point. My crows feet asked for slippers the other day cause they were getting cold. Since it's new to me I figure it's got to be new to someone else too so I am doing it anyway! Supplies you'll need to make tissue paper flowers:Tissue paper (seeing as how this IS a tissue paper flower tutorial it would stand to reason that some form of tissue paper will be required)16 HUGS (just checking to see if you are actually reading this)Pipe cleaners or floral wireScissors Extras (for pizzaz): glimmer mist, brads, 2 inch Styrofoam balls, ribbon, more hugs (still checking), a flower girl (seriously), and lastly... As I stated last week, I purchased a Martha Stewart tissue paper flowers kit a few months ago on clearance at Malwart. Let's get started!! VOILA!!

Standards and Guidelines for Crochet and Knitting | The publishers, fiber, needle and hook manufacturers and yarn members of the Craft Yarn Council have worked together to set up a series of guidelines and symbols to bring uniformity to yarn, needle and hook labeling and to patterns, whether they appear in books, magazines, leaflets or on yarn labels. Our goal is to make it easier for industry manufacturers, publishers and designers to prepare consumer-friendly products and for consumers to select the right materials for a project and complete it successfully. Included are: We urge manufacturers, publishers and designers, to adopt these guidelines. We received valuable input from allied associations in the United States, such as The National NeedleArts Association, the Crochet Guild of America, and The Knitting Guild Association, as well as designers and consumers.

Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That | Japanese Kusudama, this tutorial is featured on Craftuts Anyone can do that, I assure you. The proof: I can, just take a quick look at my result below. And, believe me, I am neither meticulous nor particularly patient. You could even say I’m the opposite. Below you can see my very first attempt to create paper flowers. What you will need to make your own Kusudama paper ball? 1. 3. 4. (optionally) I prefer torn paper instead of cut. You have to start with a single petal. Now you have to glue your 5 petals into a flower. Apply the glue to only one side of each petal, except for the last one, in this case cover both sides with glue. Your first flower is done. Don’t glue every petal right after you make it. When all 12 flowers are finished you have to glue them together. When two halves of Kusudama Flower Ball are ready you have to glue them together.
