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10 Awesome OneNote Tips You Should Be Using All The Time [Windows] Advertisement Updated by Tina Sieber on 7 March, 2017. I am going to ruffle a few feathers here by saying that Microsoft OneNote is just as good as Evernote. The showdown will continue, so for the sake of productivity and peace, let’s say that both are great note-taking apps with their pros and cons. We have covered a bit of OneNote’s capabilities with: But effective note-taking requires as many tips and tricks you can pull together. 1. That’s how you start your day. You can start your daily to-do in a new Note page. Type your first to-do item. 2. It used to be difficult to find Page Templates in OneNote. Go to Insert and under Pages, expand Page Templates, then click on Page Templates… This will open a sidebar from which you can choose templates from various categories. You can choose a template and set it as the default template, or customize a page and set it as a template. 3. A real world diary or organizer is not always neatly written. 4. 5. 6. Send the screen clip to a OneNote page.

تعرف علىboxopus وBitport لمشاهدة أفلام التورنت بدون تحميل، وتحويل الروابط الى روابط مباشرة تدعم الاستكمال التورنت كما نعلم وسيلة محببة لدى الجميع خصوصاً عندما يتعلق الأمر بالأفلام الحصرية أو حتى البرامج الكبيرة الحجم ،وذلك لما توفره هذه الوسيلة من مميزات وخصائص قد لا تجدها في الطرق الأخرى .في مدونة المحترف دائما ما نطرح بعض الخدمات المتعلقة بهذه التقنية، كان أخرها موقع "الجوكر" لمشاهدة الأفلام مباشر دون تحميل (للأسف تم ايقاف عمل الموقع) ، كذلك تعرفتم على طرق تحويل روابط التورنت إلى روابط للتحميل المباشر ، وغيرها من عديد المواضيع والمقالات في هذا الخصوص . لكن ما سنتعرف عليه اليوم في هذه المقالة هي خدمتين تجمعان بين مشاهدة أفلام التورنت مباشرة دون تحميل ،وكذلك تحويل التورنت إلى رابط مباشر ! اليس رائع ؟ تابع معي اذن هذه السطور القليلة المقبلة . الخدمة الأولى هذه الخدمة تسمى Bitport ، ويمكنك من خلالها من تحميل التورنت بروابط مباشرة ، أو مشاهدة الأفلام مباشرة من متصفحك دون تحميل ، ويشمل كذلك هذا الأمر باقي انواع الملفات مثل الأغاني والبرامج وكل ما توفره مواقع التورنت . الخدمة الثانية الجميل انه يمكنك نسخ رابط الفيديو وتشغيله في برنامج الـ VLC ،وبالتالي يمكنك اضافة الترجمة من خلاله للفيلم :)

NowhereElse Optical Illusions @ The blue and the green spirals are actually the same color An impossible construction, called "The Penrose triangle" A lego variant of the Penrose triangle A and B are the same color These circles are actually perfectly round Yet another impossible construction Look around - the black dots do not exist! Stare at the dot in the middle and see the colors disappear Here is a vase with profiles of its authors Look at the dot in the middle and move your head forward and backward...

Dog Owners: 5 Android Apps To Help With Your Furry Friend Dogs are a man’s best friend, or so the saying goes. Studies suggest they are good for your physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being — meaning that today more than 75 million are kept as pets in the US alone. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself, but you can still make Fido love you a little bit more with these great Android apps for dog owners. If you don’t own an Android device, check out some other . petMD Symptom Checker – Free Who doesn’t like a bit of self-diagnosis? That’s where petMD Symptom Checker comes in. The app is well researched and all articles are written and approved by professionals. Dog Park Locator – Free Cesar Millan, the famous Mexican dog handler, says that all dogs have a “fulfilment formula”. Now you have no excuse not to have a fit and compliant dog thanks to the Dog Park Locator app. Dog Park Buddy – Free Enter Dog Park Buddy. Dog Friendly – Free Spending On My Dog – $0.99 USD Your Thoughts? Are you a dog owner?

Setting up a PPTP connection on Windows 8 | FinchVPN Move your mouse to the lower right hot corner to display the Charms Bar. Select Settings. Select Control Panel. Click Network and Internet. Click Network and Sharing Center on the right panel. Click Setup a new connection or Network. A wizard to set up a connection or network will be shown. Choose Use my Internet connection (VPN). The Internet address to connect to is depends on which server you wanted to connect to (Eg fr-01.****.com for France 01), for the Destination name just use the same one you enter for Internet address. Un étonnant bunker pour millionaires Voici un étonnant projet dont le développement se déroule au Kansas. Il s'agit d'un abri anti atomique de luxe destiné aux millionnaires. Conçu dans un ancien silo à missile, le bunker baptisé " Survival Condo Project" se présente comme un énorme immeuble de 15 étages enfouis sous terre. Il surfe sur la peur de l'apocalypse et le développement du mouvement survivaliste pour tenter de séduire quelques richissimes millionnaires prêts à investir dans une résidence post apocalyptique de luxe. Capable d'accueillir 70 personnes sur ses nombreux niveaux, et de les maintenir en vie pendant de nombreuses années, le bunker propose divers appartements équipés d'écrans plats, d'une piscine, d'un cinéma, d'une salle de sport, librairie, salle de cours, et même d'un bloc opératoire. L'alimentation électrique de l'ensemble est assurée par un réseau dédié relié à une éolienne et à des groupes électrogènes de secours. Chaque appartement est proposé à un prix variant de 1,5 à 3 millions de dollars...

MagiCam Is a Fast, Simple Camera from the Makers of Camera+ untitled Je Me Gare Comme Un Connard - L'incivilité pratique à la portée de l'automobiliste stationné Terrain Home Is A Launcher With Smart Universal Search [Android] One of the key features that has made Android so popular is the extreme customizability. And what better example of customization than the wide range of launchers available for the platform could you get?. Although, Android devices come with the manufacturer’s favored launcher out of the box, the Play Store offers a plethora of alternatives that work just as well, or in some cases better than the stock one. Terrain (or Terrain Home: Sidebar & Search as labelled on Google Play) is new home screen replacement app that aims to make your Android experience simpler and more streamlined by putting frequently accessed features up and front. Terrain provides its users quick access to three main areas i.e. The last, but definitely not the least, awesome thing about Terrain is its Smart Sidebar feature which gives a bird’s eye view of things like frequent contacts, news feed, quick settings (WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS), weather, and so on. When it comes to customization, Terrain doesn’t disappoint.

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